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Day 5 has passed. I thought about her all day. I find working out helps a lot, keeps my mind busy, and being in shape and looking better helps boost my confidence. I hate not knowing how she's doing or what fun things she's up too. I want to call or text but I know I can't. Today I thought about 2 of my friends who where a couple and broke up. He was so mad at her he refused to talk to her. She started dating someone else for awhile. Soon she broke up with this guy and started talking to her ex again, they have been back together for about a year and a half now, happier than ever. I hope that's how things work out for me (though I'd rather she not date someone, that would hurt). Well hopefully day 6 is better, and hopefully she starts missing me soon.

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This is a really hard day for me. I feel uncomfortable and so uncertain about everything. I want to sleep this day away. But I wont. I'll go work out, and maybe that will make me feel better. I haven't had a day this hard for about a month now- right after we broke up.

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I miss her....


I miss her friendly words, I miss her honesty, I miss the way she teased me, I miss intimate conversation, I miss her brown eyes. I drank too much last night and listened to all the music she sent me. Really... It was pathetic.


When does a heart find happiness that lasts?

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i decided to also write out my trials and tribulations... i was on day 20 of NC last night when i hung out with some friends at a local club. a girl friend of mine convinced me last night to send a some text messages. (no drunk texting though) one at 12:24 "just thinking of you" and one at 2:19 "Good night XXXX. I miss you.". she said that even though girls say they need space they are lieing. they need to feel needed and that i should at least once in a while let her know that i am thinking about her. I don't think i buy into this and I am afraid that that will only push her away. the problem with text messages though is that they don't show action.

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Good old day 7......... This sucks. But hey, I'm better today than yesterday. I've decided whenever I get angry about this (mostly I'm sad, but I have moments of anger) I take it out on the treadmill. That seems to be helping. A little anyway........

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DAY 30 .... DAY 30 .... DAY 30 .... DAY 30 .... DAY 30


I never thought I'd make it, but here I am. I had a celebration ritual and burnt the 2 photos of him that I've kept in my wallet for the past 5 years and then I stamped on the ashes.


Yesterday I changed my broadband as I was getting it free through his employer. The last time I spoke to him (which was 30 days ago by the way), he told me that I could keep the free broadband for the foreseeable future until he bought himself a laptop and then he'd take it back. Yesterday, I decided to take the bull by the horns and get rid of the free broadband myself. I liked getting broadband for free but not at the cost of being linked to him.


Tomorrow I will make an appointment with my solicitor so I can write him out of my will. I will also be contacting the company that deals with my pension to make sure he won't get the lump sum payment if I were to die.


If he were to contact me, his preferred method would be via text. For the past week, I've had my mobile switched off. I checked it yesterday but have switched it off again.


I am successful and fabulous and am getting more so every day. He was a millstone round my neck and now I am free ........

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I've decided whenever I get angry about this (mostly I'm sad, but I have moments of anger) I take it out on the treadmill. That seems to be helping. A little anyway........


Keep up with working out. Since my ex broke up with me I've been doing it and I'm feeling great and am starting to think I'm sexy again! It'll put you in a good mood and keep your mind off of them. I think if she sees me again she will regret it at this point, in just 6 days of NC I've made huge changes. If you want your ex to really regret their choice keep up the good work!

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Keep up with working out. Since my ex broke up with me I've been doing it and I'm feeling great and am starting to think I'm sexy again! It'll put you in a good mood and keep your mind off of them. I think if she sees me again she will regret it at this point, in just 6 days of NC I've made huge changes. If you want your ex to really regret their choice keep up the good work!


I second this. If I do happen to see him again he won't know what hit him . I know exercising whenever I feel really sad or sorry for myself has made me feel better.

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I'm back to Day 1 again. I was at 36, but broke NC yesterday when I called his mom and he answered. I am starting NC again because it's good for me, but I may break it on July 4th when I go to his brother's house for a picnic, as there is a good chance he'll be there. I hope not - I hope he's out of town, but I also realize I won't be able to avoid him forever and I'm going to have to learn to deal with it. His entire family is a part of my life, and I can't avoid them just to avoid him.

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Today isn't too bad so far, but I had yet another dream about him. It seems like those aren't going to go away any time soon. I guess it's nice to feel like I'm still with him for a little while even if it's in my dreams. The waking up part just sucks.


Update: He contacted me today. He sent some short, vague message...I guess expecting me to bite and ask what he was talking about. It's SO hard not to respond, but I've made it 21 days without talking to him. I suppose I can make it another 9. I'm going to have to walk away from the computer and sit on my hands or something lol.

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It's not really a challenge for me anymore. I have nothing to say to my ex ever again. It will take a lot of effort from her to get me back in her life. Not as a girlfriend but as a friend.


I'm not heartbroken as such. I'm more embarrassed and upset that somebody that claims to be a friend can treat me so badly with no remorse.


I told my ex on Saturday that friendship is a two way thing and that she's made her point perfectly clear. I told her that I was trying to build bridges but it clearly wasn't worth it. I ended by saying "Bye bye". No response and I won't get one ever. She won't care. She used me as emotional support to make the break up feel less harsh. Plus after the way she treated me before and after the break up, it made her feel less guilty for being a lying selfish coward.


She's made no attempt to explain her actions meaning she doesn't care about me at all. Her loss. I just feel like an idiot for treating her so nicely. She is right, she has changed. Changed for the worst.


Maybe one day she will get burned and be treated the way she treated me. It sounds horrible but I really do hope so. She deserves it. I know people say that you should wish your ex well and all that nonsense but why should I when she's not respected me or my feelings?

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2 weeks woohoo!

i dont want her anymore after reflecting on her faults and how her breaking up with me probably saved me from disaster after marriage.


the only scenario i would consider getting back together now is if she has actually worked on herself which is unlikely as she jumped straight to a rebound guy.

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Woo Hoo! This is the longest I've had no contact with him. Although we haven't talked realtionship stuff in weeks, I still had contact to pick my things up, and drop his off. Although he tried to make small talk with me last time I saw him (to see what's going on in my life), I politely just grabbed my things, set his down on the table, told him to take care, and left.


Sorry buddy, but you made the choice not to know what's going on in my life when you broke up with me! (feeling a bit bitter right now, but this feeling will pass soon!)

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