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what the heck is she on?

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i responded with a neutral all is well email from her intial letter in the mail and this is what she wrote back to me, original letter here------( )


i am confused......i responded and told her that i missed her too and i still have her bear and she responded back to keep him(a little hope i guess she gave) lol


Thanks, xxxxxx: )

This means so much to me.

I have been doing well, as I said.

Well in a new sense (finally refusing to get comfort from a person to heal me....and recognizing

that God really is the ANSWER).


There's one thing I did not write in the letter; and that is that I miss you.

I miss you very much, xxxxxxxx.

It was so incredibly hard letting go....but maybe now you know that with YOU

always making it hard....I HAD TO BE EXTREME ; (


I don't have to remind you how close we were. xxxxxxx, I'm so afraid I'll never move past

the feeling we shared. But, I have to accept that.

Perhaps God has more important plans for me.

It's such a relief to read this. Letting you go was sooo hard b/c I had to risk recognizing

what may be happening on your end. It's mind-torturing!!!! But that's what God expected

from me. A lot is happening to me. I am coming alive again, xxxxxxxx!

Even though I cry soooo much at night in my pillow- I am feeling empowered again

(do you remember that strong, happy me?) Anyway, I'm glad you're getting on in

a good way, too. Praise God. I prayed so hard for you just this morning.


Keep in touch, xxxxxxx.


PS Do you still have the little Bear? Or did you burn him by now?

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Hey kickedin-


I've been following your story and I really can't for the life of me understand what more you need to realize this woman is a complete whack job.


Brother, open your eyes and put a tent over this circus already!




oh i did.......but she sent me a letter i guess i am just being a classy gentlmen


i havent done anything since

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oh i did.......but she sent me a letter i guess i am just being a classy gentlmen


Do you consider it class towards yourself to put yourself through this and let her jerk your feelings around?


True class goes both ways and I only see it going her way here. That's not what real class is about.

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I think she is on crack. Maybe a little vicodin on the side.




Just reading that one letter, I got the feeling she was extremely self-absorbed. Then I read the other letter in your other thread. Yup. Still full of herself. WOW.


I think you're wasting your class on her. She's just writing to you to fuel her ego and feel better for breaking up with you. It's so selfish. There's no REAL concern for you.

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Looks like she's trying to grab on to threads here. Now that you have the "upper hand or as George Kastanza put it 'hand'" you take it and run. Don't look back (yes, I realize you still love this girl, even after all this), just run. Run like a pack of lions are chasing your * * * * *. I'm assuming that you've improved yourself during your tenure away from here, why wreck all that work? You now have hand, just run brother, strap on yer Nikes (or whatever brand your comfortable with) and run. You have proved to yourself that life is possible without her.

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Looks like she's trying to grab on to threads here. Now that you have the "upper hand or as George Kastanza put it 'hand'" you take it and run. Don't look back (yes, I realize you still love this girl, even after all this), just run. Run like a pack of lions are chasing your * * * * *. I'm assuming that you've improved yourself during your tenure away from here, why wreck all that work? You now have hand, just run brother, strap on yer Nikes (or whatever brand your comfortable with) and run. You have proved to yourself that life is possible without her.



pretty much...and everyday even though i miss her i work on me

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good for you, move on... it sounds like she's trying to put you in some kind of weird competition with God in her own head, that one you can't win...


whack jobs make terrible partners... maybe she's bi-polar or something, but not your problem, no winning when someone is that mercurial, just move on, cut contact, find someone who isn't in some weird struggle with you vs. God.

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...or Borderline Personality Disorder..


Kicked -I have read all of your posts on this "relationship" - It is so, so, so obvious that you are waaaaaaaaaaaay too good for this woman!


Sheez! I don't even know where to start!


I had a female friend, who dated a guy -who was the same as this woman!



Actually, that show (the USA version) 'Wife Swap' -did you ever see the episode where that Christian Marguerite woman has that "meltdown" at the end of the episode...?


I think the scene has been posted all over the internet -on a lot of popular video uploading sites....


Do yourself a favour, and watch that scene -Google Marguerite Perrin and wife swap.... you should be able to find it...


*shudders.... -A brief glimspe into the future if you keep persuing this relationship..?

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