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ok well i dont kno exactly where to begin.......let me just start by giving u some information on my friend...

shes 16, she lives with her paretns and her little sister.

shes bi-sexual....she cuts...she smokes...she use to/does drugs

ok well high school hasent been the best time of her life....shes afraid of her dad...he hits her...not like beats her but he slaps her in the back of the head and he has veryyyyyyyyyyy bad anger issues...shes very afraid of him...and her family just found out she was bi-sexual at the beginning of the year and her mom lets her little sister call her a fag, * * * *, rug muncher...all that stuff...her dad doesnt care about her...he doesnt care if she lives or dies...a couple months ago she was really sick and she was really close to dying...and he wouldnt come see her...her mom had to make him..cuz he didnt care....shes had all these crushes on girls...but they have all hurt her..and denied her..like her latest crush lied to her about liking her...which crushed her heart...and a couple years ago she was raped by the guy she was dating


what i need help with is that this afternoon she called and asked me if she and a friend of hers could hide out in my room for a while...she was running away..i said yeah cuz i didnt want to say no and have her sleeping in the park...and then she called and asked if she could come tomorrow and do it and i said it wasent a good idea cuz my family would be here...so shes going to stay at someone elses house...but i dont kno if i should tell someone

who could i tell? who would really care? her parents? i highly doubt that

if i tell the police it will just hurt her more...i dont kno what i can do...any help would be very very nice right now

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I would help her look into help every legal way...if she's considered a child at age 16 in her state and is then a runaway she needs to seek some sort of protection and somone who can become a legal guardian.

I would call some kind of crisis line to get free information so you can assist her with getting social services involved. Otherwise, the police will just take her back to her house...I have no idea about anything but that's what i'd do. The law can't help if you don't help them help you.


There needs to be a sane family that will take her in if that's the route she wants to go but social services needs to be involved. It's not like the family will be destroyed...it sounds like it already is. Don't be afraid to care.

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I think you should just tell her parents where she is staying, so that they dont ring the cops and the cops will be looking everywhere for her, talk to yor friend try and talk her into goig back home and get the help that she needs

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no offense but are you kidding??? her PARENTS are the PROBLEM...calling them would be like....giving a poor inoccent puppy to satan...but i understand your reasoning..but i dont think that getting the parents involved is the best thing...they found out she was cutting...many times....and instead of talking to her about it they just ground her....i think that she should be takin in by one of her friends families or with someone she can really trust...im TRYING to talk her into that but she doesnt listen

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