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I think God just spoke to me

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After school today, I decided to lay down on the couch and take a nap because I was feeling extremely depressed and I looked out my window to watch some clouds that were slowly going by. I was thinking a lot about God and the meaning of life because.. It seemed that neither was there.


From a quiet tone to a slightly louder shout, I started saying, "God. God! GOD!" and even, "Jesus Christ!" and then silence. Then I said, "I NEED HELP! I need to hear your words. Talk to me, do something. Be in my life. I need help. I'm hurting, God...and I don't know why." I wanted to let out my emotions but they were so still inside of me. I couldn't cry or force tears so I decided to shut down and sleep. The dogs were barking outside and annoying me so I went upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door and in this closed room, it was darker. I turned away from this window this time.


Different thoughts went through my head as I cradeled myself and wondered about God. Suddenly, two male voices sounding exactly the same aligned themselves as it was said, "Words of the Father" into my ears. My attention was caught by this but I let it go, thinking that I was just tired and falling into a dream or something. If it did mean anything, I figured just that I should read the Bible or realize that God was with me. It didn't seem enough of an answer if it was one... so I let it go.


Then, after my mom came home and woke me up, I decided to come to the public library to check my emails and do some school stuff. While I was looking through my inboxs, the words "Words of the Father" stuck out to me. It was the topic to a daily devotional sent by link removed and I clicked on it. Astounded by the "coincidence", I sat there and read it. Here's what it says:


December 11, 2006


"Words of the Father"

by John Fischer


“Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing …”


Words. We do so much in words. We hear sermons and read books and attend seminars and get all excited when someone says something in a way we haven’t heard before. And we get upset when someone says it in a way we think is wrong. We judge a person’s commitment or lack of it by his or her words. We rush to the store or jump online when new words come out. We are people of many words.


Imagine if God had chosen to come to us in the form of words only. Then following him would be a factor of how well you could read or take notes. And the keepers of the words would hold all the cards.


But he came in the flesh, or as John put it, “The Word became flesh.” (John 1:14) Later in his first letter, John expanded on that, saying that he was the Word of life that they heard and saw and touched. It was Christ’s physical presense that sealed it for them and for us all.

Even still, some prefer to stay immersed in words – their spirituality a factor of how well they can take notes. Imagine the disciples at the cross pulling out their Palm Pilots to take down Christ’s words as he died. That’s what would happen if words were everything.


But Christ’s presense transcended words. Those who followed him experienced him. They heard, saw, and handled the word of life in human flesh. And because of that they were able to observe Jesus as well as listen to him. And my guess is that what he showed them stuck with them more than what he told them. They heard him talk about serving each other, but they watched him wrap a towel around his waist and wash their feet. They heard him say that he came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and then they watched him spend himself on the crowds and the needs of everyone who came to him. They heard him tell them to remember him and what he did on the cross, and then served them bread and wine so they would have something tangible to remember him by.


The Word of the Father appeared in the flesh and his name was Jesus, and today, our human existence has taken on hope. We can hear and see what he did in his earthly life, and trust his Spirit to give us the power to follow in his footsteps, deny ourselves, and serve those around us as he did. May we be the fulfillment of the peace and goodwill the angels sang about on the eve of his birth!

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That is amazing. God truly did speak to you. I always find that when I am hurting the most, God sends me something, be it another person, or a sign, or even just a song on the radio that REALLY speaks to me, that really helps me get through the time I am going through.


Keep holding on to your faith, it will get you through. I hope you feel better.

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It made me realized that I am being listened to.


My faith in God has gotten me through a lot. Read this post:


At the end of the day, I'm tired and my brain feels like mush. Today, I had a debate to do about oppressive govt. versus no govt. (which is more desirable?) and the one thing I feared came true: I did not know how to align and organize each point. I basically made a fool of myself and got only an average grade. People exchanged confused expressions as they listened to me.


As I sat back down in my seat, smirking nervously about my slipups, I apologized to my partner, "I sucked. I'm sorry." He just said,


"It's okay" and sighed. I looked down at my hands in front of me and felt like screaming at him... because he didn't help me or support me at all. In a way, he wrote me off. He did this often beforehand when I tried to ask for his help about the debate while we were each preparing our sides. After the whole of the debate was over, I was still wondering about how I did and I was frantically searching in my mind for an answer, an image of what I looked like. So I said outloud, laughing lightly at myself,


"How bad did I do?" And no one answered me! they just all looked away and carried on in obtaining their stuff for their next class. My insides were tripping over themselves as I left and I just felt so vulnerable and shoken up.


This whole time I realized that God was with me. There was some sort of strength moving my feet forward. I realized that God will not make perfect or easier my life. But He will carry me through it and in the end, it's only me and this higher force of consciousness to fall into that will keep me safe. It doesn't leave me. It's here now.

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I could always feel God there, and as I grew up, I gained more and more of a relationship with Him. One doesn't acquire faith; rather, one sees what is actually there. Faith isn't belief in something we hope exists; faith is belief in the knowledge that God does exist. The Hindi have a belief, that reality as we perceive it is an illusion; maya, and that all things are actually one. It's similar to that, in that God actually is everywhere and animating everything; the concept of separateness is an illusion.

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I'm just a girl seeking God in her life everyday, I ask for help and guidance everyday. I sometimes whisper "thank you" before I go to sleep at night. Nonetheless, not much signs are given to me- only when I'm reallly down do these things happen, when I'm really giving up. Things become okay again somehow if I am patient. Answers come subtly to me in my everyday life yet I often overlook them as an answer to my prayers...because many times I forget my prayers. Then, when I'm reminded of a past and deep one, I think to myself, "oh wow. It was answered more and more over the year. I didn't even realize."


This is what I think though: even if there's not a God, there's something. Something spiritual there- some force I do not understand at work in this strange world.

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  • 1 month later...

Last night, I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I felt a rawness in my heart and a wholeness throughout me. Because all through the night, I was fighting to surrender.


One moment, I felt great fear because I realized that surrendering to Christ would be a challenge- I'd be taking on his heart, his pain and his passion. My feet began twisting in response- not wanting to let it in, fear of it.


Then today, I sat down with a girl named Haileigh in one of my classes and began talking to her about life. Nothing was pouring out of me- it was like suddenly, I was just being honest and real with her. People around us even began listening. Eventually, a girl named Amber and a boy named Sam turned around, laughing and said,


"You two are having an intense conversation!" and that was funny. We were like,


"Quick, say something shallow!" so I complimented her shirt.


Amber: "Yeah, that's all I can handle."

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Although I'm not the best christian, I am certain god has had major influences on me in my life.


I've hit lows, and wondered of god's existence, when something seemingly random and miraculous happens, and I realise somebody is watching over me. Prayers are answered. Just maybe not as expected.

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My prayers are never answered as I expect them too. Nothing ever happens to me the way I expect it too. Still, life is slow and there are lessons to learn- I want to be bigger than life! I want to have a shining spirit and bright personality that touches everyone's hearts. But I guess all I can ask for right now is to pass eleventh grade. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why don't you tell Him yourself?


I'm serious.


It wouldn't cost you a penny, it would only take a few seconds, it wouldn't hurt a thing and it might actually get results... what is there to lose?


I've seen so many of these breathtaking "coincidences" outside the realm of random chance over the years, and could never explain them. I feel better - and smarter - now that I finally can.

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Why don't you tell Him yourself?


I'm serious.


It wouldn't cost you a penny, it would only take a few seconds, it wouldn't hurt a thing and it might actually get results... what is there to lose?


I've seen so many of these breathtaking "coincidences" outside the realm of random chance over the years, and could never explain them. I feel better - and smarter - now that I finally can.


Oh friend, how many times have I...?


I imagine He is the only one who has not yet lost count.


Figured someone else maybe be able to hear from Him better than I. After all, years of praying has gotten me nowhere.

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Oh friend, how many times have I...?


I imagine He is the only one who has not yet lost count.


Figured someone else maybe be able to hear from Him better than I. After all, years of praying has gotten me nowhere.


Understandable. Sorry to hear that. I don't pray for myself though. I pray to align my heart with God's. That works. I've been through horrid sorrows too- loss of my stepmom, whole group of friends, my little brother, horrible period of panic attacks and nightmares... but believing and having faith is the only tool I need to get through these dark human struggles. Otherwise, I'm lost. And so are you. We are all lost in some ways. But faith no matter what makes it better... and this life goes by with less worrying about the big things, and more thankfulness for the little things that I have.


Hope that helps. I don't blame you for not praying anymore if it hasn't worked for you. You see, when I pray, when I live, my daily mantra is "I move for you, God" because I have nothing else- not in spite of that. At the end of the day, I laugh at the mistakes around me and my losses. I have song in my soul and most of all, I take care of myself with tenderness and I tell myself, "I will never leave me."


You have to find something to hold to in order to go on. This life is long and tiring and strange and random and silent. Believing in God changed that for me. So I have hope now, no matter what happens, I know I'll find a way out. There's always a way out of cirumstances, there's always something new to try.


Good luck to you.

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You know what I wish? I wish everyone had the kind of faith that I did. It falters, it fades, but it keeps coming back. Now I have a resilience that I never had before. And I've realized all along that it's a choice. It's always been my choice. It's always been yours.


If everyone lived differently, this world would be so much easier- if people loved unconditionally and were unafraid to reach out or make loving gestures even to strangers, then I wouldn't be afraid anymore. I would stop repressing myself. I would stop hurting because someone out there would have a shoulder for my head to rest on. But no, there is darkness because our souls must evolve. That's why we're here people. There can be no other way. (for now)


Everything has a design and I see the patterns of that beauty in my own life. White and black string in and out of my soul and I'm constantly fighting for one side of me to win over the other. But I can't win. I can't make my life work by myself and after going through many traumatizing experiences, I have finally learned that. My own darkness was what it took to bring out my own light. Finally, one day, I believed.


After traumatic events, my life has actually gone back to bland and normal- and it's actually harder to keep my faith in these cirumstances because the fight to survive isn't as strong. I eat, I drink, I shop, I chat- and my past has faded away. But I remind myself when I get a chance to myself. I remind myself what there is to believe in and how it transformed this girl. I only wish it could transform so many others. I wish it transformed my parents- then I'd have them. I wish it transformed my sorrows- then I'd lose those. Then, finally, again, one day, I stopped wishing and realigned my choosing. It's the only thought inside my head these days- "God be with me, help me through this second, this moment, these years." And I choose to follow the open windows he provides me, even if it means crawling and scrapping for the goodness of me to come out. I'll crawl and scrape, I'll fall and bleed and break. I'm not afraid of anything anymore and that the type of happiness which comes from this nourishes my broken spirit. I don't need anything but the hands in front of me, I don't need anything but to be alive.


And I am here. You are here. Through the dark, it's important to notice that. We're all going through this together, everyone in the world. There is no reason to be silent. So I wish you, reading, would speak as you are and speak up for your heart, if it's broken or if it's torn. Or even if it's okay. The habit of holding back- it plagues and confines us to shallow goals, and wants. that's all I have to say for today (yeah, I wrote a novel)

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You know what's strange... I used to be able to hear the voice of God. No, not in an audible, literal voice, but from within my spirit.


I ask Him, "Why haven't you brought me anyone yet?"


He goes, "..."


I go, "..."


So it doesn't go very far, sadly.


Oh well.

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You know what's strange... I used to be able to hear the voice of God. No, not in an audible, literal voice, but from within my spirit.


I ask Him, "Why haven't you brought me anyone yet?"


He goes, "..."


I go, "..."


So it doesn't go very far, sadly.


Oh well.


And who are you to demand that He does? What, you deserve it? Says who? Just you. That's not your purpose- that's not why you 're here. Serve with your whole heart. Stop holding onto these resentments. Life is tough and it's for learning. There are worse things than "my love has not yet come." What if we don't have soulmates?


God will give you what you're ready for, or what you need. Right now, he's giving you what you need. You may not see it yet or for a while, but that does not matter as much as-


God: "Are you quitting on me now?"


Look around. There are things to do. People to help. People to hear. People to heal. Countries to heal. There are impoverished countries full of suffering and American troops in Iraq invading the lives of cillivians to fight such a chaotic cause. I'm sure people are crying out to him in different languages. I'm sure blood is crying out to him from the dirt ground. Perhaps He is busy. It's not up to you to say that he shouldn't be. You must align your heart with God's will, God's fight, humanity's fight and really SEE. Don't close your eyes to what he demands of you because you are still waiting to have a loved one when there are people who may not be love interests around you whom you could still love.


So hear God now.

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'Ask and you shall receive.'


The scriptures are ripe with promises of God giving good things to those who seek Him and ask it of Him. However, it appears that not all promises are there for everyone. And that's fine.


I'm not bitter. I used to often blame God for my life being crappy, but not anymore. You're absolutely right. We have no right to demand anything of God. Even out next breath is on loan, if you will. So every good and perfect gift we receive comes from God; for believer or non-believer alike. He makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust. So we should rejoice when He decides to bless us and rejoice when He decides to bless someone else instead of us.


But it would be a complete lie to say it doesn't bother me. But such is life, and life is such.


As for soul mates, Adam had a soul mate, so it's far from inconceivable to presume others don't. I take it you're a pragmatist, not a romantic. That's fine. I, however, am a true romantic. Thus I believe - I have little reason NOT to. Who can say what my purpose is? Can you? Can even someone who knows me intimately? Nope. Only God can give His creations their purpose and it's up to us find our mission from Him and through ourselves. I have an idea of what mine entails, and sadly, you may be right - it probably does not include happiness or things that I want, like love, companionship and all that good stuff. Thanks for pointing that out to me.


Yeah, He supplies all our (physical) needs. Humans have needs for love, companionship and all that other crap too. But He doesn't necessary care about those needs. He only makes sure we're fed, clothed and sheltered so we can do His work for Him. God is TOO busy to respond? Um, no. God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He can do whatever He pleases, and is not limited by time and space. The only thing necessary for Him to fix my 'little' problem is for Him to say the word and it would be done.


And frankly, when one is happy and fulfilled in life, they are able to do far more for others than when they are lonely and depressed. I am a very loving person. But even I need companionship. Perhaps God will allow you to suffer loneliness and such when you come to be my age, then maybe you'll see what I'm talking about and going through.


Good day to you.

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'Ask and you shall receive.'


Also, pretend everything else you said is in quoted area because I'm trying to reply to all of it.


When you said I might not be romantic or implied that I was young and naive, that stuck out to me and distracted me from the point. All I ask is that you don't make assumptions about who I am. If I assumed anything about you at all, sorry. I'm challenging, but take it all lightly- for I am also exploring my true thoughts.


Anyways, It doesn't take living many years to know what loneliness, real loneliness, is. I have been naturally interverted and depressed all my life. This is the first year that I've been happy, and I probably am niave, but it works for this time period of my life. No, I don't think I'm naive. I've learned a lot of things and have insights about other cultures that many don't. I don't think I'm naive, although it is an insecurity of mine to seem so.


You're right about God being omnipotent and all that other omni-stuff. He can fix our little problems. But that's not the main priority is what I mean. Sometimes we must forget about those problems in order to stop treating them like problems-to find deeper meaning. I just don't want not having a companion to distract you from being happy as you are right now.


Maybe God isn't busy, but you have to consider that the world is and that there's a lot to transform. The consciousness of society is evolving and we are growing more and more intellegent.(as well as complex).


I create my choices and actions, knowingly if they are right or wrong. If they are right, I am connected to God's will and He guides me if and when I take steps of faith. My whole life anymore is balanced on faith. I just can't make it right by myself. Too much is expected of me that right now, I can't handle. There's a lot of stress right now on me but I'm breathing and laughing through it. I hope you can do the same. I've traveled through a lot of darkness too, friend.


Sometimes we have to be denied simple pleasures or great powerful pleasures like a romantic partner to learn something about ourselves...whether it be the depth of our own being discovered from our pain (which is an important truth), what is right when around so much wrong, and how to be strong when there's nothing reliable coming your way. I'm not suggesting you give up on looking- I think you should prepare for love coming your way. Act as if you know it will happen. Act as if you trust.


But also acknowledge that the evolvement of the soul means sometimes going without. As Neale Walsh and other New Agers have said, "Ye must go WITHIN!"




"nly God can give His creations their purpose and it's up to us find our mission from Him and through ourselves. I have an idea of what mine entails, and sadly, you may be right - it probably does not include happiness or things that I want, like love, companionship and all that good stuff. Thanks for pointing that out to me."


We find purpose, I would say, in selflessness. It's okay to want, but not to be selfish to the extent that you fall into self pity. That is what I want to warn everyone of because there's no reason to be. We have everything we need inside us, a whole bunch of potential to be used! I'll use my potential for God. And I'll tell you if it changes in a few years cuz I doubt it will! (or so I hope!)


Oh, about the soulmate thing- I said "what if?" just for you to consider. Because too many get lost in a fantasy about how their life is supposed to be rather to find fulfillment in how it already is> which I admit, is hard to do. Impossible? No. Hard? Yes. It isn't worth wasting the meaning of these moments right now for something you dream of for the future, for your life, when it's not up to you to think always of what could be, what should be but to create and choose and live faithfully towards God in the days that we have, in these days that are never promised. That is what I believe.

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D'ya know I just think our emotions are high when we feel * * * *ty. We think we've heard something profound... I was in a similar situation. 'God' has never revealled himself to me when I've asked. In fact the opposite. I had a 'revellation' - in desparation I asked God to reveal himself to me, and the next day - on CHRISTMSAS DAY - a man of god from the church I had been going to invited me to his house and abused me. If there really was a 'god' who could see everything and any kind of control over what was going on - he wouldn't have allowed this to happen (the VERY DAY after I asked for his help). This is not fair. thereforeeee god is not fair. Yet god is supposed to be fair...


I agree with Bunney. It's all a load of human created bollox...

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