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Definition of femininity to a guy


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ONE guy tells you something...it's not a cause to set about changing yourself!


I say this a lot but I mean it every time...however much of your *feminine side* you show is up to your genes, your personality. And provided you arn't a delinquent or psychopath, there is someone out there, or even lots of people out there, who will be perfectly content with whatever level or manifestation of femininity you have going on.


Does that make ANY sense?


I never had any problems, frankly, getting guys or girls and I didn't give a single thought to my *feminine side*. In my most successful dating days, I was simply confident and didn't think of such matters.

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I think when men or women try too consciously be more feminine/masculine, they sometimes up as charicatures of themselves. Swaggering leatherclad macho guys and eye-batting delicate flowers come to mind.


I think these traits are best left to nature.

Just my 2 cents.

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I think when men or women try too consciously be more feminine/masculine, they sometimes up as charicatures of themselves. Swaggering leatherclad macho guys and eye-batting delicate flowers come to mind.


I think these traits are best left to nature.

Just my 2 cents.


Being naturally androgynous, I am so on the page that you're on about this.

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Femininity is viewed differently by different men. Some men see women as being feminine if they are thin, wear makeup, dresses, etc. Other men can find tomboyish women feminine. To each is his own.


I think you should do what you think fits you. With me, I like wearing makeup occasionally. I hate wearing skirts or dresses. I am also NOT that thin and have extremely short hair. I still think I am feminine and that comes from how I act, the aura I give off, not necessarily what I wear.

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hmmm. ii dont think it is wrong of you to ask this question because there are many men that feels this way.

In a world that is pushing for feminist rights and everything that goes with it, the beauty of being a feminie creature is lost in the process.

There is no doubt a guy will find a women attractive if she can hold herself but he loses interest when her femine traits are lost. If she loses her femine traits I would simply rather hang out with my male buddies because there is nothing special about her and there is a hell alot more things i can do with me guy friends.

There is a beauty in looking and being with a women that is femine and sexy without wreaking of SEX. It is subtle and thus it's alluring to men.

Just like a women likes to be with a man and not with a over liberated man.

Sometimes it is a fine balance between being femine and being a feminist. As ong as you have one rule that you stick by, which eer choice you make to stick to it and not abuse things for your own benefit if you do, there would not be very much respect for you.

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My brother once told me I talked like a boy...i curse and i mumble. He thought it was cute...


feminity involves using your "nurturing nature", being sweet, and not doing anything vulgary.. wearing skirts, curling your hair, and smiling alot...


to me anyway.

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If I'm attracted to a woman, I don't care at all where she fits on some arbitrary socially-accepted scale of femininity.

I like women, not some stereotype, not her hair-do, makeup or deferential behavior.


I even have Republican guy friends. I cast a wide net.

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I think that femininity is a broad category, and there are many places where you can fall. you can be ultra-feminine, never leave the house without being head to toe in pink, makeup, heels, perfume, etc.... or you can be a tom-boy, no makeup...etc.


I think ultimately, you just have to be true to yourself. I'm very feminine naturally, it's just who I am. some men like that and some men don't. I think you should just wear whatever you feel best in, and don't worry how men feel. yeah, there are a lot of men that go crazy over mini-skirts and stilleto heels, but just as many who go crazy over a woman in sneakers and jeans.

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