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Is online dating desperate??


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I've been having a hard time meeting people on my own and after hearing all the success stories on online dating, I've decided to give it a shot. I'm not talking about sites like myspace or anything, but more like eHarmony or link removed, where people seem to be more serious about find the right partner for their relationships. Problem is, my best friend is really against the whole idea and have been putting down on the idea ever since I brought it up. In her opinion, people resort to online dating when they are desperate and can't meet people on their own. What do you guys think??

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Well you yourself said that you have trouble meeting people on your own, it may be that dating websites will work for you or they may not. I personally have never done the whole dating website thing but I am not opposed to it, regardless of what your friend thinks if you want to do it then you should.

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I don't think it means you are desperate. It's just a new/different way to meet people.


And really, it might be easier to find someone. When you go out, who knows if you will even bump into a guy who's looking. But at least online, chances are that they are looking if they have a profile on a dating site.


If I were you, I would give it a try and see how you like it. It could be fun. Like DN said, just be careful with it.

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Well then call me desperate, but happily desperate



Seriously, not sure about your peers, but a great number of my friends and acquaintances have done it, or are doing it, and it really does not have a stigma in my circles of friends.


I did the online dating thing on and off for 2-3 years, along with just dating and meeting the regular old way. Had a couple relationships from it before meeting my boyfriend online whom I have been with now over 2 years, live with, have a house with, and plan on getting married after I am done schooling (damn student loans people would not give me money if I was married!).


It was a great way to meet people outside the usual circle of people you knew, and I was in a small office at work, had met all my friends friends, did not want anymore blind dates that OTHERS set up, met everyone through my hobbies....it was time to meet someone else! It allowed me to meet people that were great people, but not ones I would have ran into in daily life.


I know a lot of happy couples whom met online.

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I've tried it in the past (eharmony & yahoo singles) and I don't think there's anything wrong with it per se.


I met some nice people and some sort of 'eh' people but no one I really clicked with or was strongly attracted to. But lots of people have and do.


Give it shot, you never know, anything's possible, just above all the most important thing is to be sure to always be safe about it. Just the standard stuff: Always let people know where you will be, always meet in public, don't give out personal info. before you know someone really well, etc.


Have fun and Good Luck!

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Yeah, then I guess that made me desperate I don't know... it depends on a lot of factors. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, I think you're more apt to give it a try as opposed to someone who is a social butterfly and constantly going out with friends. As others posted, it's not desperation, at least, not usually... it's just another attempt at finding "the one". With millions upon millions of people online, the chances of finding someone compatible are pretty high. I met my boyfriend online. we've been together for just about 9 months now and I've never been happier. Was I looking online in desperation? Maybe. Do I think it was stupid to try it? Absolutely not.

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I tried it for a bit. Never had any successes with romance, but met some cool people and great friends from it who I still talk with regularly. it's just a different way to meet people....I wouldn't view it as an alternative to dating in the real world, but rather a supplement to it. i.e. I am not doing the whole online dating thing now....just because I much prefer meeting people offline better. but if i got bored and wanted to try it, i'd go back and just msg. some guys. it wouldn't be my only way of meeting people basically, or the ideal but I wouldn't write it off completely.


Also, the reason why I much prefer real life flirtation is because it's so much more fun than online, and body language, eye contact, etc. is a better indicator of whether you jive with someone than even an online profile. but again, my suggestion would be to try it but don't put all your eggs in one basket -- still go out, and meet new people through events, etc. as well.

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p.s. i wouldn't view it as desperate because i have no trouble finding guys in real life. i already have 4 dates lined up in the next 2 weeks so it's not like i can't find people who are interested. i'm good-looking...it's just that those people aren't guys i'm totally into and i don't see a problem with increasing your options. again if you view it as a supplement not a replacement for real-life interaction, it is not desperate.

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If you're a woman, online dating will be a boon to you.


Just follow precautions and learn how to use pepper spray just in case.


As for men......good luck.....lol.


Totally agree... women on dating sites i'd imagine, on average, should get *at least* 50 smiles/date requests per week. depends on the time (summer people usually want to date more) but guys i don't think have the same ratio....if you want a free meal everyday, go for online dating!!! hahaha. j/k.

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I met my current bf online. We live together and are happy. So, I don't think it's desperate at all.


The reason I started doing it was because (like RayKay) I was tired of meeting people through friends...blind dates...yuck! I also was never into the whole bar thing.


Dating online gives you the opportunity to actually "talk" to someone before going out to coffee. But, like in real life, you'll find some duds. That said, I have some great stories about online dating (you would not believe what some guys will do or say!) and I enjoy making my friends laugh!


I say try it but be careful. Always meet in a public place and always take your own car. Oh! Also make sure you tell a friend where you're going. You can never be too careful.

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I met someone online (first online date ever) and we went out for a year. Actually, we just broke up less than a month ago! So I believe in it for sure.

What if I met my soulmate that way, if I had never gone online then I would never have met them.

I don't think of it as any more "desperate" than trying to pick up a guy in a bar!

At least this way you can get to know the person a bit beforehand, without any alcohol involved..lol.

I say go for it! But yes, be careful, go to a public place, tell a friend where you are going, bring your cell with you etc.

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dating online doesnt count as a real relationship, meaning u can have more than one partner and they will never know, no its not desperate, as i have gfs all over the world. its just a fun experience


For most people, online dating does not mean DATING online, but meeting online, and then meeting as soon as you can in the real world and then dating in the real world.


Just because I MEET someone online does not mean that I do not have a real relationship with them OFFLINE. And I certainly don't go and find lots of online boyfriends in addition to that because they aren't "real".


And if you are not being honest with these girls all over the world, then that is also unfair as well. If you are being, and they are fine with that, then that is acceptable, but it is not right to lead them on into thinking they are the only one you are talking too/committed too.

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