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Hope for the Curvy Girls??

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Ive often said I was born in the wrong era! Although I guess the equal rights and better oppurtunities for women are worth the trade off of looking at size 2 playboy bunnies


I am happy with myself, i get hit on ALOT (im a nurse...use your imagination lol).....I guess i have just trended toward bigger guys over the years.


I did the waist hip thing..im a 0.70

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I am happy with myself, i get hit on ALOT


And I think the second part of the statement is a direct result of the first part! Good for you ... for both parts of the above.


As for Playboy ... been years since I flipped through one of those. Internet you know.


Had to laugh the other day though, my mom called to ask what I wanted her to do with the old magazines from the 70's and 80's. Laughing out loud I told her to ask dad - they were his (not that I didn't sneak a peak at the time!)


Now returning your hijacked thread ...

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Had to laugh the other day though, my mom called to ask what I wanted her to do with the old magazines from the 70's and 80's. Laughing out loud I told her to ask dad - they were his (not that I didn't sneak a peak at the time!)


You just got yourself cut out of the will if your dad has any say to it!

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One thing tall girls can't get away with is being too thin. Petite girls can look nice.


At the moment, TV chefs are household names but few members of the public can name many astronomers except for Sir Patrick and Carl Sagan (in the US).

Have to admit though, I still get a buzz of excitement when I see someone walk into a shop and buy a magazine which has an article by me in it.

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Yeah, I do sort of look for that equally sized build, possibly a slight amount bigger -- that doesn't really bother me. It really depends on the guy but a lot don't like big girls...at least where I live. If you work out and such, and you aren't like morbidly obese and your an average shape I wouldn't worry about it.


EDIT: Btw, I'm a thin guy. 5'10 and 140lbs.

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