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I've been broken up with my ex-fiance for a few months now. She's now in love (with Mr. Perfect), and I'm trying to let her go. To finally get over her. It's starting to work, but I still can't stop thinking about her. Dammit!!

I know that this "letting go" process is just that...a process. But it's killing me! and it doesn't help that she's in love with somebody else now.

I know I will move on, but...this is painful. And hard. People, how did you all do it?

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I can't really empathize b/c I've never been in that situation, but I can relate to the pain you are feeling from a past relationship.


All I can say is that I realized eventually that a lot of the hurt wasn't so much the girl as it was my ego. Once I accepted that we obviously weren't destined to be together since she fell in love with someone else, I was able to go out and meet people. Being alone wound up being the healthiest time of my life. I am now thankful b/c I met someone who I love with all my heart (although I do miss my independence a bit as indicated on this forum - but that's another story) and loves me in return.


You already recognize you are in the process. And you're right...that's what it is. Start feeling good about yourself. Don't picture her and her new boyfriend. It'll hinder the process. Be honest with yourself, and try to determine if it's missing her that hurts most, or the blow to the ego.

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Good point. I think a LOT of it is ego. But...the fact that she's in love with somebody...it's like, how come SHE gets to get over me and find her soulmate, but I get to twist in the wind? And I DON'T want to think about her, at all. I'm getting better with it. But, it still stings.

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1. Get out of the house and stop moping- imagining what she's doing, if she's having sex with the other guy....please, get over it.]




2. Join a dating service online - for only 25 bucks you get to see the women who are looking for men in your area. Contact them and go out with them. The golden rule of online dating I found to be true - if they don't ever call you, and you're doing all of the calling - DROP THEM.


Get on with your life and forget about this one.

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