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The pattern is the same everyday, and it ends the same everyday
Change it! Do something different. Offer your biggest smile, open a door for someone, look a passerby in the eye and say goodmorning, and continue to do it until someone responds. The world needs us to respond to the negatives with our most positive attitude whether we "feel" it or not. I have seen people battle cancer and win, and I have seen people give up and lose. You have to make yourself "see" the postives in life that are starring you right in the face, it doesn't happen magically. I am the most pesimistic person I know, but when I stop and think about it I realize I am not doing anyone any favors by bring them down, so I just simply shut my mouth and smile and guess what? Everything changes. Simplify your life and remember what it is we all, most of us anyway, prize to have love, happiness, and peace. Focusing on the positive aspects of life will make you more open to recieving/giving happiness instead of letting it pass you by.
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How can anyone miss a person they never saw, or if did, hoped not to see again?

If its any consolation I'll miss you! Eachday I pray for people I have never met who are suffering in some way, be it physically, emotionally, or mentally. I know that someone had to be praying hard for me; I'm still alive today.

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Without darkness there is no light, without light there is no hope, without hope there is no reason.


The good is there, it's all around us, it's up to each of us individually to sort through it all and get from it what we need.


In order to do that we must embrace both; the darkness and the light.

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