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GUYS: When you love a girl...

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This is a question posted specifically for the guys. Sometimes we girls think we are so different from you in relationships, and a lot of the time we excuse behaviour that would otherwise clearly indicate you're just not INTO us. So I decided to pose this question to the guys on the forum. Maybe it will show us that when WE find one of you who loves us, we really aren't all that different in a relationship... Or maybe we are? Let's see!


Guys, when you love a girl...


1. Do you get butterflies?

2. Do you think about calling her all the time, even when there's nothing to say?

3. Does seeing a car like hers on the drive to work make your heart skip a beat?

4. Does being just a few streets from where you know she lives make you smile?

5. Do you talk to your friends about her constantly?

6. Do you worry whether she likes you as much as you like her?

7. Do you have to work consciously to make sure your life doesn't revolve around her?

8. When you're around her family, do you hope they'll be YOUR family one day?

9. When you are in a fight, is it even POSSIBLE for you to sleep soundly?

10. Lastly, do you actually stop thinking about anyone else as a possibility for a relationship/fling except her?

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Guys, when you love a girl...


1. Do you get butterflies? Not when I love her but when I initially begin to like her.

2. Do you think about calling her all the time, even when there's nothing to say? Yes, but again this happens in the "liking" stage.

3. Does seeing a car like hers on the drive to work make your heart skip a beat? No but it triggers a thought.

4. Does being just a few streets from where you know she lives make you smile? No, not smile but I think of her.

5. Do you talk to your friends about her constantly? No but her name will be mentioned to my close friends.

6. Do you worry whether she likes you as much as you like her? I don't worry but I am usually hopeful and confident.

7. Do you have to work consciously to make sure your life doesn't revolve around her? No, this isn't a problem as I keep busy.

8. When you're around her family, do you hope they'll be YOUR family one day? No but I take into consideration whether or not her family is tolerable.

9. When you are in a fight, is it even POSSIBLE for you to sleep soundly? Yes but usually I will communicate and *try* to resolve the problem. I'm not the type of person to let problems build. Communication is key.

10. Lastly, do you actually stop thinking about anyone else as a possibility for a relationship/fling except her? When you love someone, you don't consider other women because you're content. I can still appreciate good looking women though, with my eyes.

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It's interesting how all your questions are supposed to be about love but none of them has anything to do with the act of giving to the other person which to me -anyway - is central to "love" - the other stuff is part of the thrill and excitement of love/infatuation/a crush/strong like - any of the above. If it were me (and it's not!) I wouldn't want to know as much about how it "feels" to a person (man or woman) as I would about whether it inspires the person to be giving to the other person and specifically in what ways (taking care of the person when she is sick, offering a shoulder, enjoying laughing with the other person at private jokes, etc). The feelings you describe are often fleeting but if I knew a person was inspired to give based on loving feelings those kinds of actions could last a lifetime.


Sort of like the difference between a woman being excited about getting a huge bouquet of roses from a new boyfriend v. a woman being happy that her boyfriend or spouse did her dishes without her asking because he knew she had had a hard day and was exhausted.

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Guys, when you love a girl...


1. Do you get butterflies?

2. Do you think about calling her all the time, even when there's nothing to say?

3. Does seeing a car like hers on the drive to work make your heart skip a beat?

4. Does being just a few streets from where you know she lives make you smile?

5. Do you talk to your friends about her constantly?

6. Do you worry whether she likes you as much as you like her?

7. Do you have to work consciously to make sure your life doesn't revolve around her?

8. When you're around her family, do you hope they'll be YOUR family one day?

9. When you are in a fight, is it even POSSIBLE for you to sleep soundly?

10. Lastly, do you actually stop thinking about anyone else as a possibility for a relationship/fling except her?


1. No, that stops sometime after the first date and before say the fifth date.

2. Sometimes, sometimes I got the urge. I've also fought it.

3. Same answer as one. But I might get a stupid little smile on my face.

4. Same answer as 3, maybe.

5. No. Most guys act cooler than that with our friends.

6. Sometimes, but rarely.

7. Yes, you must remain independent and avoid the relationship blackhole, or it will crush you and spit you out at light speed.

8. No, I just hope that we'll get along. I want to create our own family, which is related to our extended families, but also its own entity.

9. Sometimes, not often.

10. Yes, for the most part. That does not mean I cannot fantasize about soemone else, but it will never be acted on, and my fantasies get more remote from my eveyday life.

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Just a note - I have never been in love but these are my predicted reactions:


1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Maybe.


5. No!This would be a huge turn off to the girl in question, if she ever got to hear of it. I might have the urge to talk about her but I won't.

6. Yes, definitely.

7. Yes, probably.

8. Perhaps but I am definitely not going to force myself to like or be liked by her family.

9. Nope.

10. Can't answer this w/o experience but my guess would be yes.

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Thanks for the responses so far... Definitely my questions are about feeling. Because I can see the things like taking care of her when she's sick or doing the dishes because she had a hard day. Those are obvious and visible. It's this kind of stuff I had questions about!

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1. Do you get butterflies?


2. Do you think about calling her all the time, even when there's nothing to say?


3. Does seeing a car like hers on the drive to work make your heart skip a beat?


4. Does being just a few streets from where you know she lives make you smile?


5. Do you talk to your friends about her constantly?

no, i just think about her constantly

6. Do you worry whether she likes you as much as you like her?


7. Do you have to work consciously to make sure your life doesn't revolve around her?


8. When you're around her family, do you hope they'll be YOUR family one day?


9. When you are in a fight, is it even POSSIBLE for you to sleep soundly?

we've never fought

10. Lastly, do you actually stop thinking about anyone else as a possibility for a relationship/fling except her?


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Thanks for the responses so far... Definitely my questions are about feeling. Because I can see the things like taking care of her when she's sick or doing the dishes because she had a hard day. Those are obvious and visible. It's this kind of stuff I had questions about!


I would think the actions reflect the feelings way better than "saying" you have the feelings ever could -watch the feet, not the lips.

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Guys, when you love a girl...


1. Do you get butterflies?

Yes, even talking on the phone & we haven't met!


2. Do you think about calling her all the time, even when there's nothing to say?

Yes, just to say hi & want to hear her voice. The funny thing is it's random & she always tells me I call right when she's thinking about me?


3. Does seeing a car like hers on the drive to work make your heart skip a beat?

I don't know what her car exactly looks like...yet.


4. Does being just a few streets from where you know she lives make you smile?

Her voice alone makes me smile.


5. Do you talk to your friends about her constantly?

They're getting sick of it.


6. Do you worry whether she likes you as much as you like her?



7. Do you have to work consciously to make sure your life doesn't revolve around her?

Sometimes but it's more natural. I know what's important with my job & everyday responsibility.


8. When you're around her family, do you hope they'll be YOUR family one day?

Haven't met them but I hope so.


9. When you are in a fight, is it even POSSIBLE for you to sleep soundly?

I hope we don't get into any big fight...we hate it.


10. Lastly, do you actually stop thinking about anyone else as a possibility for a relationship/fling except her?

I would like to say YES but anything can happen.

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