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do you make a 3rd call?

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all i really want at this age is to settle down with someone and so the family thing. isnt that what we are all supposed to do? i love kids, i love the idea of being a father, i want a wife to spend the rest of my life with.


No, not at all. In fact lots of people don't want that, or at least not the entire package.


For instance, I want to be married, (but only to the right person, not just any guy, otherwise that would be pretty easily accomplished). But I don't have any desire for kids.

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i want to marry the right woman aswell. i only want to do this once.


my statemant about "isnt that what we are all supposed to do". was just my opinion. i understand not everyone wants marriage or kids.

i want the whole package. i want to be a father and husband.

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While I'm sure everyone has their own method to dating, I also go by the Sun-Thurs dating routine AT FIRST. I've been on so many dates this past year and gone thru so many women that I'm DONE with wasting my valuable weekends and any significant money, at least in the early stages. My first 2-3 dates I set up for after work usually during mid-week at a bar over a couple drinks just to see if there's anything worth pursuing. After 2-3 successful dates then I'll go for a weekend date. For me, this strategy saves a lot of wasted time and money.


Perfect. Little money and little loss of your "time". IF a girl has a high interest level in you she will counter offer for a day she is available.

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mmmhmmm......such as Saturday....


In this case if it was during the first few dates, I would counter offer again. I would say, "hmmm, that day isn't available for me either. How about Tuesday?" unless she absolutely had no other time that was free. In that case I would do a weekend date. However, not too many people are completely unavailable during the week. In fact, I don't think one single person I know would be 100% unavailable Sun-Thurs.

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One thing I would recommend is that you do not schedule dates for Friday or Saturday. Set up dates from Sunday-Thursday. First off, you do not want to seem like you have nothing else to do during a weekend, and second, you don't want to move in on her weekends either. She may start chatting with her friends and they might be telling her about the cool party she missed out on or the awesome comedy show they saw without her and who knows what happens when she starts weighing you against the good times her friends are having. You don't want to charge in and take her weekends up this early in the game. Stick to Sunday-Thursday.


In addition to this, I'd like to add that you don't want to waste a weekend night on a date that could potentially be a bust and then ruin your weekend. If you make the first date on a Wednesday, well, if it goes bad that you haven't really lost out on a day. Most people I know don't do anything on Wednesdays except watch TV.


I agree that you shouldn't call her anymore. Don't beat yourself up over it. Things like this happen all the time, and the reason she is not calling be any number of things.

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Sorry man, she wasnt worth it though, if she didnt see what she should have seen and didnt have the guts to tell you anything. Just do your best to move on and remember that there will be someone out there who will care about you and would never do this to you.

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