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cant graduate, should i go back anyway?

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there is absolutely 0 chance of me graduating high school im am too far behind and it is literally impossible to graduate and yet my dad wants me to go back and finish my senior year anyway, i find it a grand waste of time other than that i have no real objections, any oppinions or advice on that?


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Without a high school diploma your career choices are virtually non-existant. You may not care now, but you will once you try to support yourself on unskilled, menial labor kinds of jobs.


Finish high school. After that then you can decide where you want to go next with your life.

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i was thinking about a GED but i have to wait until im 18 because my dad wont let me. innitially when i found out i was going to inroll in community college but that will have to wait also because my dad insists that regardless if i graduate i need to be there for my senior year.


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You MUST get a high school diploma. Or a GED. You have a very slim chance of getting a job without it. I have a Master's and it took me a year and half to find a job in my field. Just repeat your senior year. My little brother did the same thing. He screwed around his sophomore year and put him waaayy behind. But he has made a tremendous living since. You can do this. Everyone makes mistakes but do not make a huge one by not completing high school.

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i was thinking about a GED but i have to wait until im 18 because my dad wont let me. innitially when i found out i was going to inroll in community college but that will have to wait also because my dad insists that regardless if i graduate i need to be there for my senior year.


Ok, so finish your senior year. Then you'll only have a little bit left to finish. You'll be 18 after your senior year so you can go for the GED and then you'll be done.


You won't be able to enroll in a community college without a high school diploma anyway.

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i can try to transfer schools for my senior year but again i doubt my dad would accept that. i tried talking to him about what to do but he said theres nothing we can do about it now so dont bother talking about it.

should i transfer to a less reputable school with slower standards to graduate?

i dont even know if thats possible though

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Please try to finish High School. Without a High School diploma you will find it extremely hard to find a job.


Try to finish High School if you can because even with a GED degree, you will still find it difficult to find a job. My girl friend's daughter is having this problem right now. The jobs she is applying for require a High School degree and they won't hire her because she has her GED. Some people don't really see it as an equivalent. I always thought they were the same but apparently some employers don't.

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It is mathematically impossible for me to graduate, i need 45 credits and there are only 35 possible including before and afterschool classes. there is absolutely no way i am graduating


What if you went back ,while also making up some of the other credits over the summer? Do they have summer school programs?


My brother just turned 18 and he's in a similar predicament to you.


What's going on in school that is causing you not to pass? Are you doing your homework and assignments, studying, being respectful to your teachers?


In my brother's case- he's staying out late on school nights- frying his brain with marijuana, goofing around, and cutting class.


He did decide to go back next year instead of going for the GED. (I hope he doesn't act like useless dead weight floating around aimlessly in school again this year- wasting both his time and the teachers' time- and that he applies his MIND to it and makes it a priority)


I think it's best to get your diploma over a GED. I do know many people who have a GED that have found success- but most of them got very serious and straightened out their act- applied to a community college after their GED- and then transferred to a 4 year college later. Their determination is the only reason they made it. A GED alone will not get you much unless you get involved in some kind of skilled trade.


So my next question is- What do you think you want to do with your life? Have you thought about which careers interest you?





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You may have a secure job now with all the benefits but nothing is guarenteed my friend. There is no such thing as job security anymore. Even with a Union job. The Union has nothing to do with your job security in that sense. Many times Unions are out for themselves. I work for a union and there were over 400 layoffs this new fiscal year. You ALWAYS need a back up plan. You are 17 years old, things change.

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You may have a secure job now with all the benefits but nothing is guarenteed my friend. There is no such thing as job security anymore. Even with a Union job. The Union has nothing to do with your job security in that sense. Many times Unions are out for themselves. I work for a union and there were over 400 layoffs this new fiscal year. You ALWAYS need a back up plan. You are 17 years old, things change.


exactly. there are no guarantees you can have this job for the rest of your life. in fact, you probably won't have this job the rest of your life. what if the company goes bankrupt, or one day you decide to move? the employers would much rather hire someone who has at least a HS diploma.

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I work for a rather large hospital that generates millions of dollars a year in state of the art and progressive research. That does NOT stop layoffs. Like I mentioned before, even though you may have a contract with your union, layoffs happen. Like I wrote earlier, I just got an email a few weeks ago informing employees in my union that there were 400 layoffs to take into effect the beginning of this fiscal year.


No one is immune from layoffs. Like Annie mentioned, bankruptcy happens, many companies get bought out, merge and usually start over or do cutbacks. You need that diploma my friend, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

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That same thing happened to me. Unfortunately I found out during my last semester of my senior year. It was physically not possible. But I stayed anyways, and finished up the credits I could. It was kind of embarrassing because all my friends graduated and I was there that day, with people asking a bunch of questions, but I figured I got myself into that mess, I need to deal with it. During the summer I checked out the adult school in my city, and they let me transfer my credits and finish up. I took the GED, but they applied it as missing high school credits, and I think I had one computer class to take. It ended up being a piece of cake and I came out with my diploma. That's what I would suggest. Hang in there, it will help you out in the long run. You're worth a diploma, even though it seems stupid right now.

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im a screw up i just plan on keeping the job i have now ill be making 22.50 an hour i can live on that so im satisfied plus its union i have healthcare etc.


Everyone needs a back-up plan. Don't count on your one job to be there your entire life. If you limit yourself to that one job- and depend on it so much- you're basically a prisoner to it.


Why would you want to limit your life's possibilities so much?


Unions are great- and health insurance is important- but why stop there?You can have those things and also have a job you love- and be trained in something you enjoy- something that you are passionate about and can feel proud about at the end of the day. To seal your fate at age 17 and limit yourself to that one job is a shame. It also puts you in a dangerous situation if you ever lose that job.


A lot of "funding cuts" in local government go after unions first. In my state right now, hundreds of union employees are about to be cut because state funding was cut.


You need to have a career or some kind of talent and credentials you can bring with you if you need to. You should not be defined by the job you have- but by the skills and credentials you have as an individual - so that if needed, you could take those skills elsewhere and still find another good job. It's very bad to trust your fate to one job.




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Bella is right and when the funding is cut, the Unions WILL NOT protect you. It is unfortunate, but unions are not like they used be. Most of them are out for themselves as I said, at least in my experience. The only time I have seen a union rep be useful is when a few employees in my department were being unfairly treated, that is when the union is most useful. But nothing else. They will not protect your job security.


It is not wise at all to put all your eggs in one basket.

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im a screw up i just plan on keeping the job i have now ill be making 22.50 an hour i can live on that so im satisfied plus its union i have healthcare etc.



WOW!!! In two hours you make as much as I make a day, and I'm an IT engineer. It has to be nice to live in the US.

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