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So is this being overanalysed?


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My best friend and I hang out almost all the time, we been friends for 4 years. Lately we have been hanging out with a couple of girls that are roomates but that he has known since high school (we are all 25). I really dont know the history between the two girls. A week or so ago I was talking to roomate 1 and we were laughing and having a good time, so I asked her out and she said she would like that but to wait till the semester is over. I havent really talked to her on the phone so we are just friends at the moment.


Well roomate 2, my bestfriend and I went out last night and got drunk, roomate 2 is bi (lately more of a lesbian)so I never really thought of her but we get along great. When we were heading back to her place she mentioned to my boy that she likes me and thought me and her would make a good couple (granted we were drunk but true emotions come out then) my boy got upset cause he sees these two girls as sisters, but since he knows me and we look at eachother as brothers he somewhat let it go. Im just laughing having a good time thinking roomate 2 is playing around.


We get back to the house and roomate 1 is there, she kind of ignores me cause she had a long day and was tired. My boy and roomate 2 are still at it so she asks me if I think we would make a good couple and I just smile and give her a hug, the hug lingers for a good 5 minutes and at that time roomate 1 walks by. My boy is tripping out cause he has been trying to set me and roomate 1 up for a while and he sees me hugging roomate 2. We say our goodnights and roomate 1 walks off while roomate 2 says she will call me tomorrow.


My boy and I drive home and hes yelling at me to not play his sisters, I wouldnt anyways but he thinks I blew my chance with roomate 1 (who I really do like) because roomate 2 was all over me. Im here thinking we were just playing around and didnt really think about if roomate 1 was jealous. I told my boy he was overanalysing the situation. He even tells me that roomate 1 MAY like me but she doesnt say anything to him about me.


Do I want to date roomate 1? Yes

Do I want to date roomate 2? Maybe


They both are cute, with great personalities and bodys but I feel alittle bit more towards roomate 1. But my boy thinks I blew it, since I havent even gone out alone with roomate 1 I feel like its no big deal. I also have a feeling roomate 2 was trying to make roomate 1 jealous but Im not sure. I have known the girls for 2 months. What to think?

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I dont believe that your best friend is giving you the best advice. Nothing really happened with #2 just a prolonged hug. If anything that is just going to make #1 jealous which does not hurt your position. It is hard to say what you should go after. I would say its a combination of what you are into and the vibe you are getting from the other girl. As far as your friend goes, he may see them as sisters but they are grown and can make their own decisions.

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Well if you want roommate 1, stoping playing around with roomate 2.


If I was in roommate 1's position....i would now be wondering why couldn't you tell roommate 2 you didn't think you two would make a good couple. If you believe true feelings come out when your drunk & she was all over you, than you should have cleared that up.

You didn't blow it, but do things right & stop flirting & playing around with roommate 2 if you want roommate 1.

Girls look for loyalty.

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You didn't blow it, but do things right & stop flirting & playing around with roommate 2 if you want roommate 1.

Girls look for loyalty.


Forgive me for quoting and running, but...I agree wholeheartedly. Just tell #1 how you feel and stop flirting with #2. I know it feels good to have them both like you, but now is the time to turn things around. Oh, and tell your "brother" to stop making a big deal out of it and just be your friend. ;-)


Good luck.

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Forgive me for quoting and running, but...I agree wholeheartedly. Just tell #1 how you feel and stop flirting with #2. I know it feels good to have them both like you, but now is the time to turn things around. Oh, and tell your "brother" to stop making a big deal out of it and just be your friend. ;-)


Good luck.


I really dont know what to do, since my breakup I have met alot of people(which is great when the ex is on your mind). I currently talk to three other girls, the roomates are friends of ours and we go out for drinks. I guess I will not pursue anything with either roomates because the one I like is busy (law student) working alot and will never have time for a relationship and roomate 2 is becoming someone I like as a friend, she is adorable and easy to talk to, maybe in the future. I guess I will see what happens with the other 3. Dating sucks I wish I had my baby girl back

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Well if you want roommate 1, stoping playing around with roomate 2.


If I was in roommate 1's position....i would now be wondering why couldn't you tell roommate 2 you didn't think you two would make a good couple. If you believe true feelings come out when your drunk & she was all over you, than you should have cleared that up.

You didn't blow it, but do things right & stop flirting & playing around with roommate 2 if you want roommate 1.

Girls look for loyalty.



I HAVE!!! I asked 2 about 1 last week and she says "you like her?" I told her yeah I think we would look good together, she says "go for it" Last night was just weird, didnt really expect it:splat:

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