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What to do when he/ she is sick?

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What are some of the things you do or do not do when the person that you like is currently sick?


Do you tell them: get better soon, bring them warm soup, ... what?


The girl I like says she doesn't want to see me this weekend because she's really sick at the moment. She sounded horrible on the phone. I said I could come over and take out her dogs, and help her clean her 'messy' house, but she said no. I respect that and will let her be. She can call me when she wants to talk.

Or should I have done something different? No means no right?


Do you guys/ girls find it nice when someone is there for you even when your sick? Or do you just want to be left alone?

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When I am sick, I like it when someone comes to visit, but then I also like to be alone too when I am sick. Usually when I am sick, I want someone to help me pick up meds, etc.


The last time I got really sick was when I had surgery a few years ago. My SO at that time came up and took care of me, got me my meds at the pharmacy down the street, etc.


Sometimes, maybe people dont want to be seen when they are sick.

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yeah, I also don't like to be seen when I am sick. because I am a coughing, hacking mess, and my skin breaks out, and I just feel terrible. dark circles under the eyes. I also don't want to get anyone else sick.


just tell her ok, and ask her out for the next weekend, or once she gets better.

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It all depends on how comfortable I am with the person. If I'm in a comitted relationship, I would definitely love the company. The fact that he'd want to see me at my worst and would want to take care of me would mean a lot.


However, if I was just dating someone casually, I would NOT want him seeing me in that state. Might scare him off

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Whether or not I want company when I'm sick depends on what kind of sick I am. If I've got the flu and am running to the bathroom to puke every half hour, or I'm contagious, I want to be alone. Anything else and I enjoy a little company.


If you 2 aren't very close yet, I would just go by what she says. You could send a care package, depending on what she needs. Be creative!

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You did right. Arrange for flowers to be sent if you want to show her you care, but I think that no really does mean no when you are sick. It's too much like hard work to make conversation, be a host, when all you want to do is curl up in bed and sleep.

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I like someone coming around and not staying, but bringing me a bag of goodies - lemsips, orange juice, soup, paper, etc (all cheap!); making me a cup of tea, redoing my hot water bottle and then leaving asap. Makes me feel cherished!! And saying I look frail or something, rather that 'god you look rough!; lol.

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As we all know, women, men all have different ways of dealing with things...Especially being sick. When the bf is ill he wants me there to take care of doggies, soup company. But when I am sick I want solitude. Snuggle up with those gross sweaty-fever sheets, the tissue garbage overflowing and soup in my slippers and sweats while I watch some old movie I have seen a thousand times before. Don't bug her too much, just let her know you are there for her and if she needs you she will call...maybe she is not ready to have you see her in a state of disarray...

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Yeah, some people love attention when they're sick and others simply want to be left alone. I'm kinda in the middle of the road - the first day or two, I'm really tired and cranky and I just want to sleep all day and stay in bed. After that, if I am still sick, I am usually feeling a bit better and happy with a bit of company and fussing.

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Well, like I stated in another post (can't remember exactly where), I am re reading the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. One of the book's main points is how men and women react to problems and stress. Men tend to go into their "caves" and want to be left alone to solve the problems on their own, while women prefer to talk about their problems, not necessarily expecting the person they are talking to to be able to fix the problem. I imagine that being sick would be like any other problem.

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Yeah, depends on the person and the relationship. Early on, the last thing I want is someone I am still in the dating stages is for them to see me at my crappiest....


However in a long term deal, I think that is one of the things that is a good "test" of sorts to find out their true nature.


A couple years ago a few months after we started dating I got horribly ill, I had to go to the hospital and everything a couple times and was seriously delirous for a while, and my boyfriend was amazing...taking me to the ER, bringing me fluids, cleaning out my puke bucket *yuck*....but it did show that he was a great guy!


My mother has been seriously ill with cancer, and my stepfather has been AMAZING to her, and so knowing I have a partner whom would be there, and me there for him, in those circumstances one day is very important for me. I used to date a man whom was seriously ill for many months, and he did die eventually, and so I learned that even when you are young those are things that you cannot not think about too...about people loving you completely even at those worsts in life I mean.


But, as I said, does not mean I want people to see me at those times!

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