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he cheated and he is angry at me

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sorry for posting again. but omg, i talked with my exbf for the first time in 3 months. we broke up because he cheated on me with another woman and after he cheated on me we never talked about it. we just broke up. we talked on the phone and the whole conversation was about how angry he was with me and that he didn't know if he wanted to see me. he told me to call him back later and gave me a time to call him back. i called at that time and he never answered. i think he is angry because we are broke up but i feel he should be the one to say he is sorry. i never did anthing and i don't understand why he is so angry.

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Time to forget about him, cinderelly65. From what you've written here, he sounds like a bad egg to me---and he's also certainly not worth anymore heartache and grief.


Where does he get off being angry with you and questioning whether or not he wants to see you again?


In my opinion, these are feelings/thoughts that you should have about him.

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You are so right. He has no right to be angry with you for you breaking up with him. That's not how it goes. HE cheated on YOU, not the other way around. He should really try imagining how he would feel if you would have cheated on him. I think you're right, but I don't think you should be talking to him at all. He cheated on you, he lost you, he forfeited the right to talk to you when he did whatever he did with someone else.

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Stop talking to him. He's probably mad at himself. Rose is right, it's called projection and it's really VERY immature.

Not contacting him will show him you have pride, dignity and self-respect and don't want to waste your time with him.


Chin up girl. He's in the past, turn the page and start a better chapter now.



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He's taking out his aggressions on you because he errored.


It's called projection and it's definitely not right.


You deserve far better than this so please walk away now.


He's just not worth your time or anyone else's for that matter.


Hugs, Rose


Rose hit the nail on the head. He screwed up and has not reached the right stage of admitting it to himself. Someone capable of this is normally not worth much time.


Say this: NEXT.

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I understand you two talking to kinda see where your lives are at and where your gonna go. But, the situation is laughable. If he sincerley did just get mad and you were completley mature about the situation then this makes things easy. Just don't call or pick up for a long time, let yourself get over him. It seems like he is angry at you because YOUR letting him be angry at you.


Just take a bit of a NC sorta path, Im not saying 110% NC but somewhere in the not talking for weeks department.

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