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I can't sleep because I think I'll get stabbed

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I know this is completely my imagination, but yeah that could happen. And I know it's because of being so vulnerable while sleeping. But for the past few weeks every night it's been getting harder to fall asleep because I keep thinking of being stabbed and it's almost like I can feel the pressure of getting stabbed repeatedly. My imagination just keeps running away with itself seeing how far it can go, and now I'm seriously having trouble getting to sleep. I don't know how it started out and I kept thinking last night how okay, I'm done thinking about this, but then I'd keep going back to it and then I get so scared I can't fall asleep. I'm sitting here right now and I'm imagining what it's like to be stabbed in my lower back? I'm not crazy but I just don't see why I am continuing to think this way. It's so hard to stop thinking about it, I'm wondering if anyone else lets their imagination get like THIS?



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Lock your door. Problem solved.


SNAP, you're so blunt. Cool kid? No...




Anyway yeah DN that's exactly it; I think it's weird and I don't want this to become some strange mental problem. I understand people let their imaginations run wild and I feel like mine is trying to see how far it can go. The past 2 nights have been bad. I feel so vulnerable because even on the news these things happen to anybody even those extremely cautious. I get so paranoid because it's not like this is a fear of the irrational or anything...

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This sounds like you are having panic/anxiety attacks, and then working yourself up by thinking about scary things that could happen... think about how you felt as a kid after you watched a scary movie, and i think you are probably doing the same thing to yourself as an adult, and the more you think about it, the more worked up you get...


but certain chemical imbalances can cause both panic attacks and obsessive thoughts... both of these things could be caused by situational stress or a biochemical problem in your brain, so the only real solution is to schedule a doctor's appointment to get checked out before it gets worse, and the doctor can evaluate you and possibly prescribe some medication to stop this cycle, and let you calm back down again until these thoughts no longer bother you... you might need some counseling too, if you have been attacked or threatened in the past, and need to work through those fears.


also, is it possible you are having a bad reaction to drugs or alcohol? sometimes that can make you paranoid and obsessive...


good luck, and take an over-the-counter sleeping pill like Unisom or Sominex you can get at a drugstore until you get in to see the doctor.

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Yes, I know what you are talking about. I have had times like that. Never was I being stabbed in my imagination, but equally troubling thoughts.


DN is right on. Deal with it quickly. It is surprisingly easy to deal with once you get help. You don't need to tough it out. You need some good sleep.


For now, the best I can advise you is to not try to control the thoughts. Telling yourself not to think it, or that you are crazy, or anything like that will just make it worse.


Your best bet at the moment is to do something centering. Breathe. Drink sleepy tea. Wrap yourself in your favorite sweater or blankey. Even grab an old teddy bear, or anything that helps you calm down.

If there is someone you can call or visit with, a voice and friendly face can be reassuring.


I hope you feel better soon.

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but certain chemical imbalances can cause both panic attacks and obsessive thoughts...


This is what I thought of when I read your post. It sounds like it may be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Have you noticed any other times where you cant stop thinking about something over and over? If so this may be it.


I get so paranoid because it's not like this is a fear of the irrational or anything...

It is a bit irrational because there is no reason why someone would break into your house to stab you. Although I know it does happen, but airplanes crash sometimes too but you cant let that stop you from flying right?


Do you sleep with your light on? Sometimes that helps.

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Something in your life is probably stressing you out and this is the side-effect. Make sure you get as much sleep as you can.. I had a lot of stress and I didn't sleep for days and my mind started playing tricks like this with me. I think that is why my girlfriend broke up with me, I phoned her cell phone and left some crazy * * * message.


Get some sleep or medication a.s.a.p.. before you say something silly like I did. Tell your doctor everything that is going on in your life.

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This is very reminiscent of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder symptomology, as Sweetheart21 noticed. What happens is your mind latches onto some horrible thought that a) is not reflective of reality and b) you do not want to have happen -- really. What seems to be the key component in these kinds of intrusive thoughts is their shock value. You think about it because it scares you and it scares you that you think about it. And so round and round we go. If it is actually OCD, then there is no actual problem, the thing you're obsessing about is not going to happen, and there is nothing to be gained through exploring the thought itself -- it's the intrusive recurrence of it that's interesting. Other people have commented about intrusive shocking thoughts they've had that involve hurting other people they love, or finding themselves doing things that they would never want to do in real life. These thoughts, although quite meaningless in fact, are very troubling for people, obviously.


This might be the only aspect of your life that is showing any kind of OCD reference right now, but if it's interfering with your sleeping, you might want to do something about it.

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Thanks so much for being understanding. I feel really embarrassed to post this but last night the problem persisted. And that's true Juliana, it's like I want to keep thinking it because I can and because it's scary, and I want to see how far I can go with this imagination.


I don't watch the news really at all... and I'm not scared of it; it's interesting and informative. But the things that happen, no matter how long ago, get into my head. Like break-ins and things like that. Some couple even had some guy that broke into their houses and was hiding under their bed!


If I'm awake, I'm not bothered no matter what hour of the night it is.. but sleeping now all of a sudden I feel so vulnerable. I then started imagining it and how it would feel-- it's crazy. I feel like I'm allowing it to persist because it's in my head but it's all so real it could happen.

I'm not sure what to do yet. I feel like this is not me like I could stop it; I've finally decided to see what people think about it. I wanted to know it's okay to think like this and that what I thought was so rational was actually irrational.. I'm going to try going to sleep differently, maybe with the TV on or something like that so I don't feel like associating anything with it being pitch black and quiet and vulnerable..

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I understand what you're saying, i think alot of us have these thoughts at night... but yours seem to have developed to the point of panicking. I can only offer you what i think helps, if someone else lives in the house with you think these things "There is someone in the next room, and the doors are locked, the alarm is on". If someone did break in in the night (which is extremely unlikely), someone else would definitely hear it. I always remind myself that my parents are in the next room and i automatically feel better. If you can fall asleep with a light on i'd definitely recommend doing that... the Television is a good idea too, but make sure its a calming programme you put on or a film you really love.

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Hi there xmrth,


I can understand what you mean, I think. This is really embarrassing, but sometimes I get scared of the dark. So if I'm on my own, I sleep with the radio on all night; that really helps, because it gives me something to focus on. Or have a reading book on, so someone is reading you to sleep?


Fears are normal, but as other posters said, you have to make sure that irrational fears don't take over your life. It could be that your mind latches on to something because you're worried about other things in your life, and it's some kind of transference?

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Don't know much about brain chemicals...but I sleep with a loaded 9mm pistol next to me at night. It's very comforting. It's bigger and faster than some junkie trying to stab or rob me with a knife. I would actually recommend a shotgun. You don't even have to aim it. The infamous sound it makes when you chamber a round is enough to make most people quiver. I've never had any problems sleeping, at least not from that. Ya might try it. Take a class first tho. Don't wanna shoot your self in the foot

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