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...I can't stand working here anymore...I wake up in the morning and lie in bed saying to myself..."nooo I don't want to go". It's so boring and there's no people around. I feel like I'm literally being bored to my death. The only thing that's keeping me here is that I get $17/hour. Do you think it's worth it? My actual job, I really don't have to do much....but I feel like I'm being deprived socially (literally, I come into contact with 1 person a day here), and I feel like at my age I should be doing a whole lot of other stuff...but I'm just scared to let go of that financial stability.


What should I do? Can anyone offer any advice?

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I think you just described my job! For whatever it's worth, you're not the only one!


I think you need to weigh your options. What kind of salary do you need to live? Are you willing to cut some spending out of your life to allow for a new job? Sit down and look at your budget and see where your limits are. Try living the new lower budgeted life style, see if this will work for you.


Now that you know what you need to live, why not explore some additional career opportunities? You don't have to leave your current job, just see what else is out there available to you. You might find that your next job will be within that budgeted area that you need. You may even find that it will pay more!!! But you won't know unless you explore some options.


Good luck!

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I'm curious....what do you do?


For the record, my general stance is : if you hate a job so much that you feel you would rather die than get up and go to it - just quit already! There's millions of jobs out there and only one life for you. Don't waste it.


Financial stability? Ain't such a thing.


I've worked all manner of jobs, didn't like all of them and didn't make good money at all of them either. Every job has its + and - 's in your life.

Make a chart. Good old fashioned list of + and - s. Weigh it out.


Find the bare minimum you could exist on. Pull all your choices into question - all up for grabs. Re-organize.


Sanity, health, mental and social stimulation are important parts of a good life. Is 17 bucks an hour worth that to you?


You could find another job. Have a different life. Do you want it?

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Same here, but its getting better. I talked to my boss last week and I said I was bored and our HR saw me and she said that I'm the smartest person who works here. She's a Dr. and before she used to do tests on people, ....


My boss brought new things for me, and now I'm not as bored as I used to be. He's going to promote me to take on more advanced things. Talk to your boss.


My boss is a very open minded person. Good luck

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Eww boredness at work... I know the feeling.. I work in a room, no people, one or two calls a day, I honestly don't know why I am employed here, I do nothing but talk on IM on the pc, online games (only way I survive!) and window shop online.


Do you have a computer at least? Games, something? Take a class online... If not bring books? Cell phone that has IM? Learn to knit? hehe

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I guess that's one of the perks of this job. I can go on the internet whenever I want....but I get bored of that...I want to interact with people in person. I'm bored of all of the sites I used to go to. I'm sick of my shoulders and eyes hurting at the end of the day because I'm in front of this stupid computer.... UGH!

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I wanna ask what you do. Getting $17 an hour for doing nothing but surf the net and read? That's my kind of job! LOL. I could deal with that but you probably don't have the right temperment or whatever for that. Some need to keep busy, socialize and it drives them nuts to just sit there. But for others it works, it is all your personality type.

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My feeling is that if you aren't getting anything out of your job other than a paycheque, it may be time to explore other options (at least if it's important to you to get something more)...that's the reason I chose to go back to school at least, and have not regretted it...even if it is hard without the paycheque anymore! And sure, I don't spend have hours to waste anymore to combat the boredom...but nor do I MISS doing that when I am busier, and my intellect is much more challenged....after having lived it the ability to "spend hours online" at work to combat boredom really is NOT that glamorous....


I think over time, when you are "stuck" the way you feel you are, it really eats at your self confidence and it gets harder and harder to move on...

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paying dues vs that is your career


If what you are doing now will result in improvement in your career down the line you may want to just suck it up while you advance your career prospects.


If on the other hand what you have is a Joe Job with no career advancement possible, then start working on getting a better job.


Do not quit your current job until you either have a new job lined up or inherit some money or win the lotto.

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  • 3 months later...
At my job I hate how there are no people my age around.


Mine too. I miss talking with people about football games, the latest in the news, all that stuff. I work with a lot of nerds.....and not the video game playing, book loving, sports loving nerd like me, but the antisocial nerd that stares at me like I have a booger crawling out of my nose and waving at them.


That, and I don't like what I am doing. It pays the bills though.

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