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Am I The Boss From Hell?? :)

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I think I'm mainly venting here because I'm feeling a bit ..I don't know...frustrated...disappointed. However any feedback is great


Ok ...I have an employee I'll call her "L". Well I hired L last year, as a stylist..

but initially when I hired her she said she HAD to have off Thursdays. She didn't specify WHY...but I needed the help so I hired her. Anyway...I found out AFTER I hired her that she does hair at her house on her Thursdays off...which truthfully, is a direct conflict of interest with work. I had suspicions of her possibly taking customers out of MY salon and doing their hair at her house...where SHE pockets all the money. by the way..what she is doing IS illegal by State Board standards..and I could report her. This could mean she'd pay fines and /or lose her license.


Don't get me wrong. I am ALL for enterprising and making money...but as a business owner it makes me furious that I pay taxes out the wazzoo..have to maintain a business AND Cosmetology license....I have rent...payroll..etc etc etc..then you get a stylist like L..who is doing work from her home, pays NO taxes, NO overhead..and pockets all the money..and most likely using MY salon to solicit customers for herself.


The thing is....I have not been able to PROVE she is actually taking customers from me.

So yesterday....she called on her day off saying she needed to talk to me.

She comes in my office and gives me her two week notice. She said she is going to work for a company that offers "medical insurance". Which is understandable....but it's funny how she waited to get her week paid vacation BEFORE dumping this on me.


To me this means she has been planning on leaving for a while...and probably looking. So it ALSO means she's proabably been telling customers where she's going.....Grrrrrrrrrrrr..


This is my dilemma. She gave me her notice till the 23rd...but truthfully I don't want her there anymore knowing she could take clients out...so I am not doing next weeks schedule until she finishes out this schedule..then I wil simply tell her I don't need her to finish out her notice.


I was planning to call the State Board about her activities once she's gone...

Yes I suppose it's a bit vindictive.

Is this wrong? What would you all do in this case?


Thanks for reading this....

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Hi LabyBugg,


Wow, she knew what she was doing the whole time. I am going to say, make your decisions based on what is good for your business and what will benefit your salon the most. Instead of making personal decisions. I know you do not like her and her actions are questionable. So, even if your business decision may seem vindictive, do not look at it that way, depending on what your true intentions are, see at it as business decision.


This may be way off but I watch The Apprentice quite a bit and I saw many of the candidates take in others in the board room with them based on personal conflicts and not because it was a business decision. So, one thing I learned is can't mix personal with business. I am not sure if that helps at all.


I hope things will be okay. Let us know how things turned out.

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I would not worry too much about issues around not having her not work those last two weeks. It's actually pretty common in the business world that companies don't have people work their final two weeks due to security issues and yes, information theft & client "theft". At least in the industries I have worked in, it is very rare that an employer will have you work those last two weeks, they would rather pay you for NOT being there than risk you being there and taking confidential information, etcetera.


As for reporting her, if what she is doing is illegal, then I think an anonymous call or tip to the State Board is not that out of hand personally.


I would just be careful about making decisions based on business vs personal vendetta reasons. These actions can be purely done from a business perspective of protecting your business and clientele, but they could also be done as you are ticked off at her So be careful!

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Tough call here. I would say that you have every right to be mad at her. I would let her finish out this week and let her go. Personally, if you were in her position and needed money I bet you would be doing the same thing at home.


I guess you have the choice to call on her but, if she really has done nothing to hurt your business that you can prove. Well I would let her walk and would not bother calling the state. Then again I am telling you how I WOULD HANDLE THIS. You have every right to do what you think needs to be done here.

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Thanks Kell.....


You know it's funny....L is a very quiet person, and I never quite trusted her..with good reason. I am REALLY trying to remain all "business"..but for some reason it feels personal and I don't know why. I feel like she took me for a fool and took advantage of the situation. The funny thing is...I KNEW she did hair at home..and when she asked to have her days cut back to 4 days....I DID it....stupid stupid stupid.

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RayKay is right,


Many places these days do not allow an employee stick around for the last two weeks and some companies have a security guard escort the person out of the building due to reasons of theft and so forth. So if you feel "L" is stealing from you in any way, by all means, tell her you do not need her around for the last two weeks and thank her for offering.

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You are taking it personal for a couple of reasons I believe...


1. You trusted her, true you questioned her actions but there was still some degree of trust.


2. It is YOUR salon.


I am sure in whatever you decide, you will think it through carefully and it will be the right choice.

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RayKay is right,


Many places these days do not allow an employee stick around for the last two weeks and some companies have a security guard escort the person out of the building due to reasons of theft and so forth. So if you feel "L" is stealing from you in any way, by all means, tell her you do not need her around for the last two weeks and thank her for offering.


Yup, which is why when I give notice I am always prepared to make sure I have all my personal files, etc ready to go...lol. It's only happened for me personally at ONE location that I could not serve my two weeks (it was a financial services place, where the risk of taking clientele is high and they had had some negative experiences). Most of the time I still have to work the final two weeks...the downside of being trustworthy I guess!

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Thanks Ray and Hub....


I suppose my reasoning fro wanting to report her IS somewhat personal..BUT

if she has been soiliciting MY customers..then it's business. I am NOT one to

deliberately hurt someone..BELIEVE me, but I can be quite mean when crossed.


Also Hub...I would never do what she is doing from my house because it IS NOT legal. She knows it's not legal yet has NO problem with doing it anyway.

Says a LOT about her character.

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Business is buiness. If there was an at will work policy in effect, she could leave whenever...as well, you can tell her not to report back to work. Many companies will manipulate things to their advantage...why doesn't the employee deserve the same.


This type of client snatching happens in other client based companies...

Massage, Chiro, Cosmetic surgery...


She is entitled to manipulate business just as the employer does.


On the bright side of things...she will be gone soon and you won't have to worry about it. You can now learn from this and create a revised work contract stating some of your concerns including your ability to terminate at will and also include a disclaimer regarding the conflict of interest concerning an employee practicing at home.


Double check your laws and create a new work contract.


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Yeah i have some advice on this one. You shouldn't take action on her? Why not? Because you stepped over the most important question to begin with. Why is she doing this? Well i can tell you its not because she wants to steal customers from you, if anything we live in a very very expensive time, and when everything gets incinerated by tax income, not only her but a LOT of people get into trouble , so they work black to get a bit of extra income to get around. And not going into critising you or anything but a hairstylist isn't exactly the best income and i bet you didn't add 200$ extra on the minimum wage of what she earns, yeah she planned it all along , not because she wanted to hurt your bussines but because she needs to survive.


I can assure you that this woman has it hard times financially, we here on e-notalone do NOT give advice to ruin people's lives , i know you feel vindictive, and unsatisfied. You just keep on investing into your own bussiness , maby you can come with certain equipment a home cannot possibly have, and advertise with that so you can even compete with home stylers. That's just a wild shot tho , do whatever you figure is necessary also exept damaging other people in the process.

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justme is onto something. Perhaps "L" could be thought of as new learning experience. Draw up a new contract for new hirees, and have it state consquences on certain matters.


I used to work a privately owned Oriental Rug Dealership and the family whoms runs it is EXTREMELY paranoid about their employees talking about cost of the rugs, where they come from exactly, whom does what, and so forth. So, every new employee has to sign a privacy form stating we will not talk about private matters with those whom do not work there. And there are conditions listed on what happen if one deviated from the contract. It is fair warning and the company is covering themselves by drawing up the contract if an employee has been terminated or disciplined. Something to think about.

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I am sure I sound vindictive and like I don't want the "poor employee' to get ahead. PLEASE.


If she had told me from the get go she was working from home I would NOT

have hired her. PERIOD. As far as I am concerned she planned on using my business as a Forum to generate her OWN business. Sorry. She needs to do the legwork herself. it cost me a lot of money and time to get where I am...sorry if I am not sympathetic to her plight. She wants more money...work more hours. Get a promotion.....stealing customers is just that..STEALING. No different than if she stuck her hand in my register and pulled money out. That's how I am looking at it.

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Also Hub...I would never do what she is doing from my house because it IS NOT legal. She knows it's not legal yet has NO problem with doing it anyway.

Says a LOT about her character.


OK I did not mean to insult you Lady. I wanted to say that I know a few friends of mine that do hair out of their homes to make a few extra bucks. They (my friends at least) only use friends and acquaintances in their personal life. If she is hurting your business then I would be all for reporting her. As someone else pointed out she will a distant memory soon! The choice is yours to report her or not. If she has hurt your business then I would report her ASAP! I am sorry you have been taken advantage of as I know how much that sucks!


Good luck,


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It's ok Hub. I knew what you meant. Sorry if I seem defensive....

I have worked for PLENTY of other people. As a stylist for other salons..

and I know undermining employers is NOT the way to get ahead.

I understand working from home to make a few extra bucks here and there....

that's fine....but this woman has a makeshift SALON in her home. Sinks and all...what I am saying is it is ILLEGAL to run this sort of business out of your home UNLESS it is zoned commercially. She does NOT pay business taxes...or RENT ...or have an occupational license. I do. All of it. So if someone wants to run a business like that from home then they should have to pay the same dues we do.

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She put in her notice. Why make waves now? If she was a problem employee I have to question why you let it go so long. She didn't all of a sudden turn bad this past week.


If she came to work, did her job and had clients coming into your establishment then it sounds like all is well. She identified right out front she wanted a day off. Did she sign a non-competition agreement? If not, and that is an issue with you then you should have had her do it. That was your call when you negotiated her hiring.


If the various governments shut down all the single person businesses running "illegally" out of their homes then the economy would take a MASSIVE beating I suspect. This does not seem like such a terrible thing. You can easily crush a persons creative spirit by imposing too many rules and restrictions and allowances outside the workplace, and this is part of why corporate environments are so unfriendly, there's no character or personality left.


If she was bad news she solved the problem and is removing herself from the situation which is good for you, right? So, let her go. Replace her with somebody you think won't cause you grief and next time make sure the ground rules are understood. I think you'd be borrowing more trouble to report her and that might turn into a messy legal battle wherein she has more rights that you suspect she might.


Nah, just let it go. In a couple of weeks it doesn't matter.


Smile, say goodbye and be happy with the fact you run a successful salon and take comfort in your competence as a business owner.

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I wouldn't say you are the boss from Hell, you are in you rights for feeling the way you do.


As far as reporting her, that is a tough call. I don't think i would call to report her. But that is me.


Think it over for a few days, or until she finished out the last week then maybe think it over again

best of luck.

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LadyBug - I am a rule stickler myself and run a business with my husband. There is NO WAY I can sit here and in good conscious say DON'T TELL ON HER.


She broke the law and a code of ethics.


Whether or not she is taking clients from you, you can't prove so leave that part alone until or unless you have more evidence. But ABSOLUTELY report her illegal activities. Her future employer may thank you as well.....

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Well Lady that is a totally different story then. I WOULD report her then as I thought she was doing a person here and a person there. If she has a makeshift salon in her home then she should be held to the same standards as any other small business owner.


REPORT HER BUTT THEN!!! I would wait a few weeks before I do though so there is some plausible deniability on your part.


If questioned one day:

What someone reported you? Oh my thats terrible. How could someone do that to you....**snickers**
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If it is in fact a conflict of interest and you have enough evidence and its enshrined in legistlation I would absolutely report her. I would do this for two reasons. First you are reporting a an illegal activity which you should do anyways. Second it send the message to her and others that you do not look kindly on these type of activities. If you come accross as a push over this is exactly what people will do to you. Its not like you are being mean or nasty, she broke the law and is showing you great disrespect.


As a LEADER of your business you have to make the tough decisions sometimes, but you should never lose perspective of your position. As a leader you are constantly in the spot light and every move you make is watched. Coming accross too soft on issues like this can affect how your other employees view you. They should not fear you, but they should know you are not afraid to make the tough decisions. And reporting now may help for any future legal issues.


If it helps any: Think of her as a BF you just caught cheating behind your back. Now whatcha gonna do?

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Thats SOOO funny Tyler because after she gave notice..Thats EXACTLY how I felt...like someone who had been betrayed. I went through the drawers at her station and found a business card..with a guys name and picture on it. I recognized him, and called the number. i asked him if L had mentioned ANYthing about where she was going to work or anything..and he knew right away what was happening. He said he totally understood why i was calling him and that he would in fact contact me if she called him. I put the card back in her drawer....to see if that would happen.


Yes .I am looking out for my BUSINESSES BEST interest. If that entails contacting the proper authorities....so be it.

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