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im confused... am i being played ?

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so heres the thing, abit over a month ago my ex g/f broke up with me after a two year relationship. I was heart broken and have been miserable ever since.


well after a month and a couple of weeks my ex g/f calls me and we talked for a good while and then i asked her if she wanted to hang out one night this week and she agreed. Well i must say after over a month of not seeing her i was so happy to see her, shes even more beautiful then what i remembered. Anyway during that day that we hung out we had alot of fun (probably more fun then when we were a couple) and well at the end of the night we ended up kissing each other and well it felt like it ment something.


Anyway so i knew that the next day that she was going clubbing with her friends and I know before that night that we had that she told me that she was going there to look for a one night stand. I was her first sexual partner and to this point i still remained her sole partner. Anyway before she left she gave me a call and asked me if i could lend her 20$ ( in the whole 2 years i was with her she had never asked me for a cent). After the night we had on friday I was more then willing to give her $20. So I drove to her friends house where she was at that time and i gave her the $20 and i also gave her my cellphone because i knew that she was going to take some esctasy that night with her friends and i wanted to make sure that if anything were to go wrong that she would atleast have a cellphone to call me.


When i met up with her at her friends house she came to me and kissed me and she thanked me for always being there for her and that she said that our break up is more like a break and that we would probably end up back togerther and well she promised me that she would not have sex with any guy that night no matter what because she knew how much that was bugging me.


Anyway so the next day she calls me at around 6pm and when i asked her if she did anything she didnt respond. And then when i asked again she said that she saw my best friends brother at the bar and that she just "pecked" him ?


My question to her was... what kind of girl just "pecks" a guy especialy if they dont know them... i dunno about u guys but if i was a chick and i wanted to kiss someone i wouldnt just peck them.

Anyway after that she said that well her friend was the one that was making out with him. And then later on found out that this guy ( my best friends brother ) ended up sleeping over at her friends house and on top of that they were all sleeping in the same bed and this guy was so close to her all night that her cheek was all red from him having a 5oclock shadow.


She promised and swore that she did not do anything with him but i dont know what to believe anymore. One night she is hinting to me that she wants to get back togerther and the next she is sleeping with another guy.


Now my question is does this sound like im being played or do you think that she is telling the truth and i should get back with her ?


The last couple of days ive been so happy but now i just feel hurt again and i dont know what to do.


Please Help

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Time to love yourself and realise that she doesn't love you and is thereforeeee only going to hurt you.


It will hurt to let her go but not as much as what she is doing to you.


One of the great fallacies is the idea that 'love conquers all'. It doesn't if it is not reciprocated.

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she told me that she was going there to look for a one night stand.


Now there's a woman with class.


i gave her the $20 and i also gave her my cellphone because i knew that she was going to take some esctasy that night with her friends and i wanted to make sure that if anything were to go wrong that she would atleast have a cellphone to call me.


Unless you have another cell phone lying around or your parents dont mind her calling the house at 4 AM all drugged out and waking them up, she can't call you.


my question is does this sound like im being played?


That all depends if you're still intimate with each other, but everyone has their own term for it whether it being sexually or emotionally.


The last couple of days ive been so happy but now i just feel hurt again and i dont know what to do.


Move on. You're 19! Life has just begun for you!

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Trust me, you will love someone else but you need to love yourself first. Nobody is worth the pain you are going through and the only person that is causing you that pain is yourself. Im almost a year from my breakup and I have never been happier. I never thought I would ever find someone else and would never get over my ex.


I learned to love myself, and I have found someone new that I could see myself with for the rest of my life but im not expecting anything. I am happy being single. There are so many girls out there and there are so many benefits to being single. You wont see it right now, but you will.


Leave her alone, go NC and spend some time with yourself and figure out yourself. Take an opportunity to grow and become a better person. There is no easy way to get over a love but time will help.

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i did it, it was the hardest thing ive ever done. I went to go see her and touched her soft hair and her pretty face and before i left i kissed and hugged her. She ment the world to me i couldve spent my whole life with her and i woudlve never looked back. Im happy its over because i can grow stronger now but im afraid that I wont ever find someone who will love me as much as she did..when she did... she was all i had.. what kept me wanting to get up in the morning and all the memories i have after 2 years of being with her just haunt me all the time.... i dont know what to do.. I go out and i look at other girls and see that they are nothing compare what she was. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and now shes gone....

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