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Please help me! very confused!

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Hi, all,


I really need someone suggestion now because I am really confused for what I am going to do. I met a girl in europe and we dated for 4 months, we travelled a lot and it's a wonderful relationship. But then she back to the States to continue her study.


I am going to visit her next friday for a week. But since she went back to the states, our relationship becomes worst and worst, i guess the main reason is that she is busy and I always want to get her time with me. But she was kind of fed up with me and requested breakup a month ago. And I told her I still want to see her for one more time, she agreed at that time. But recently, I heard from my friend that she didn't want me to visit her because she doesn't have time and money. She sometimes asked my friend convince me not to come, but sometimes she asked my friend don't tell me not to come. We didn't talk for a month already and she didn't want to talk to me either.


I know it's v. complicated but I still really want to see her one more time, or I really think we might be in love again when we see each other. Also, I booked the ticket and got the holidays leave already. What you guys think? I really want to listen somebody's experience or suggestion especially girls? I really appreciate for the help!

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Personally, I think you are setting yourself up to be hurt! Why would you want to do that? You haven't spoken to her. She hasn't asked for you to come. She asked for a break up!


Let it go.


Sell your ticket on ebay or something and move on.


sorry to be so hard, but it would be crazy to go now.

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Why don't you send her an email and ask if it is still okay for you to go there? You might hear what you don't want to hear, but it is better to find out now than later.


When my ex broke up with me we had a trip plan to go to Aruba. He initially agreed to still go there with me, because everything was paid. Then he cancelled on me 2 days before the trip, so I booked a ticket to go back to my home country to see my family and friends.


If she was fed up with you because you asked her time too much, I don't think going to see her will change her mind. Give her some time and space and let her miss you.

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we are both 24 and she will graduate this semester. And I just started to work here in europe. As far as I know, she told my friend that she doesn't want me to go, but she also said she will still pick me up at the airport and hang out for the weekend. But I don't know what she really thinks. I know it's hurt, and I really want to have a final try.

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Thanks for all the replies


I sent an email to her on Sunday, but she still didn't reply yet. I think she is a bit confusing as well. There is only one week left, I just cannot wait. I am sure at the end she will reply me. She also asked my friend to give me one thing so that I can bring it to her.


I know I am silly and I will get hurt after seeing her. But I think it's the way to make clear all the things and let me to give up the relationship. Do any of you do this before?

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if she is taking days to respond to you now, and the trip is only a week away, i really would reconsider going. there is always a possibility that she might not even show up at the airport to get you if you don't hear back from her that she will this week.


also, you appear to have forced her to see you with your persistence, and i don't really think that is going to make for a good trip. she may be moody or resentful, and you also might want to prepare yourself emotionally in case she doesn't show up, or in case she is not receptive and tells you she wants to break up and not see you again.


i understand the desire to see her to try to get closure in a relationship, and long distance relationships are always very difficult at best because most of the communication is not face to face. so if you feel you really must go to give it one last try, you will go, but please try not to get your expectations too high, or you might be very disappointed, and have travelled a long way just to get rejected. if the reverse is true, then you might be pleasantly surprized if she changes her mind. but it really does sound like she has made up her mind to break up already based on what you have said here.


good luck!

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