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will she come back, I think both yes and no.. yes down the road she'll realize that the grass isnt always greener and she gave somebody up who loved her more then anybody else ever has


Why are you still thinking about "what she wants"?? You should be thinking more about "WHAT YOU WANT". She never thought about you when she left you, did she?


I know right now you're still hurting and all you want is her. But, I think you should take some time off, be on your own, and think what you want from life and from her and whether you really want her back or not.


I know it's really hard I been going through the same eveyday. I still love her and miss her. But, I am tired of thinking about her and feeeling sad for her. She was the one who left me. She never cared about my feelings. So, why should I care about what she wants? I am going to take care of myself now and do what I want to!


I still cant decide if I should go on "our" cruise alone mid jan or just not go at all?


I think you should go for it. Take some time off. Enjoy. Who knows maybe you might meet someone special out there?

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It's x-mas and I am sitting in front of my PC, thinking about my ex and missing her. I didn't get a msg or email wishing me (I didn't expect one either) She must be having so much fun spending time with her sis and also getting back with her ex. I stopped snooping around. It wasn't taking me anywhere. Atleast she's happy. She got what she wanted.


Merry x-mas dear ex. Hope you're having a great time. I still miss you like crazy. Wish you were here with me right now. I would do anything to have to here now with me. Just because you decided to give up and move on, doesn't mean that I will stop loving you or caring about you. I still love you the same way I used to when you were with me; infact even more now. I keep thinking about you the whole day and I've been dreaming a lot more about you these days.


Me not talking to you is my x-mas gift to you . This is something that you always wanted badly right? I hope you like your gift coz there is nothing more I can give you. I just want you to be happy wherever you are, with whoever you are. Good Night.


I am really thinking whether or not to send this messsage. I just want her to know how much I miss her. Also, at the same time I don't want her to think that I am a loser/stalker and forward this message to all her friends and have a good laugh about it

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after the voice mail I got from her last night its so hard to not call/txt her today. but she doesnt deserve that love from me, she did this to me.

she lied and cheated and then broke up with me leaving me for this girl she cheated on me with!!! jumping from one relationship to another before it was even over!


merry xmas, I deserve better then you!

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I did it 30 days of no contact. Wow. I only feel god because, they know what they are doing when they leave us. I have to respect that. I would take here back. I been thinking alot of what that says about me. I wonder if some one told me my story; as an out sider would i say that person does not deserve you move on. let it go. That is all I can do now. NC every one NC.

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No that is normal emailing him old letters of when he loved you. Maybe your being a door mate because your life just changed and you have not control over it. Someone else does, when that happens we have no choice, but remember. it is your life. Live it for you. Right now your lover made his feelings clear. respect them and yourself. Show self worth and keep things pleasent. also read the book by blase harris. How to get your ex back. Its very good.

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I did it 30 days of no contact. Wow. I only feel god because, they know what they are doing when they leave us. I have to respect that. I would take here back. I been thinking alot of what that says about me. I wonder if some one told me my story; as an out sider would i say that person does not deserve you move on. let it go. That is all I can do now. NC every one NC.


Hey, man, congratulations on the 30 days of NC. Keep moving forward.


I'm on day 13. Do you have any tips on making it through? Were certain weeks harder than others?

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I just came accross this (well traveled!) thread. What a great idea! I accept this challenge. I had my girlfriend of 2 years split up with me about 2 weeks ago, and gave myself a similar challenge. It has been difficult, especially so close to the holidays, but I have maintained NC so far. I feel myself wimping out a little, though. So, this challenge should help.


Thanks, anyone, for any support (typed or otherwise) you can send my way.


welcome to NC. whats your story. sharing sometimes helps

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Day six.

I am scared I willl break down and call her tomorrow, or today I mean. Its Christmas, and she said she wanted to see me when she was in town from Grad school the last time we talked, which was 6 days ago.

We haven't seen eachother in 2 months and the breakup was over the phone a month ago.

I really want to see her, but what good will it do me I think? She's already dating another guy, and she has no idea I know.

So I'm struggling the urge to call and maybe see her before she goes back to school. The whole break up over the phone thing is really bothering me.[/QUO


Hey NC is great. it works if you work it. You are right it will do no good if she is dating someone else. just work on you. Start a journal, read some good books.. The bonds that make us free is great. highly recommended on amazon. But ya just stick with NC. good luck.

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Dear Lord,


Please help me get through this day


Hey. you will get through this. While don't you share your story it helps. Hey I know it hurts. I was not fair with my ex, I sent flowers for two weeks and lot of other crazy stuff, sure it was to late, yes I even said I would change. So here I am 3 month later and it is better. sure I still want her, but i got through it and you will to.

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Hey, man, congratulations on the 30 days of NC. Keep moving forward.


I'm on day 13. Do you have any tips on making it through? Were certain weeks harder than others?


Not really. it was easy in the end, but as time went on I know she loved me. Man was i stupid to treat her how i did. well not bad, but she was alone in that relationship alot. so no it may get harder for you. You may just wake up and the spell is broke, but nothing can help change thier minds. Just leave them to themselve. if it ment to be it will be. Sorry I had no tips.. So what is your story. it help to share sometimes.

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How can someone I spent 3 years of my life with just cut me out of it?


I guess that's the question we are all trying to ask ourselves and the people on this forum.


To be honest noone knows the "right" answer to that question - not even the person who left you.


Stay strong. Continue your NC. Maybe things might get clearer with time.

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I knew today would be hard but that is an understantement.

not only am I exremely sad/heartbroken today but also very lonely.

while its nice to be with my parents the "plan" was to be with her family for xmas and then here in 2 weeks for a 10day cruise... i just keep thinking this is all a bad dream. how could somebody who loves you treat you like this??


Been the same for me today also. Hang in there. You aren't alone in this.
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It seems Christmas holidays are the most difficult things ever. For of a sudden, things come flying at us like bricks. My goodness. Everything seems to just fall apart on these few off days. No matter how prepared you are for them, the quiet, the inacitivy, the lethargy, everything makes it horrible.


At least I feel happy I have this site to come to and share the misery

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At least I feel happy I have this site to come to and share the misery


I agree with you. I am just going crazy sitting all alone at home. Most of my friends are all busy on vacation or with family. Everyone seems soo happy. Everyone seems to be having so much fun. I sooo want to be that person!!! I want to forget my ex, I want to move on and I want to HAVE FUN!!!


I spent the whole of yesterday outdoors on a road trip. It was nice but all I could think about was my ex. I kept thinking about the times we had gone on a trip like that. I was literally figthting my tears in the car.


Today, I am just NUMB. I feel NOTHING. Infact I feel tired of thinking about her. My head hurts coz of all the thinking I've done for the last couple of weeks. She's not worth it. Nobody who makes you go thru pain is worth it.

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