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Schools about to start! What're some good non-awkward ways to meet girls in class?

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#1 - Make eye contact!


See how they respond. If they look or smile back at you then say hi. Practise being friendly - not just with the girls you're attracted to, but to girls in general. Talk about how boring the teacher is. If you miss a class, ask a girl if you can photocopy her notes. Ask her what her major is. Doesn't have to be anything smooth. You don't need pick up lines.


If you don't want to sit right next to a cute girl, sit in front of her or two seats over.

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ditto to everything the original posters said! I've been asked out several times in class when guys asked to study with me. so, yeah, sit by a girl you potentially find interesting, if you miss class, ask if you can photocopy her notes, or just talk to her about whatever. like the others said, just be friendly and nice.


good luck!!!

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Depends; are you in high school or college/university? Because in high school, chances are you'll know the majority of girls already, so talking to them once you know shouldn't be too hard (so I say, right?)


But I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're in college/university...? (I don't really know. lol) Anyway, if that's the case... it can be a bit more difficult. You don't want to be seen as creepy, so just randomly sitting with strange women; it's gutsy, I'll give ya that, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to pick up chicks. I'm honestly not sure if the whole school scene works that way, actually. If I learn something that does work in that sort of environment, I'll be sure to let you know! lol


I imagine the majority of people who date within college/university meet at parties or were already dating before they got there. Just my two cents.

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I wouldn't say this is true. I used to sit in one area of lecture, by another girl I knew from that class. A guy sat behind us, he randomly knew the other girl, and he asked me and her and another guy from the class to be in a study group. Then, he called me to ask me some questions about an upcoming assignment and we had a really good talk on the phone. After that, he asked me out on a date and we dated for a little while.


so, yeah, if there is a girl who seems interesting to you, go sit in her general area for a while, and maybe if there is an upcoming test, ask a few of the people in your area (her included!) And you know, you can slowly shift things more in the ways of dating.....


In another class, it was a lab, the TA told us we all had to partner up. This guy looked at me and said, "will you be my partner?" so, I said ok, and we did our homework together and briefly dated.

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Well, study groups... yeah. But what about those who don't need them? (See, being smart has its disadvantages, you know.)


LOL - that's not true! I don't want to brag, but I was often at the top of my classes, as were my friends who I did a study group with. I learn best in a cooperative fashion, where we all help each other and out and explain stuff to each other. A lot of "smart" people got that way because we worked cooperatively, it can be a more efficient way to learn and get stuff done if you have a good group of people.

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In university: I did all of those things my freshmen year, and I had fun. I didn't do anything sophomore year, I guess because I was let down by my expectations of hoping to have a lasting relationship and many other reasons. I kind of gave up on people last semester because I was too worried about myself.


I can go from being totally loud and out going to a quiet loner. I started becoming a quiet loner in the middle of sophomore year. But I can do anything if I feel like it, and I don't know if I feel like it right now because of too many things I know would happen, or atleast I think I do.


Though I know I'm content right now.

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LOL - that's not true! I don't want to brag, but I was often at the top of my classes, as were my friends who I did a study group with. I learn best in a cooperative fashion, where we all help each other and out and explain stuff to each other. A lot of "smart" people got that way because we worked cooperatively, it can be a more efficient way to learn and get stuff done if you have a good group of people.


Okay, fair enough. I didn't mean to sound disrespectful. I'm sure you're very bright. That's not how I meant it.


I've never been one to learn in a group setting, so that was where I was going with that. Study groups aren't for everyone, that was all I meant.

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I think starting a study group, with the ulterior motive of meeting chicks is a bad idea. It's so deceptive and sly. Not my style at all.


Anyway, you said you became a quiet loner. How did this happen? Do you want to become more extroverted again or nah? Because if you're happy the way you are, then what is the problem? I was always given to understand women like the extroverted, friendly guy. So if you can do anything, then just go back to being Mr. Sociable, and I'm sure you could strike up a conversation with just about any girl.

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I met countless guys in my classes. Some I would go on dates with. Some I would party with. Some would just go and smoke pot with me after class. Some ended up hooking up with my friends. (which is why it's important to talk to all sorts of girls - even if you aren't into them they probably have cute friends). Some I would just study with. Classes are a wonderful place to meet people!


Then there's also clubs (political, cultural, sports...) Joining the snowboarding club is a great way to meet girls because you go on weekend snowboarding trips where you do lots of eating and drinking, and very little snowboarding.


Libraries are also a great place to meet people. Making eye contact is easy because people are bored and their eyes wander. And they're always happy to have a distraction from the textbooks.


The university bar is also a place I met plenty of people. Mine was open all day and students would go hang out in there between classes. It's more of a social setting, but without all the loud music and drunk people.


There's no trick to it. Just open up, look around, get in the practise of being friendly...

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I met countless guys in my classes. Some I would go on dates with. Some I would party with. Some would just go and smoke pot with me after class. Some ended up hooking up with my friends. (which is why it's important to talk to all sorts of girls - even if you aren't into them they probably have cute friends). Some I would just study with. Classes are a wonderful place to meet people!


Sounds like you're a pretty sexy and outgoin girl. My female equivalent

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Libraries are also a great place to meet people. Making eye contact is easy because people are bored and their eyes wander. And they're always happy to have a distraction from the textbooks.



You met people in libraries? How did that work?? I've tried that before and I just felt completely creepy trying to check out girls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're going to be in the same room with them for months, right? You'll meet them without even trying.


Anyhow, on the first day of class, and the entire first week, they're just trying to focus on school and getting oriented. I think it'd bother them if you were approaching them at that time.


Anyhow, you should be focused on school and getting oriented the first week too. I suggest you don't even worry about meeting girls the first week. After that, you'll meet them naturally because you're all together in same room for months, right?


That based on your question, which was how to meet them. If your question was how to approach them, I might have a different answer for after the first week of class, but for the first week, just leave them alone, in peace, and concentrate on your studies.


When the time comes, you can smile, and say "Hi, what's your name?" like poster above said.

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You met people in libraries? How did that work?? I've tried that before and I just felt completely creepy trying to check out girls.


That's worked awesome for me, especially if they were already an acquaintance. I love the library - books, smart women patrons, librarians. The library has it all! Nothing turns me on like a young sexy librarian peering at me over her glasses. That's my type! To me, young is any woman under 35. I'll change my definition of young as I get older.

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