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Need some ideas for romantic, pleasureful night

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Hi, my girlfriend is just coming home from a business trip of about 3 weeks and I promised her I'd have a nice evening set up that would definitely include some sexual activity as she seems to be rather excited to come home. I want to make the evening romantic, pleasureful, and fun and maybe try some new things since its a special night. However, I'm having a hard time thinking up ideas. So far I have this....she's coming in in the early afternoon Saturday....I'm going to cook a dinner for us that night (Don't worry she likes my cooking so i won't screw that up) and eat it in dimmer light with the candles lit....then i was thinking about moving on to a massage with some warming oil....i need some more ideas after this though...one of my friends (who sometimes has good ideas and sometimes not) suggested the old can of whipped cream deal...which i've tried on girls before and its worked...but i was looking for something better...if anybody has any good ideas to make everything more fun or pleasureful let me know...i'm open to ideas but nothing like way kinky please...we're fun but not that kinda fun lol


P.s. We're in our early 20's incase that makes a difference in what you would suggest.



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How about moving from dinner to dessert, something decadent (hit the bakery for ideas) and don't forget the wine, if she is a wine drinker, to help relax the atmosphere. Do you have a fireplace in you living room? If you do light a fire with soft music or a romantic movie playing in the background, dessert on the coffee table and a blanket on the floor. Talk and offer a shoulder rub while doing it. While rubbing her shoulders move slow and easy to other areas (ie: head, chin, ears, arms, chest ) I think you get my point. I wouldn't worry about the whipped cream or massage oil, too messy and for me it's hard to relax when you feel like taking a shower. Anyway that is my favorite kind of evening. I hope it helps.

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Music, some soft Jazz (Boney James, Kenny G are good), or light rock if you both like it.


Flowers always do it and rose petals in the bathtub w/ a bubble bath are a nice touch.


Scented candles, Jasmine/Ylang Ylang/Myrah work for romantic moods.


Dessert, anything chocolate and flavored truffles are also great.





I've made small cream puff shells w/ homemade hazelnut truffle filling and dipped them in a chocolate ganache for occasions like this.

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Being a girl, I would like to come home to rose petals on the floor in a candle lit room. Dinner is a good idea, but make sure what ever you cook isnt too heavy; you dont want to feel all stuffed and lazy afterwards. Champaigne always gets me in the mood! Uhmmm.... mabey you can get one of those fondue pots and make chocolate for dessert. Set up an area on the floor with a blanket and lots of pillows. Mabey the rose petals could be on the blanket as well as on the table were you have dinner. A nice scented candle would be nice as MacGyver suggested. And a card with something short and sweet is sure to make a girl happy!


As far as what you do on the floor, I suggest a blindfold. Kiss her all over. If you are on the floor, she wont know where your going next. Hold off on kissing her where she wants to be kissed for a while. I could go on, but it never really goes as planned anyway. Especially after your all aroused!

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I think anggrace has some good ideas there. Besides a blindfold really isn't all that kinky. It wouldn't be any different if she just kept her eyes closed. Or, if she doesn't like blindfolds, just make her promise to keep her eyes closed!

Anticipation is a very erotic thing. Since she's already looking forward to coming home. I think this would do the trick if it were me.

Good luck and have a great evening.

oh, btw, anggrace... i love your avatar... where do people get the avatars and how do they place them?

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I think anggrace has some good ideas there. Besides a blindfold really isn't all that kinky. It wouldn't be any different if she just kept her eyes closed. Or, if she doesn't like blindfolds, just make her promise to keep her eyes closed!

Anticipation is a very erotic thing. Since she's already looking forward to coming home. I think this would do the trick if it were me.

Good luck and have a great evening.

oh, btw, anggrace... i love your avatar... where do people get the avatars and how do they place them?


Thanks-The avatar is by an artist by the last name of Chueye. Its called "My Happiness is Riding on you". I had it saved it my files and just downloaded it into my avatar. Check him out. Hes got some interesting yet simple stuff.

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Try making the dinner all things you can feed each other with your fingers (chicken strips, a variety of hor d'uerve type things, sliced veggies and dip, etc). You can make the dessert the same and have whipped cream on the side. That can get naughty


Flowers are great - especially if you know what her favs are (or her fav colour at least). It would mean more if you remembered she loves daisys or something like that.


Fireplace would be nice. You can pick up a faux sheepskin rug at IKEA for pretty cheap

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