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ex is pregnant

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I posted on here about 4 months back when my ex of 6 years broke up with me. The longest we went without talking in that span of 4 months was 1 month. She started seeing other people right away. That is why she left me.


Well we went out to eat because both of our birthdays had just passed. 2 weeks later I get a call from her crying saying she was at the movies last night with the other guy and wished it was me there with her. She said she felt so bad for how she had treated me and she was so sorry. So we went out to eat.


While eating she dropped a bomb on me. She was pregnant by the other guy but she didn't want to be with him. She wanted me to be there. And me like an idiot said I would. She started ignoring the other guy.


Well last week she miscarried. Now she seems distant. I think now that she is not like that she wants to be with the other guy instead. She told me it's because I'm someone she can see herself settling down with. She doesn't see that in the other guy and that's why she pulled away from him when she was pregnant. But now that she's not she feels she still has time to party and have fun with the other guy and I guess when she's ready come back to me.


She says she wants me to be there but she doesn't want to drop the other guy just yet. This is real hard because I do want to be with her but I don't want it to seem like she can do whatever she wants and come back whenever she wants.


She is really screwing around with me.

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But now that she's not she feels she still has time to party and have fun with the other guy and I guess when she's ready come back to me.


You mean when she's pregnant again she'll come back to you!! Bring you another present? Another man's baby?


Come on man!..I usually don't get so vociferous but seriously you are this woman's doormat.


Hard as it may be for you. cut her off. Finish it. Get rid of her.


She does not deserve you and you deserve better.

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whoa...sounds like a major cake-eater.


You don't need this girl. She is playing you for a fool. She wants you to hang around "just in case." You deserve better than that.


There are plenty of other women out there that would treat you with the respect and love that you deserve.


She is not worth your time and you're definitely not anyone's "back-up plan."

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Hey there,


I am with Melrich on this one. This young lady sounds like trouble and using you.


"She told me it's because I'm someone she can see herself settling down with."


Be careful here. You have to listen to her words carefully. She said that you are the KIND of person she would settle down with, not YOU. It would be different if she said, "I want to settle down with you..."



"She says she wants me to be there but she doesn't want to drop the other guy just yet."


Sorry to say here but she is playing you both. If she REALLY WANTED to be with you, she would not be with that other guy or she would ditch him in a heartbeat. But she has not. She is feeling you out now to see where she stands with you, and then if you pass all of her tests, then yes, she will want you and ditch the other guy. She is playing you like a fiddle.


Do not feel sorry for her. She made her choices, she needs to deal with consequences of those choices. Do not be her "knight and shining armour" or rescuing the damsel in distess. That is what psychologists are for. Do not be her therapist or charity case. I am sorry if I am coming off as harsh but this is very poor behavior on her part. I would advise you to stay far away from her.

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I have to agree with the other posters. I am a person who really pays attention to another's actions- sure, she's filling you with all of these great words but what are her actions telling you?


Right now you are her safety net... a safe place to fall when all else fails because she knows that no matter how lousy she is to you, that you will always still be there. But think for a minute-- how fair is that to you?


She left you and slept with someone else and got pregnant. Those actions tell me that she doesn't love you enough to want to be with you, if at all, and she is not treating you with the respect and care that any decent partner would. You have to take care of yourself here, and I think the best way to to do that is to remove her from your life and let her feel the consequence of her choice. If she doesn't want to be with you, let her see what life is like without you.

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Oh my, she is not the brightest smarty in the box


She figures now that she's not pregnant she'll go back to him & that life???? She learnt NOTHING From that exerience.

Wow, don't wait for her & don't be her back up plan & definietly do not bail her out of her mess she creats. She has a lot to learn & she won't if you help her out. Either she wants you & will be with you, or not. And she choose not to be.

She won't smarten up or clean up her life anytime soon, if a pregnancy can't open her eyes...I dont' know what will.


You deserve much better.

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run... don't walk away from this one.


you dodged a bullet this time, take it as fate doing you a HUGE favor. you barely escaped babysitting this guy's kid for 18 years while she is out partying with other guys.


i'm sorry about the break up aspect... that's never easy. but you've got to see that she's not treating you with love and respect.

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seriously stay away from this chick...she is just using you..


She wants to have her cake and eat it too...You can do so much better...She saounds like my ex...and I am finally letting go of him. He wants to date me and others as well and you dont need that..


You will find someone better

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You sound like a very forgiving and compassionate man that is very in love with someone that is extremely selfish and


As hard as it is you have to break all ties with her and not allow her to continue to manipulate your emotions.


You should never play the part of someones second choice, you are way to valuable for that!!!


Stay strong, you can do it!

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WOW! It is very clear to me how selfish this woman is. She is playing the both of you!!You and the other guy.. she ignores HIM when she's with you and vice versa! Some women dont know what they have UNTIL it's gone.. and i believe that is the case here. She will not know what she had in you until you walk away from her. I would suggest dating other girls.. dont focus on her, once you meet other people, you'll have something to compare her to and youll see that she is not worth sacrificing your good intentions for. As long as you sit and wait and pout over her.. you will never see the beauty there is in other people. You deserve a girl who knows what and who she wants to be with. This one is a manipulater. Don't fall for it, you will ALWAYS get hurt.

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I have to agree with everyone on this - Badly!


No one, I mean NO ONE who would respect you truly would do anything like this. Although it was a long time that you were together, be thankful that you see her true colours now.


Now you don't have to waste time being with someone who's not right for you - you can move on and find someone who wants to marry you and have your children because they love, respect and have passion for you!


I hope what you've read here is want you wanted to hear, because she's really not worth it at all.


If it is, that's grrreat! If you were hoping for a hint or push for you to chase her, please understand that no one who truly loves you would treat you like this, EVER.


Good luck!


MvdS x

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Change your phone number, change your email address, change your name, change your pet's name, change your friends, quit your job, move cities, grow your hair, have breast augmentation, call yourself "Irene" and apply to NASA in the hope of becoming the first female volunteer on a space station on Neptune.


....or go no contact forever. Whatever you think is easier - it's your call.


This woman is toxic and should be avoided as such.

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