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I had another appointment with my OB today. I've been having them weekly now and although it's getting annoying in a way, I love them because I am reassured that everything is okay and my baby is fine.


Sooo... I've only gained 17 lbs. my entire pregnancy which isn't a lot. She also says that my stomach is only the size of a 25 to 30 week gestation but that Ian is actually pretty large for 38 weeks. It has me kind of freaked out that I am so small from what she has said but she constantly assures me that everything is fine.


I'm 30% effaced and about 2 and a half centimenters dilated, meaning I could go into labor at any time now! She is convinced that if I do go into labor, everything will be normal and he will be fully developed which I am really happy about. It's only a matter of 2 weeks now until I can hold my son in my arms and see his face for the first time. I am so excited that I can barely sleep now and Ian is pretty much the same way. We stayed up half the night last night just talking about the most random stuff.


It's been a month and 2 days now that we've been married and I love it. We are so much closer than we were before we married. I never thought it would be possible for us to be any closer but it definitely was. It also makes me smile knowing that in some people's eyes, my son won't be born out of wedlock. It doesn't mean much to me about someone born when they're parents aren't married but I'm just personally glad that he isn't going to be.


I nearly got the shock of my life yesterday. My grandmom called me! My heart started racing when I saw her number on the caller ID and after a few rings, I finally answered it and all I heard was her crying her eyes out and asking if I could ever forgive her. I dropped my phone and picked it up again and I told her the truth. She hurt me but I would be able to forgive her over time. I went up to visit her today before my appointment and she gave me a huge hug and held onto me and asked everything about the baby. She asked me if it was a boy or girl and when I told her, she walked into her bedroom and handed me a HUGE bag full of baby things. She had bought a million things for both a boy and a girl yesterday because she didn't know what my baby was. I'm really happy that we're back on good terms and that she'll know I still love her.


Anyway. I'm exhausted right now from not sleeping very good all night and being 9 months pregnant. It really beats you after awhile.


This will probably be the last one before you get to see BABY PICTURES!!

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You really do look great!!! How much did you gain? Your arms are nice and slender and your hips look good too!!! Yay for you for having a normal sized baby in a small belly. That's dreamy. Anyway, everything seems like it's getting better by the day. Tic goes the clock and with each one, the time gets closer for you to hold baby in arms!!! YAY

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I absolutely love what has turned into your pregnancy e-journal here. You have an adorable belly.

It's such a nice thing that your grandmother came to her senses about you. That makes my day, seriously.

I cant wait to see your little dude. I wish you and your family nothing but the best of everything.

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You really do look great!!! How much did you gain? Your arms are nice and slender and your hips look good too!!! Yay for you for having a normal sized baby in a small belly. That's dreamy. Anyway, everything seems like it's getting better by the day. Tic goes the clock and with each one, the time gets closer for you to hold baby in arms!!! YAY


Thanks. I've only gained 17 lbs.


Soooo cute! You will bounce right back to your old body after he's born. Can't wait to see pictures of the darling.


I actually don't want to lose all of my baby weight. I was too skinny when I got pregnant.


Aww...I'm SO happy for you! It's so close! That is so sweet of your grandma to see what she was missing out on, good for her!


I can't wait to see baby pictures!


Good luck with your labor!


Thanks. I really hope I have a quick labor lol. I don't want to go through a million hours of pain.


I absolutely love what has turned into your pregnancy e-journal here. You have an adorable belly.

It's such a nice thing that your grandmother came to her senses about you. That makes my day, seriously.

I cant wait to see your little dude. I wish you and your family nothing but the best of everything.



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Hey Dani,


Love the pics!


I can't wait to see pics of Ian!


Remember- you don't have to be a hero during the delivery. Pain management or not, epidural or not, everybody still ends the scenario with a baby!


Hang in there, and keep us updated!


Glad to hear you and your grandmother are back on good terms, a baby has a way of doing that....

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Iansmommy - I too have been following your posts for a loooong time now it seems.


I am VERY excited for you and to hear how things went.


Don't worry too much about the lack of weight gain or the size of Ian. You are a small person. You'll have a small - healthy - baby.


I know the next couple weeks will be busy for you and for sure much busier after, but I hope you'll find a way to keep us posted.


Best -



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Hey Dani,


Love the pics!


I can't wait to see pics of Ian!


Remember- you don't have to be a hero during the delivery. Pain management or not, epidural or not, everybody still ends the scenario with a baby!


Hang in there, and keep us updated!


Glad to hear you and your grandmother are back on good terms, a baby has a way of doing that....


As of right now, I'm planning on having an epidural.


Iansmommy - I too have been following your posts for a loooong time now it seems.


I am VERY excited for you and to hear how things went.


Don't worry too much about the lack of weight gain or the size of Ian. You are a small person. You'll have a small - healthy - baby.


I know the next couple weeks will be busy for you and for sure much busier after, but I hope you'll find a way to keep us posted.


Best -




In a way, I am/was a small person but I'm not. I was very skinny when I got pregnant. I've dealt with bulemia for years and I was only 102 lbs. when I found out I was pregnant. Otherwise, I have a VERY large bone structure so I'm not so sure...


Don't worry, I'd never leave you guys for a long period of time. I'd miss everyone too much.

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I just saw your tummy.... HOW CUTE!!!


If I sent you nine month pics of my baby tummys, i look more like I am carrying a hot air ballon in front of me... you have the cutest tight little tummy.


We love you, Dani... I am so excited for you!


haha I don't think you would have looked like a hot air balloon.


I love you guys too!

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In a way, I am/was a small person but I'm not. I was very skinny when I got pregnant. I've dealt with bulemia for years and I was only 102 lbs. when I found out I was pregnant. Otherwise, I have a VERY large bone structure so I'm not so sure...




It's nice to hear that you accept that you had a problem before and hope to keep some of the baby weight. I was too thin before getting pregnant as well (115 lbs and 5'6) and don't want to focus on being thin when I'm a mom. Here's to being healthy and loving our mama bodies!

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It's nice to hear that you accept that you had a problem before and hope to keep some of the baby weight. I was too thin before getting pregnant as well (115 lbs and 5'6) and don't want to focus on being thin when I'm a mom. Here's to being healthy and loving our mama bodies!


I'm 5'4 so I was really tiny for my height. Now looking at pictures makes me sick to think that I did that to myself. You could see all my bones sticking out and it was just gross.

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Wow your tummy has grown !! How cute !!!! I know you are excited that little Ian will soon be here. I can remember how I felt 25 years ago when I had my first baby. I can't wait to see pics of the baby. Be sure to take lots of pictures. They have a way of growing up so quickly, right before your eyes. It seems like only yesterday that mine children were tiny babies, and they are now 20 and 25 years old.


You were mentioning the amount of weight that you have gained ,,,,,,,,, and I remember my mom told me that when she got pregnant with me, that she weighed 120 lbs and was 5'8'' and she only gained up to 134 pounds in 9 months. I was born at a healthy 7-lbs-13- oz .


Good luck and take care girl. I hope the best for you and your husband on your journey as parents to little Ian. Babies are one of the most precious things in life. Treasure every moment.

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