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I have a few questions about condoms.


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Hi all,


It's been a LONG time since I posted on these forums (June? July? Can't remember), and I'm now in a LDR. My gf will be coming to see me on December 8th (the day after my birthday, actually and it'll be our first time meeting in person. We both want to have sex, but I can't even begin to describe how terrified I am of getting her pregnant. She's not on the pill, but we were planning to go to the pharmacy together to get condoms, and I have a few questions about them:


1. How reliable are they really if used by themselves? I've read anywhere between 95 - 99% effective, but is that with spermicidal condoms?


2. If we do get spermicidal condoms, would it be wise to get more spermicide to use? I really want to kill those suckers dead.


3. Is it safe to ejaculate inside her with the condom, or would it be a better idea to pull out of her (slowly, of course) to make sure even more?


Well, that's about all I have, I think. I love this girl, but I don't know how well it's going to work out between us in the end (the distance is exceedingly difficult for me, seeing as how she lives on the opposite end of the country), and I don't want to make her feel used if we have sex, and then we break up in a month or two. Answers to my questions and general advice is much appreciated.

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I would suggest that you get spermicidal lubricated condoms. The most important thing is make sure the condom is on appropriately, because this is what causes breakage. Use the condoms as directed. As long as the condom is on appropriately and there is not breakage then it would be safe to ejaculate inside of her but if you feel the need to pull out then do so.

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1. How reliable are they really if used by themselves? The box will tell you, but I'm pretty sure it's around 98% effective


2. If we do get spermicidal condoms, would it be wise to get more spermicide to use? I never have myself. You can't get much better than 98% effective


3. Is it safe to ejaculate inside her with the condom, or would it be a better idea to pull out of her (slowly, of course) to make sure even more? Yes it's safe to ejaculate inside of her with a condom. But if pulling out helps you feel safer, than do so.

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Suggestion: I'd vote for having a few condoms with NO spermicide available. Some women have a sensitivity to spermicide. For them, contact with spermicide will cause INTENSE burning and itching in some very delicate areas.


'Course, if that happens, I doubt you'll be having sex which would be a 100% effective birth control method.

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Suggestion: I'd vote for having a few condoms with NO spermicide available. Some women have a sensitivity to spermicide. For them, contact with spermicide will cause INTENSE burning and itching in some very delicate areas.


Yep - get some spermicidal ones and some without. If you're having sex more than once a day, it's probably in her best interest not to use more than one or two spermicidal condoms within a 24 hour period, because too much can really irritate her vagina and cervix. I'm not suggesting that either of you have any STDs, but an irritated vagina and/or cervix make both of you (her especially) more prone to contracting a sexually transmitted infection. Plus it's just damn uncomfortable.

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