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Hello Everyone,


I haven't posted here in a while, but just had a general question..

I got out of a pretty tumultous relationshp a while ago, and since then, I've kinda changed. I guess in a good way, because my priorities are different, I've matured...

I go on dates here and there, but I'm not really interested in anyone yet. I'm in school, taking 2 summer classes, and I stay active on my own.


To add, I'm 24, have a lot going for me, yet I don't like to go out that much. By going out I mean on friday and saturday nights when my friends are out at clubs are bars, I am at home. It's not that I don't have friends, its just that I stay home more than I go out.


Do other 24 year olds feel this way? Please tell me I'm not the only 24 year old left that prefers to have a glass of wine and watch a movie at home on saturday night.

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Please tell me I'm not the only 23 year old left that prefers to have a glass of wine and watch a movie at home on saturday night.


Well I'm 25 and that sounds like the perfect evening to me! I hate the bar scene, and in fact, my fiance and I spend many a weekend doing just that.

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Yea, it's my preference! I don't have a boyfriend, so it CAN get lonely, but I am very active with school, my job, church, so I'm confident I will meet someone someday, and I will have all my "alone time" out of the way..


Sometimes though, I do get down in thinking that I may be single for the rest of my life. haha.

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Yea, it's my preference! I don't have a boyfriend, so it CAN get lonely, but I am very active with school, my job, church, so I'm confident I will meet someone someday, and I will have all my "alone time" out of the way..


Sometimes though, I do get down in thinking that I may be single for the rest of my life. haha.


yeah i also think like that sometimes. But then i don't really care because having bf's is sometimes so complicated, expecially for me as I'm an independent person, and it's hard for me to think for two people. =/


Anyways, yes I do go out quite often, hang around, but I'm pretty much a loner in a good way. I love to walk alone and think. I like the silence, so I don't talk a lot.

Alone time is great. Sometimes I go out and seriously party. I balance things out a lot.


Well, I'm 17 though.

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Sure, in fact it's normal to do that as long as it's normal for you. We all need our alone time, and the bar scene is not for most of us. Even if you do enjoy going dancing, it does not mean you need to use it to meet your future ex (kidding!).


Due to some life changing experiences early in my 20's, I always felt a bit removed from my peers at that time, in that I just was in a very different frame of mind, and partying was not my thing. I am pretty independent and enjoy "my time" pursuing my passions and interests and being social with closer friends rather than a bunch of sweaty gyrating "teens" at the bars..lol. If I do go, I prefer more of the pub-style thing where you can talk about nothing and everything.


And honestly, even IN a relationship alone time can be very important for your emotional and mental health! I still get my alone time, usually by going for my very early morning solo runs where I get that time to myself. It's therapeutic.


It's not abnormal, just make sure not to completely cut yourself off. Maybe go out sometimes for more select occasions - like for a friends birthday now and then, the bar could be kind of fun.

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I'm glad to know this is what others enjoy as well.


The other night I went out to this club near by the beach, and it was such a scene. Everyone was trying to look better than the other, my girlfriend and I were getting hit on by guys that were much older, and I ended up getting drunk and having a hangeover. hmmm...


It's fun once in a while, but as you said Raykay, maybe I'll just stick to the pub type bar from now on... Honestly, having my alone time is so important to me, and as you said tareesaw, I will live it up now when I'm single. =)

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So I'm not crazy or boring lol. I simply choose not to go clubbing a lot. I've got friends, and a boyfriend, but it's never been my thing. I'll go every once in awhile, but I'd much rather watch a movie, have a few drinks at a quiet pub or go play some pool. I learned to accept that that is who I am, and I much prefer being honest with myself, and feeling comfy in my own little world. I love to be alone sometimes, I disappear in a book, go shopping, or just zone out at the tv for awhile. Everyone needs that sometimes.

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