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Tomorrow starts another semester for me. Still only going to school part time. Am pondering about finding a part time job along the way. I will be working with 3rd graders this time for my clinicals.


Have got my hair cut and fresh highlights (not cheap to do that), gotten some new clothes, and lost 4 lbs.


I am motivated about another semeseter, but still feel my life is lacking something. Not sure what yet. Still determined to meet a guy and find a relationship. I dont seem to do that well in that dept, overall. Last semester saw the demise of a potential relationship with a guy from school and online dating blew up in my face.


What else do I need to succeed and find someone this time around. I am on the quest to lose more weight (cutting down meals to only 1 1/2 meals a day), exercising somewhat.


I know a positive attitude is a good thing and can go a long way.

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You seem to have a very upbeat attitude even though you feel as if you are missing something, and honey lemme tell ya, if you think you NEED to be in a relationship just check out the site! That will sober your thoughts for awhile. You sound like a busy woman already, stay that way and shoot for the stars...Thats how I 'read' you when I read your posts...enjoy it all now, the rest will come. What is that phrase? Do we get what we need or need what we want? I forget...sounds good though huh!

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hey - glad to hear about the weight loss! I just want to caution you though, to keep eating 3-6 meals a day. don't skip! in fact, it may slow down your metabolism to only eat 1.5 meals a day. better to have smaller meals, with more lean meats and vegetables, and less creamy sauces, greasy things, and cheesy things. control your portion sizes.


I think when you get back to school, schedule an appointment with the nutrionist and get some feedback about a healthy diet.

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Demise of a potential relationship? Are you talking about the one or two dates you had with one guy in school? See, that is the problem - referring to it in those dramatic and dramatically negative terms - same thing with on line dating - how did it blow up? did someone attack you? did you go on 100 dates where not one called back? That is precisely what you need to change.


and the more exercise the better - I find it to be a great mood elevator.

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Shikashika, I live in CA. It's been cold out here.


I am trying to start off the semester being a bit more positive. Not sure how that will turn out. I tend to go through cycles of happiness and depression.


I am hoping a positive upbeat attitude will compell the gods to drop a guy in my lap.



Yes!!!!!! it's very cold in CA right now.

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Ren, please don't cut down meals 3 meals is a healthy amount! If you REALLY want to lose weight (I think you look gorgeous anyway!) focus on changing what's in the meals. Mooch around for low fat, low calorie recipies and eat until your heart is content!


You're one of the most positive people I know - I admire that so!



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