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Guys: Have you ever done this?

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So you see a girl you like standing in a crowd. You would love to go over and say hi so you start weaving your way through the crowd in her direction. She isn't looking your way..you are right near her and than..you get too nervous to say anything to get her attention so you end up walking right past her and it looks like you just ignored her. Have you ever done this? Why else would you walk right by her in a crowd if you hadn't wanted to approach her in the first place?

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So you see a girl you like standing in a crowd. You would love to go over and say hi so you start weaving your way through the crowd in her direction. She isn't looking your way..you are right near her and than..you get too nervous to say anything to get her attention so you end up walking right past her and it looks like you just ignored her. Have you ever done this? Why else would you walk right by her in a crowd if you hadn't wanted to approach her in the first place?


That's awkward moment #7 in sumguy's big book of awkward moments, I think most people have been through something similiar at least once =)


All you can do is take the plunge next time... not thinking about it really does help... =P

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yeah i've done that b4. i felt mad at myself cause i had nothing to lose and everything to gain but i doubted myself again.


maybe next time isn't going to cut it the next time, though.


the next one i want to meet will be MET and i could care less WHO thinks i'm stupid!!!


i'll either thank myself or laugh at my own mistakes, but it WILL happen (for once)

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Yeah I do it... not quite as obviously though, as I know all along I don't have the bottle to speak to the girl... I just move closer to her and hope she notices me, or a situation arises like finding myself next to her at the bar where it wouldn't take so much bottle to talk to her, usually I just decide it's not going to happen and move away again. But of course, looking at it from the girl's point of view a bar is full of people moving this way and that way, you can't really assume that someone heading in your direction is doing so because they are interested in you. It really would be nice though if girls did assume this and approached guys who they had an inkling about

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That's awkward moment #7 in sumguy's big book of awkward moments, I think most people have been through something similiar at least once =)


All you can do is take the plunge next time... not thinking about it really does help... =P



Couldn't say it better! Taking the plunge is a great thing, and it feels awesome.


PS I've - of course - done as the OP described.


The secret is to take control of the three second rule. If you see anyone you want to approach, do it within three seconds or so, so you don't have time to think about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Couldn't say it better! Taking the plunge is a great thing, and it feels awesome.


PS I've - of course - done as the OP described.


The secret is to take control of the three second rule. If you see anyone you want to approach, do it within three seconds or so, so you don't have time to think about it.


And if you burn the 3 second window and start to have negative thoughts (we all know them ) then have a backup plan: "What will I regret more later on? Not approaching at all or approaching and having a 50/50 chance of getting a positive response". Works well...

I'm an overanalizer but in those situations or during low self confidence level times I tend to just keep walking towards her and NOT thinking of anything at all, then just say HI and blah blah blah....

Stupid analogy but think about approaching as of a dentist visit. When you wait you get anxious and scared but once you are on the chair, what the heck, let 'er rip, can't escape it but gotta do it.

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