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So whatever happened to the so called "virgin Mary"


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Not to get into church information nor anything since I'm atheist but according to this article link removed it talks about pregnancy without ever doing intercourse.


According to the story is has been say Mary never had sex. Now that would be so weird, a mother who's by definition still a virgin. Is that really possible what it says in the article and Mary's story or could this be a some sort of urban legend. It talks about how pregnancies can also occur during heavy petting sessions or clothes on clothes if the guy cums and gets his pants wet.

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It also says from fingering, if the guy masterbates and fingers the girl while he still has the cum on his hand. Damn, that article is scary, guess you can't do anything then, not even petting.


It kinda scare b/c on the second occasion me and b/f go to hotel there was this heavy petting session, where I was on top of him and rubbing, but we had clothes. He did stated he cum in his underwear which went a bit through his pants and since the article mention about clothes still having holes and the fact that the semen can still go through (little possibility but still) now that's scary.

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It kinda scare b/c on the second occasion me and b/f go to hotel there was this heavy petting session, where I was on top of him and rubbing, but we had clothes. He did stated he cum in his underwear which went a bit through his pants and since the article mention about clothes still having holes and the fact that the semen can still go through (little possibility but still) now that's scary.


If you both had clothes on, then there's virtually no way you could be pregnant from that. Semen would have to get inside your vagina.


It's rare to get pregnant without having sex- but possible. Again: You have to make sure that the semen does not come in contact with the vagina.


However petting in general is not going to get you pregnant. Fingering with semen on hands or semen going through your underwear would have to occur (right after ejaculation) in order to even pose a risk.




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Anyone see that Family Guy Christmas episode where they are doing the nativity scene, and the pregnant girl says "I am the Virgin Mary . Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it!"


Thats what I think about it. The chances are incredibly low. But obviously if a guy has cum on his fingers and bangs a girl it could happen. Come on, thats pretty obvious.

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Can a virgin woman get pregnant without intercourse.The answer is........i found these question and answer online.



Dear Alice,


My girlfriend and I masturbate and have oral sex every day and we really enjoy it. One thing that concerns me is that although we have not had sex yet, we have frequent genital touch; we use our genitals to rub each other to get excitement. Will this cause some possibility of getting pregnant? Both of us have never had sex before.

Don't Know




Dear Don't Know,


There is a small chance that your girlfriend could get pregnant without intercourse. If the sperm from your ejaculate or pre-ejaculate gets near the lips around her vagina when she is fertile, the sperm can move into the vagina, hook up with an egg, and fertilize it (a.k.a., conception). If you want to make sure that your girlfriend doesn't get pregnant, either use a condom, or make sure both ejaculate and pre-ejaculatory fluids are far from her vagina. Also, if you touch your own semen and then touch your girlfriend's vagina with your hands, these highly motivated swimmers could travel to the egg.



Question # 2


I am 19 years old. My boyfriend and I have been fondling and petting around with each other for quite some time. In other words, we do not have any actual sex or sexual intercourse and I am still a virgin. My boyfriend has ejaculated into his underwear. Could I be pregnant? Can my boyfriend's semen or sperm penetrate me through liquid flow?





The answer is YES! Couples not using any birth control can and do become pregnant without actual penile penetration into the vagina.


Sperm contained within a man's ejaculate is alive and very mobile. If the semen comes into direct contact with the vagina there is a CHANCE you could become pregnant depending on the proximity of the semen/penis to the vagina. There is a higher likelihood of pregnancy if the penis is close to the vagina than if he ejaculates in his underwear while lying on top of his partner. Using a condom at all times during the scenario you described could greatly decrease the chance of both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.


As many as 50% of all pregnancies in this country are unplanned. As a young woman making decisions that will affect the rest of your life, I urge you to make an appointment as soon as possible with a health care provider to discuss reproductive health care options (Planned Parenthood is a good source if you do not have a health care provider or student health clinic available to you). Abstinence remains the best form of birth control. If you do not choose this option, you need to discuss topics such as birth control methods, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and emergency contraception TODAY with a nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife or physician.




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Not to get into church information nor anything since I'm atheist but according to this article link removed it talks about pregnancy without ever doing intercourse.


According to the story is has been say Mary never had sex. Now that would be so weird, a mother who's by definition still a virgin. Is that really possible what it says in the article and Mary's story or could this be a some sort of urban legend. It talks about how pregnancies can also occur during heavy petting sessions or clothes on clothes if the guy cums and gets his pants wet.


If you are asking about "THE VIRGIN MARY", known rather universally as the mother of Jesus, then your question touches on issues of faith. Forget logical scientific explanations in trying to figure it out, unless you are looking to undermine and explain away the faith of millions. Sience may be able to come up with hypothetical reasons for a virgin giving birth, but those who believe are likely to tell you otherwise. If you believed in someone or something powerful enough to create the entire Universe, that is GOD, then you might also believe that GOD can do whatever God wants to, however and whenever God chooses to do it, and that his reasoning and thoughts are beyond our ability to understand.


Since you claim to be an "atheist", you don't understand this, but don't mess with the faith of others.


If you areas king about the chances of you becoming pregnant, yes, it is possible, but chances are very low. keep your gentials apart, and keep his sperm far away from your genitals.

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Thank you beec you said it better than I could have. As a christian I would fully believe that not only is it possible, but it did happen.


I will not get into a debate about my beliefs either, and dont think anyone should be attacking them, as Im not here to try to convert anyone......



As for the scientific possibily of getting pregnant without having full intercourse, yes it is possible.

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Well I'm going to wade in on this and bring famed singer Tom Waits with me:


Introduction to "Train Song" [from Big Time]

Apparently Tom Waits always gets asked this question: "Tom, uh, is it possible for a woman to get pregnant without intercourse?" To answer, Tom tells us a story, going all the back to the Civil War. As he hammers sour chords on his piano, he describes an incident in which a stray bullet pierced through a Union soldier's testicle and then got lodged into the ovaries of a nearby girl. Our narrator tells us that the baby was later born and everybody was fine, and "guilt-free," but the solider was a "little pissed off."

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  • 1 month later...
If you are asking about "THE VIRGIN MARY", known rather universally as the mother of Jesus, then your question touches on issues of faith. Forget logical scientific explanations in trying to figure it out, unless you are looking to undermine and explain away the faith of millions. Sience may be able to come up with hypothetical reasons for a virgin giving birth, but those who believe are likely to tell you otherwise. If you believed in someone or something powerful enough to create the entire Universe, that is GOD, then you might also believe that GOD can do whatever God wants to, however and whenever God chooses to do it, and that his reasoning and thoughts are beyond our ability to understand.


Since you claim to be an "atheist", you don't understand this, but don't mess with the faith of others.


I agree, religion is a matter of faith--not something that can be proven scientifically.



But to answer your question--a 'virgin' birth is completely possible...in the way you described and in addition if someone was 'artificially' inseminated. So yes, a true 'virgin' birth is possible. It happens in the quarter horse world quite a bit actually.....not with thoroughbreds, though.

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