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"Althought It Hurts, Did You Have True Love"

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Hey Everybody-


As some of you might know, I am going through a really tough time after thinking that my ex gf wanted a second chance. If I had any girl that i wanted a second chance, she was the one. She was "the one that got away". Anyhow I was sitting alone tonight and for the first time in awhile I was able to bring a smile to my face. I thought to myself that although i am heartbroken and was lead on to believe that my ex still loved me, I am ever so happy that I was capable of loving someone so very much. That I got to experience true love. What is TRUE LOVE??????????????


True Love for me is-


Spending all day and night sitting by your grandmothers hospital bed as she is fighting cancer. Being so tired that you can barely see straight but still managing to send your ex a text asking how her dog is because you know that she loves her more than anything.


True love is holding your crying sister because my dads drinking is taering apart the family but still manage to wonder if your ex is doing ok after her car wreck.


True love is counting the number of taxis that go by at the airport as you wait for your ex to pick you up. Even though you have not seen her for over 2 years, the butterflies in your stomach keep you from sitting still.


True love is when nomatter how hurt I feel right now and how heartbroken I am, I only hope that my ex is happy with whatever she is doing right now..



I hope that everyone here got to experience that love I had for my ex. Although I am not with her nor will I ever be, I am ever so thankfull that I learned that I am capable of loving one so deeply.

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Actually...True love is the fact your holding your sister and taking care of her when your dad is not acting right. That shows you have a big heart to take care of her when you so down. Your sister is going to be there for you, not someone that broke your heart.


Yea, that is really nice to hear though. You want the best for your ex right, that is really healthy. Your learing most definalty.


Here is something that I wrote one of my first posts, my friend gave it to me in a time of pain..Ill let you think about it:


Love....sometimes...you just gave too much...but don't regret it though...love ain't about being selfish n shiat...or how much you gave that person...and like how the other person didn't give you much...love is about giving and not being selfish about it because you love that person...right?? some thing like that...just dust it off *****...that's all you gotta do...dust it off...you learn from every relationship and you make it 100% better than the relationship that you had before...it's a game foo...just play it right...but there's a price to pay

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True love, for me, was loving him literally through all the circumstances of my life, and even now, I could not imagine not loving him. Which is why I don't see him anymore, since he married someone else. But I've realized that the capacity for that kind of love is something I have, not something he gave me. He didn't give me a whole lot, although I'm sure he had planned to, and somehow, just never got around to it, being so busy with his work, and seeing other girls and so forth....after all, a guy has to look out for his own best interests.... lol

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oh i HAVE and HAD true love...we broke up....and he's moved on...but the love from my side was true....becauseif its true, you can never lose true love...and its been almost half a year since we broke it off and he is dating my best-friend now and...i still love him...his soul...but not him as a person because he's changed into a butt. I love who he was...and i will always be in love with who he was...but that doesn't stop me from moving on with my life and dating other ppl...i just will always love his soul.

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Hey Everybody-


Its interesting to read all your post and the varaitions with each person on what true love was for them. I know that i love my ex with all my heart. I love the person she is. Although she has put me through so much hurt, I still love her. I guess when I look back years from now, I will smile instead of frown. I want her to be happy. I want her to find the love from some guy that I had for her because she deserves it. My family and friends thing I am nuts and maybe i am. I dont want to see her get hurt. I dont want to see her get heartbroken and go through the pain that I am going through.


You see its so tough for me right now. My grandmother is very sick and I have been spending nights at the hospital. I am being strong for everyone yet at the sametime, i am crying inside. However I know that I cant show it in front of them. Its when I get in my car and drive the hour and half trip home from the hospital that i let it all go. I cry, I scream, I get mad.


It hurts me that even though my ex knows what is going on, she hasnt yet picked up the phone to call or text me to see how im doing or how my nana is. That hurts the most.


Im am so gald to see that so far people have experienced true love. Its a blessing. I knwo that it hurts but at the sametime doesnt it feel good to know that there was that person that captured your heart, ran with it, drug it through the dirt but yet you still love them.


Tonight I was sitting by my grandmothers bed and even though she is in alot of pain, she told me this. I know some here may or may not be religious but please take it for what its worth. I wrote it down on a hospital napkin so I could read it everyday and post it here for all my enotalone friends. She knows how much hurt I am going through and how sad that I am but this brought a tear to my eye and for the first time in several several months, I knew that I would be ok....





Whether you believe in the big man upstairs or not, I want you all to read this every morning when you wake up. I think it will help. My nana says it will, so it will.....................................

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oh i HAVE and HAD true love...we broke up....and he's moved on...but the love from my side was true....becauseif its true, you can never lose true love...and its been almost half a year since we broke it off and he is dating my best-friend now and...i still love him...his soul...but not him as a person because he's changed into a butt. I love who he was...and i will always be in love with who he was...but that doesn't stop me from moving on with my life and dating other ppl...i just will always love his soul.




i can relate to this one the best, i had true love, and still love that person despite all the BS that happened and now he is a different person

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I absolutely experienced true love with my ex, we even had a daughter together, a true love child. It took me 35 years before I actually met a soul mate, a kindred spirit. The story of how we met and fell in love is undeniably romantic, but I can't get into the details right now, the pain is still too fresh.


Leonard Cohen says it perfectly:


I loved you for a long, long time

I know this love is real

It don't matter how it all went wrong

That don't change the way I feel

And I can't believe that time's

Gonna heal this wound I'm speaking of

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure for love

I'm aching for you baby

I can't pretend I'm not

I need to see you naked

In your body and your thought

I've got you like a habit

And I'll never get enough

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure for love


There ain't no cure for love

There ain't no cure for love

All the rocket ships are climbing through the sky

The holy books are open wide

The doctors working day and night

But they'll never ever find that cure for love

There ain't no drink no drug

(Ah tell them, angels)

There's nothing pure enough to be a cure for love


I see you in the subway and I see you on the bus

I see you lying down with me, I see you waking up

I see your hand, I see your hair

Your bracelets and your brush

And I call to you, I call to you

But I don't call soft enough

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure for love


I walked into this empty church I had no place else to go

When the sweetest voice I ever heard, whispered to my soul

I don't need to be forgiven for loving you so much

It's written in the scriptures

It's written there in blood

I even heard the angels declare it from above

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure,

There ain't no cure for love


There ain't no cure for love

There ain't no cure for love

All the rocket ships are climbing through the sky

The holy books are open wide

The doctors working day and night

But they'll never ever find that cure,

That cure for love

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I know its real.

She will never know.

She left and I still have nothing but love for her.


She calls me everyday, tells me how her day was.

Does she expect me to be ok with her leaving?

Does she expect me to lose my love for her?


She acts like I should be ok with everything.

That I'm just a friend.


But I will never be, just a friend.

I will be always something more.

i will always be the person who holds nothing more,


but true love,

in my heart

in my brain,

and in my soul

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Wow, your words really got to me. I am still having a hard time letting my true love go, altho I have to for myself...he just causes me too much pain.


I want to meet your nana, she sounds like a very wise lady who has known true love.


I get in my car and drive the hour and half trip home from the hospital that i let it all go. I cry, I scream, I get mad


when you do this, make sure the guy in the car next to you at the stop light knows you are heartbroken and not a person who simply forgot to take your meds that day! lol

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Im sorry that you are having a hardtime letting go of yoru true love too. I know that it hurts. Yes my nana is one of the sweetest most amzing people that you will ever meet. I just got back from seeing her at the hospital and i am hurting so bad. It doesnt help that I am so heartbroken right now either. The hard part is that with all that is going on with my family right now, I wont dare be the "poor me" person bc some girl hurt me. You know I have spent so many nights lately at the hospital and have had so much support from everyone. It hurts beyond believe that my ex who just two weeks ago was so sweet, cant even find it in her heart to call me or text me to see how I am doing. That pain hurts so bad!!!! I guess that she got in a car wreck last week and I still thought enough about her to text her to see how she was holding up.


I guess I figured that she met someone new and that is why she vanished again after promising me all these things. ( our situtaion is a very long story, we broke up almost two years ago). However how hard is it to pick up the phone and call or text. I guess she really does not care that much, i dont know anymore.


I have to be strong right now and put my hurt aside and be their for my family and my nana, that is what is important.

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