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Getting tested for a mental disorder- Good idea or not?

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I am thinking about going to a professional to be properly diagnosed with any mental disorders I may have.


I show signs of Social Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality, Depression, & I know that I definitely have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


I know I cant possibly have all of these things, if any… well maybe I could? I don’t know… but is it worth getting tested?


I am wondering if it will make me feel better knowing what I have… or if knowing will let me use it as an excuse for behaving badly. i.e if I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder then I might start feeling its ok to behave like that.



So my questions are:

-Is it helpful or not to get tested?

-Has anyone experienced what I described about using it as an excuse?

-Would it be best to see a psychologist, psychiatrist or someone else to have a test done?

-Is it a written test or do they just ask you questions?

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I can't really give you answers for your questions. I have questions for you... How much do the symptoms you have affect your life, really? Because most people do suffer from some (if not a few) mental disorders. If having these symptoms is getting in the way of you living your life then you should seek professional help, and not worry so much about the diagnosis.

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It sounds like you've already done some research and a bit of "self-diagnosis," which can sometimes be harmful, as you may truly come to believe you have X, Y or Z even though it's never been confirmed. How long have you thought you might be depressed, have borderline personality disorder, etc.? Why do you feel like it might be helpful to be diagnosed?

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How much do the symptoms you have affect your life, really? Because most people do suffer from some (if not a few) mental disorders. If having these symptoms is getting in the way of you living your life then you should seek professional help, and not worry so much about the diagnosis.

The depression has effected me very badly. I think about suicide sometimes. My "shyness" or social anxiety (whatever it is) also makes my life VERY difficult. I have trouble just doing things like going to the grocery store some days. I will panic and get butterflies in my stomach thinking about being around so many people. It also effects me because I have trouble maintaining friends etc.


I have recently made a decision to make the effort to get better and not just give up.

What trauma did you suffer?

Alcoholic father/ physically abusive childhood growing up. I moved accross the country from him 2 years ago but I still seem to have huge self esteem issues/ not feeling worthy of happiness.


A person I used to work said he thinks I have post traumatic stress. He is in the army and said that the way I act is exactly how some of his men who had come back from war acted... some of them even commited suicide. Thats why I think I might have it, but I dont know!!


Also I dont have the money to go to a proffessional. I though maybe I could save up to go to one session and get tested and then maybe I could research it on my own???

I would really appreciate some more advice on this..

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go for it, go see a phychiatrist who may be able to point it out to you and they diagnose on medicine...it may be long term htough...


my bestfriend is bi polar and has social anxiety also, shes on pills for the rest of her life, but it seems to make her a lot more outgoing and it makes her not to stressed out...


i think aknoleging that you have a problem is the first big step to recovery...


As far as being worried about obsessing or using the disorder as a "excuse"

isnt such a good idea...Why would you want people to know this kind of thing anyway?.....


I understand you have no money for this, im pretty sure insurance may cover a lot of the expenses...exspecially if you end up having one of these disorders, they'll have to cover some of it...

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Basically, psychiatrists, at least in North America, medicate mental illness, whereas psychologists talk the person through it. Diagnosing a mental illness is pretty time-consuming; after about three visits, the doctor should be able to offer you some idea of what he thinks is wrong. Be very wary of someone who takes little or no time diagnosing you with something.


Which approach to take is dependent upon what's wrong with you, and how badly wrong it is. If you are Borderline, for example, right now the therapy of choice is Dialectic Behaviour Therapy, but waiting lists are long -- a year, in my area. If you have anxiety, medication might be absolutely necessary.


Getting diagnosed is helpful, once you get past the shock of having a label. A year or two of effective therapy can completely change your life. It is hard work, though, and you have to be prepared for it to basically take over your life for a couple of years.

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I'm interested in getting tested for a few mental disorders as well, but I also could never afford multiple visits to a psychiatrist, even though it would mean a lot for me to find out what, if any, disorders I have. I do have access to free psychologists, though, just not psychiatrists (and am well aware psychologists aren't trained in diagnosing disorders), so any suggestions for those of us who can't afford a psychiatrist? I've looked through books over symptoms but it's still very difficult and subjective to self diagnose.

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My answer was going to be similiar to Juliana's.


Not sure about the specifics in your area of the world, tho. You would need to do some heavy research and be willing to go through quite a few 'interviews' with various people before accepting just any old help.

I understand the sense of desperation to get some help, but it really does make all the difference in the world to find someone who is qualified/takes the time/who is interested and believes in your progress and knows they can help/who you feel is competent and can help you.


Where I am at, middle o canada, I am being treated by a pyschiatrist. The therapy is through him - not a separate pyschologist or therapist. And it is good. I see him every week.


Also, money. Mine is paid for through my work. If it wasn't though, I was willing to shell out the dough. Because the priority is high for me.

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I would be very careful in getting diagnosed. I had gone through an assessment when I was about 14 years old and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. They put me on medication, and set me up with a psychologist to talk to. It seemed like anything I did was because I had bipolar disorder, not just because I was a human being that had some emotional problems. As I got older I started to wonder if I was actually bipolar or not. Yes i did exert symtpoms of bipolar disorder but i decided to do some of my own research. I talked to allot of people who had bipolar disorder and was baffled when i found out what most of us had in common. All of us had been through some extreme cases of abuse. I was raised in a home with an alcoholic father who was emotionally, verbally, physically, and sexually abusive. So i had to ask myself would going through this kind of abuse growing up incline me to have a mental disorder?! Anyone that endures abuse usually ends up with problems but are they mental problems? Of course i've struggled with self-worth issues, anger issues, not being able to deal or handle my emotions, brokenness, depression, etc etc..LOTS of things. When i was about 17 I had had enough of dealing with therapists who told me that i had this mental disorder and couldn't tell me why I had it. So i went looking for someone that could help me solve the root of my problems rather then mask it over with prescrition drugs and slap a label on me and say this is why u are the way u are. I saw about 7 different psychologists in my search and they were all the same. I finally found something helpful. I started seeing a Christian Psychologist(not for everyone but it worked for me). She was able to help me work out my problems from the inside out. She helped me get to the roots of the problems, She told me that in most cases of people that have been labeled with mental disorders what they truly suffered from are matters of the heart. She was able to give me the tools and resources i needed to work those problems through and start living a more stable, balanced and healthy lifestlye, without medication! And its been a struggle but it has helped me more than anything else has! I am however still working through it. You tend to have allot of emotional baggage when you come out of any abusive situation. I hope this might help!

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