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Cheating gf, suicidal thoughts

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well everything has been going downhill, my girl friend of 2.5 years has been leaving almost everyday with some new friends of hers, in that group of friends is a guy that admited he likes her and she told me that she has feelings for him. she SWEARS on her life that she has never done anything with him, but she has admited that they held hands once when they went out with the group of friends. i get the biggest feeling ever that she is cheating on me, i mean she isnt anything to brag over and i could do alot better but its just i love her so much. shes saying that she wants to mvoe out to her friends house, where the guy is living, just because she wants to think about her future she says it has nothing to do with me but i know it does. i dont know what to do, im being the nicest person in the world, like for example today it was 110, and i didnt have a car today, she said she was hungry so i walked almost 3 miles in sandles to get her some food. by the time i got home i couldnt even take another step because i got so many blisters on my feet. she shaves her legs, and other areas when she goes out, and says she does it just because shes bored. she says shes not in love with me but if she leaves for a little while she will be, i dont know what to do. ive honestly been considering suicide, my lifes so messed up right now. and to top it all off my moms brain tumor is growing back and this time theres a big chance she wont survive it, im an only child with a dead father and a girlfriend that wants to leave me. after my mom dies and my gf leaves me i have nobody in the world, this is why ive also just been considering it. i dont know what to do.

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I am just going to say NO one is worth killing yourself over.


There is NO rhyme, reason or martyrdom in suicide over someone whom has little respect for you, and whom chose to betray you.


And for someone whom did NOT do that, they would NEVER want you to stop living your life for them.


Honestly, suicide is a terrible option. Not when you have a whole life ahead of you, with someone in the future whom will love, respect and cherish you and your commitment.

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Hi and welcome to enotalone. I am sorry you are coming here under such painful circumstances.


From what you've written, your girlfriend does not deserve the level of effort you are putting into this relationship to make her happy.


I can see why you think she is cheating. Those are some bad signs. I think the best thing you can do is let her go. She is causing you more harm than good.


Your mom needs you to be strong right now. Suicide is not the answer. You need to get your girlfriend out of your life and start going out more yourself so that you can meet new people and expand your social circle. You do not NEED your girlfriend. Your life is still worth so much without her- and you will probably be better off without her.


Just because you are an only child does not mean your life will not have worth. You can meet someone that loves you for who you are. You can carry on your family name with children (if you want kids). Your girlfriend is not going to be the woman to do all of this for you. You need to let her go so you can open yourself up to the better possibilities life has to offer.


You even said it yourself isnt anything to brag over and i could do alot better


Listen to your inner feelings on that one.



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