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Kissing on the first date?

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I think a first date is too early for a kiss. You're first suppost to know him a bit more and be around a few months later (1-3 months), a kiss would then take place, depending how much you guys like each other and how compatable you are with him. The first kiss does come naturally and it starts out as a small peck on the lips to a full kiss to then french kissing.

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I've done kiss on the first dates before. It just depends if there is that physical attraction and mental attraction. IMHO, I believe there has to be both physical and mental attraction. Why would you want to kiss someone if you didnt have physical or not have a mental attraction? To me....that would be kind of mis leading someone if you kissed them and then it turned out to be nothing. Sort of like a tease....I guess.


Ultimately...it is up to you!

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Just let what happens happen. Do whatever feels right between you two. Don't try to follow a rule or anything -- it's different for every couple. Obviously don't sleep with him or anything, but just go with whatever the two of you are comfortable with. Don't worry about it too much.

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I tend to always kiss on the first date. It had usually been right before we say goodbye. This allows me to let them know I'm interested in seeing them after that. This is usually a proper kiss, with tongue and all. Although, sometimes if a guy seems too shy we won't.


If the moment happens, then it happens. I never force it. I let it happen naturally.

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yeah, same with me, i've always kissed on a first date, and the first time i didn't i wondered if something went wrong.


it's sort of a normal thing to me, at the end of the date, or in the middle, if it's going really well, but i never plan on it or decide to do it, i'd say just let whatever happens happen and don't do anything you aren't comfortable with.

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You don't necessarily have to kiss on a first date unless you want to. If you do not want to, then a hug may suffice. It was a month and a few dates after my first date that I got a kiss (BEST NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY EVER... that's when I got mine). Before the first kiss, I gave a hug or two.

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I would feel very awkward hugging a lady I was interested in on a first date. Hugging is a good way to greet any female friend. I see a female friend, I always walk up to her and hug her. Shows a friendly sort of affection.


The only situation where I wouldn't kiss a girl on the first date is if I knew the date went poorly and we wouldn't be seeing each other again. As a man I feel it is appropriate to initiate a full kiss on the first date. Kind of like opening the door for her or paying for the first meal. There is no reason not to do it. If the woman does it, I can see a peck being more than fine (if you tried that with me, my next move would be to hold you and give you a good, passionate and lingering kiss that would make you want a lot more) Anything less can only be perceived as either disinterest or a lack of confidence on my part, neither of which shows my true self.

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