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Dating without a car!

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There is a guy I am interested in, who I find myself thinking of more and more.

The more I talk to him, the more I like him. I'm getting good vibes off him, too.

He's a wee bit awkward (i find it endearing and humanizing).


Problem is, how can I ask him out ...I have no car right now. And may not for a few months. If I wait that long, it may be too late. I would regret not giving this a shot, to at least get to know him better.


So, any suggestions? Anyone done this successfully and how to maneoouver around the challenges it presents?


Note: Letting him drive in his car all the time, with me tagging along, is not an option.


Just...thoughts? Experiences? Thanks!

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Sorry, I don't see why this is an issue? How do people without cars ever get married? If he's the kind of guy who thinks carless girls shouldn't be asking him out, is that the kind of guy you want? Most likely he's NOT that kind of guy. Most guys aren't like that. And so you're missing out if you give this up just because you don't have a car.


Take the bus, have someone drop you or why not take a cab? He might be flattered.


By the way I don't have a car. I think I've got another reason why girls won't date me. Just more proof of the materialistic world we live in (at least the Western world) where you need a car to find the least material of all things - LOVE.

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Dating without a car can be a PIA. My ex never learned how to drive and thus didnt have a car. I lived two hours from him. He lived in a city that had great public transportation so when we were there, taking public transportation was great, but it was hard for us to see each other. I usually had drive the two hours down to see him, if I wanted to see him during the week. On weekends, he took the train up to my city.


It also didnt help that he lived at home too.

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LOL. Well, I can see it's not much of an issue except mainly for me. It is - annoying, more difficult to get around, more difficult to set up seeing each other I suppose.


The weather is getting cold. Coming on winter.


However, with this guy I found out today that he lives close to me! Horray! So, now to just take the plunge.


Oh, this guy does seem to have a good heart. That's the huge attraction for me. Nothing melts my butter like a guy who knows how to treat ALL people well.


thanks all.

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There is a guy I am interested in, who I find myself thinking of more and more.

The more I talk to him, the more I like him. I'm getting good vibes off him, too.

He's a wee bit awkward (i find it endearing and humanizing).


Problem is, how can I ask him out ...I have no car right now. And may not for a few months. If I wait that long, it may be too late. I would regret not giving this a shot, to at least get to know him better.


So, any suggestions? Anyone done this successfully and how to maneoouver around the challenges it presents?


Note: Letting him drive in his car all the time, with me tagging along, is not an option.


Just...thoughts? Experiences? Thanks!


lol wow girl have no car -not that big of deal. guy with no car and i have dated is kinda of a set back -well from my experience.

i doubt a guy going dump ya with no car if ur nice person and good looking.

i never heard of a guy saying no to a gal b/c she had no car, i heard it from girls saying to a guy.

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Oh, this guy does seem to have a good heart. That's the huge attraction for me. Nothing melts my butter like a guy who knows how to treat ALL people well.

I'm right there with you sister, good luck with this one


Disclaimer: Even men with good hearts, rare as they may be, are still subject to the pitfalls of their sex.


P.S. You're awesome, this guy better be awesome too.

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