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Would it matter to you if...

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1) Your sister/brother did not like your boyfriend/girlfriend and vice versa?


It depends why they don't like him/her. If it's because of a personality clash, then it shouldn't matter. It they don't like the way he/she treats you, or the effect he/she has on you, then it matters.


2) You and your boyfriend/girlfriend did not share the same circle of friends?


No. It's better to have a separate group of friends, but they should be able to get along to the point of being civil to each other. If your boyfriend is saying unkind things about your friends or trying to prevent you from spending time with them, that's a huge problem.

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Ideally, i'd love my sister and parents to like my boyfriend but it wouldnt stop me being with someone. I would hate to think i'd marry someone they didnt like as i'd like to enjoy family times everyone together - it would make me stop and think about the man i was with because i respect my parents and sisters judgments....however, i dont like all their friends, you just cant get on easily with everyone so ultimately i wouldnt let it matter too much.


Its really enjoyable to have a shared group of friends with your boyfriend/girlfriend (it gives you the chance to go out as part of a group and be proud of each other) BUT its much more important to have your own friends - not only because they are the ones who will still be there if the relationship ends but also because you need time apart, time to be just you.

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1. Hazey_amber hit the nail on the head there. If it's just a matter of personal dislike, as long as a fight doesn't break out everytime the sibling and the significant other are in the same room, I think it's okay. Of course, the person needs to be able to treat both with respect and not abandon one for the sake of the other.


2. To me, that's actually a good thing. I prefer single dates rather than group dates, and when there are different circles of friends, that's much easier to accomplish. Also, the gossip is minimized that way...always a good thing.

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It depends why they don't like him/her. If it's because of a personality clash, then it shouldn't matter. It they don't like the way he/she treats you, or the effect he/she has on you, then it matters.




No. It's better to have a separate group of friends, but they should be able to get along to the point of being civil to each other. If your boyfriend is saying unkind things about your friends or trying to prevent you from spending time with them, that's a huge problem.


you took the words right out of my mouth!

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