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Strangest Place You've Ever Had Sex?

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Sleepy's, the bed store. Haha.


My ex boyfriend's dad managed the place, and so my ex boyfriend was usually trusted to lockup and take inventory and all that after the store closed. One night he was stuck there really late, so I (being an awesome girlfriend) brought him ice cream.


We were the only two in the store, it was dark except for some window lights, and..there were beds. We got carried away


I'm just hoping the security cameras never caught it, lol.

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Same with me! We have two porches and they overlook the entire valley so it's a great view...and we don't have neighbors right next door so I think we'd be able to get away with it late at night I'll have to try it one night.



You're lucky. My house is about 5 feet from the next house and we don't have a porch lol.

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With my ex in the shed in the back yard.


With my current S.O., in every house we ever pet-sat in, including on the pool table in one of them and on the floor at her grandma's condo.


On the beach of her dad's pond just over the hill from the construction workers.


Standing in a creek I played in as a child.


On the bathroom sink (which is apparently quite common in this bunch).


In her parents' driveway in their car while they were home.


I doubt any of that really compares to some of the other stories I've seen, but oh well. Those are the strangest/most interesting places I can recall. I lost my lengthy list of all the places we've had sex.

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So yay - just had to report...we went to the movies last night...while we didn't get to do anything too risque we did get some groping going on - and then I noticed some people a few rows down kept turning up to look at us HAHA so I made us stop...we weren't making any sounds or anything And then this morning my BF got out of bed pretty early and went upstairs - I came up to find him and we went at it on the couch in the living room So now I'm happy I got a little bit of something other than the bedroom I can't wait for more places!

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I'm fairly new to the "Sex in weird places" experience, but I'd say the weirdest place was in the passenger seat of my car, at 2am, behind a random church in the parking lot.


I thought my girlfriend was joking when she suggested it, I quickly learend that she was not!

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Hmmm what a good topic....I know I have a couple of okay ones however it looks like many of you are super-adventurous!

-Bathroom on an airplane

-Back of moving truck

-Top level of a parking garage

-Boss's desk, chair, floor in his office

-Walk in freezer at a pizza shop

-Beach (one of my favorites, except for the sand)

-Baseball field

-Storm drains (weird but it really wasn't dirty at all and you could hear our voices echo for like, miles lol)

-Right behind this landmark thing on a busy highway...people could see our heads and definently knew what we were up to...

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haha ok this actually happened this summer when i was up in oakland for basketball and i met this girl and her dad had keys to the A's baseball field and the A's were out of town that weekend and it was about 2 in the morning and we went out onto the field right on the pitcher's mound and every time i watch barry zito pitch i laugh and laugh and my parents always look at me funny oooooooooh what a great time

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