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A male friend of mine has freaked me out.

I know he is STILL pining over his ex. I asked him how many days of NC.


521 days he told me. And he STILL talks theoretically about them getting back together and having kids.


Hmm I think he needs to stop counting and move on.

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Day 10


I broke NC today. I finally realized that what was missing from my old relationship was my love. Sure there are/were problems aside from that, but this is the most significant. I took her for granted. We took each other for granted.


I have learned to be happy with and to love myself. She told me back when we split up, "I can't give you the love you deserve." It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I realized, "No, she can't... Only I can give that to me!"


Continuing with NC, at this point, will only further reinforce to her that I didn't love her. So I have opened the doors of communication (I replied to her last e-mail). Can I be just friends with her? Yes. I thought in the car today, "Would I be okay if she told me that she was seeing someone/engaged?" I smiled and thought, "Yes, because she would be happy." I want her to be happy with or without me.


While I never completed the "30 day NC challenge," I know that I have myself back... What does the future hold for me and my ex? I don't know, but I will look forward to it either way!



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Broke NC to for a business issue. Not personal e-mail or what not. Purely business.


She didn't respond which was somewhat of a surprise.


My guess is she is coming up with her counter offer.


Laff I talked with her new roommate's ex fiance who said he would have * * * * * ed out my ex for her behavior had she said anything.

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I'm currently on day 3.


I rang him on Monday night and had a big chat and just tried to get every single thing I could possibly think of wanting to say to him and talk about out so that I could then throw myself into NC properly this time around. So far has been great and I have had no urge to contact him. Apart from feeling a little apprehensive about having to spend the entire weekend with his mum at a seminar plus an estimated 6hr travel time in total - I have been feeling fantastic. It has been just over 3 weeks since the dreaded "This isn't working for me" was uttered and I'm definitely looking towards the future in a positive light and have been my cheery smiling and laughing self. Probably helps that I lost a little weight and am feeling fabulous about myself though!

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Day 1


Okay, this time I'll really stick with it, because I realized that I don't want her back anymore. I sent her a final e-mail yesterday saying that I can't be friends, and that I prefer that she didn't contact me anymore so we can both move on with "class" and "dignity." I am done!


I feel great! I finally realized that the woman I loved is dead. In her place is some immature, selfish, and irrational being... She has a lot of growing up to do. And you know what?


Someday I'm gonna run accross your mind

Don't worry, I'll be fine

I'm gonna be alright

While you're sleeping with your pride

Wishing I could hold you tight

I'll be over you

And on with my life


-You'll Think of Me (Keith Urban)





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