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Everything posted by slickspartan

  1. Yes to every single one of those questions. I think most men are very similar to women when it comes to relationships and even dating but because there are so many games being played you never truly know what to think.
  2. Ok, i'm in my early 20's and have NEVER had a serious relationship. To be honest i have never really had any kind of relationship thats lasted longer then a month. Is this normal? It never used to really bother me as i'm quite a good looking guy and as a single guy have never been short of female attention but for a couple of years now i've been telling myself that i want a meaningful relationship and even though i've dated many nice women who most people would give their right arm to go out with, i've never truly found one that i'm happy with and i've more often then not found excuses to finish with them or not see them again. This is mainly due to the fact that i am probably too fussy but the way I see it is, why should i settle for anything less then the best? I think it might also be a fear thing as well as if i'm honest relationships do scare me but thats mainly because i've seen so many of them fail and although people say its better to have loved and lost then not loved at all, I think its a lot harder to have loved and lost then not have loved at all. I see my friends all finding partners and being happy and for once in my life i know thats what i truly want but how do i achieve this successfully?? I know this is probably a bit of a weird one but any response are greatly appreciated!!!
  3. Ok this is what i thought, that she's not interested but just doesn't know how to tell me. But if this was the case, why would SHE ask me out for a lunch and then change her arrangements to come to a leaving do she wasn't planning on going to only when she found out I was going. Also 1 of her friends have told me she likes me and when she cancelled our first lunch date, she said that she was thinking I could take her out. Also why would she agree to another lunch date this week if she didn't like me. I'm getting so many mixed signals. Normally i wouldn't even bother but this girl is so worth it. It seemed that things were going well and then something happened and it all changed. But i don't know what happened. Also it might be helpful to know that she's been single for a year and hasn't been on a date that whole time.
  4. WARNING – THIS IS VERY VERY LONG Ok, I really need help. I've always thought I've understood women and I generally have as I've never really had any problems getting women but I think I have finally met my match and I don't know what to do. Basically I work for a HR company and there's this girl that works on my floor but for a different team. I've often noticed her around as she is very beautiful but I've always dismissed her as she comes accross as someone I wouldn't have a chance in hell with. Anyway about a couple of weeks ago now her team had some kind of award ceremony and they were allowing people in other teams to vote for people they think deserved some kind of recognition, but before this actually kicked off I was talking to a girl who works on my team and she was telling me that she heard from a friend that this girl has a crush on me. So as I'm quite confident I decided to put in a vote for this girl and I put the reason why I was voting for her was because she was gorgeous. Which I did just to kinda break the ice as before that I never really spoke to her. Well anyway she found out about this and she was blushing and she thanked me. So later on that day I sent her an email just basically saying well done for all the effort she put into the ceremony and a lot of people enjoyed it. The next day she emailed me back just saying thanks and then we started instant messaging. The first conversation we had was really weird. Anyway we were having a conversation and she was saying that she was really good at saying no, Here's how the convo went: ME: so your really good at saying no HER: yep ME: OK, so if I was to ask you out then you would say no HER: that's a bit pushy ain't it ME: Well not really as I didn't actually ask you out, I was just checking to see how good you were at sayin no. She then went onto to avoid the question totally and I never got an answer. The next day, we were chatting again and I thought I'm really tired now of beating around the bush and this was said: ME: Look I'm really tired of beating round the bush, Do you fancy going for a drink sometime and no avoiding the question this time, just say either yes or no. HER: But we work together ME: Well we don't exactly work together. We work on different teams and have nothing to do with what each other do. HER: But it'll be awkward HER: I haven't been on a date in like a year. ME: look all I'm saying is that we go for a drink and see what happens. Don't think of it as a date, just think of it as 2 friends going for a drink, that way there's no pressure on either of us. It's totally up to you. HER: OK, I'll think about it. Me: OK. Now that was Friday afternoon and she didn't let me know all afternoon, so I left it. Later that night I went out with my friends and who should I bump into but her. We said hello, I bought her a drink and then we had a chat. She was telling me that she's seen me out a few times and once I bought her a drink and she was chatting to me but I didn't seem interested so she walked off. Now I must have been really drunk as I really do not remember this, but after a little while, she went off with her friends. By now I'm thinking I haven't got a chance and its never going to happen as she just doesn't give anything away. So on Monday, I was just going to ignore her until she gave me an answer, then she messaged me first asking if I had a good night on Friday and she commented that I left early. That afternoon we had a really good chat, just about general kinda stuff and just joking round, the same thing happened on Tuesday, we were just really getting to know each other but I started to realise that there was a totally different side to her then that what everyone else knows, it seems that she was starting to let her guard down and even she admitted this was the case. The thing is that everyone at work knows her as fun but also quite loud and a bit mad in a good way, but I started to realise that she is also a really sweet and caring girl. Anyway on Wednesday I was on a course and she messaged me, here's how the convo went: HER: are you missing me ME: yeah….. ME: like a really bad headache. HER: your hard work, do u know that? ME: well if I'm hard work then your impossible ME: I was only jokin though, but if u mean have I been thinking about you, then the answers yes. HER: ahhh your so sweet ME: Well I try HER: xxxx ME: So do you think we're getting on well then? HER: Yea I think we're getting on well, we should really go for lunch together though? ME: yeah we could do, when did u have in mind. HER: I'm not bothered whenever really. ME: Ok then, what about Friday/ HER: Friday sounds great. ME: By the way you did mean just us 2, didn't you HER: It's up to you ME: Well I'll just prefer it to be us 2 HER: Yeah so would I So that was it, we had a date. Also it is some girls leaving do on Friday who works with us. I will be going to it but I heard that she wouldn't be going to it as she was going away that weekend. She then told me on the same day that we organised the lunch date that she will be going and will now go away on the Saturday instead. So all in all I left work that day really happy thinking things are finally looking up. Then on Thursday we were having a really good chat again. I can't remember what started it but it went something like this: ME: I can't wait until I finally get to spend sometime alone with you. HER: ahhh, yeah that'll be nice HER: don't worry it'll soon happen (Now I'm thinking, wait a minute aren't we supposed to be going out tomorrow, but before I could say anything she says this) HER: It might not be tomorrow now as I have to go to the town to get a couple of things, but I'm thinking you can take me out on a proper date. ME: Well look its totally up to you, it would of been nice to spend sometime alone with you but if you've got things to do then that's cool. HER: ahh your so sweet. HER: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So that was it, I would be lying if I said I weren't pissed off coz I so was, but at the same time I was thinking it can't be too bad as she kind of said I could take her out on a proper date. After that we didn't really speak again that day until I was leaving, I had to walk passed her but instead of ignoring her I thought I'll talk to her and say bye. So I went up to her and we had a chat, just general crap like how's your day been etc, but I started to realise that I'm really starting to like this girl. Then I was about to go and she said that she promises she'll come to my desk and talk to me tomorrow, so I was like ok. Now on Friday, I said to myself that I'm sick of making the effort and she could. So I didn't message her all day, but I was talking to some of her friends and I was saying to them that she is coming to this girl's leaving do but they said No she's not coming. So I'm thinking why she told me she was coming, and if she changed her mind, she could have told me. So I was a bit annoyed with that plus work was just annoying me as well, so I was in a bit of a bad mood. One of her friends noticed this and asked if I was Ok and I just said that I was really busy. Now a lot of people noticed I wasn't my normal self and they were being really nice and checking if I was OK, yet she didn't say anything to me all day, not to see how I was or anything. Anyway this whole day she didn't say a word to me, then I went to talk to her friend who sits next to her and she was kinda telling me to go away and that I shouldn't be over there, so now I'm really confused and thinking what the hell is going on, so I just walked away. I went home that night not knowing what to think. Now Monday I came back to work and I thought I'm going to give it one last shot, so I said this: ME: Hey, how's are you? Did you have a good weekend? HER: yea it was good thanks HER: Look sorry if I was rude on Friday, its just that they watch my every move here. HER: Its for your own benefit as well as they'll probably fire me if they see me not working. ME: Na that's cool, I kind of figured that anyway. ( I totally lied) And your right it probably is for my benefit as well, what would I do without you here! HER: Ahhhhh, xxxx ME: Look I was wondering, seeing as you blew me out on Friday to go shopping, lol. Do you fancy going for lunch one day this week? HER: Yeah sure, I'll have to let you know though, what day would suit me best. ME: Yeah that's fine; just make sure you give me a bit of notice. HER: Yeah, of course I will. xxxxx So that was yesterday morning, I didn't speak to her for the rest of the day after that. I tried but this happened: ME: hey, how's your day going? You look busy as usual!! HER: I sure am ME: Ok then, I'll leave u to get on with it. HER: Thanks, xxxx So now I'm at a loss, I'm just thinking that just a little bit of effort from her won't hurt. I just don't know what to do or where to go from here. I know something's going to come up and we're not going to end up going for lunch. The thing is I haven't crowded her and been too pushy, I've been quite the opposite to be honest and I've given her loads of space and there are times when she makes contact first. But its weird, when we organised that date everything seemed to be looking up and now it's like I'm lost I the middle of nowhere again. What does this girl want? She said she likes guys who are persistent and I've also been that, most guys would have given up by now but I'm still here. I know when it comes to things like this that its not a race and most women like to take their time but this is taking the biscuit. Anyway if you've took the time to sit through this all, you are a true friend!! Please let me know what you think of my situation and ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated. Sorry this is sooo long but you don't know how good it feels to actually let it all out. Thanks
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