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What was your best kiss like?

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I know this has probably been done before but oh well.


What was your best kiss like?




I was with my friend and we were laying on his bed and he poked my forehead with his finger and I acted like I was hurt so he kissed my forehead to "make it all better" and then he did the same thing to my cheek. Then he poked my bottom lip and I acted like it hurt again so he really softly kissed me on the lips. It was so soft and sensual at first and then sped into a lustful kiss. Ugh I know it's bad to say it *looks to see if Ian is watching me* but I really miss hooking up with him lol.

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Ok the best one: When me and my now ex were outside my apartment, on someone's else stair, it was around 11 p.m. and we were just sitting there and cuddling. Then this while kiss went along, his lips felt soft on mine and we were then rubbing each others' tongue, it was the kiss with energy that you wouldn't get tired of, no wetness resulted on our faces, there was no sloppiness.


But come to think of it, I also say my first one was the best due to the fact that it was very funny when I had my eyes open, LOL.

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Hmmm, good question...



I guess when I first kissed my gf. She was really hard to get! We were at her sister's place wathing a movie, and we were both on the same couch, I was hugging her.

The DVD player was on an ackward position, so I had to lean forward and move the remote so it would work. I think we were watching the special features on the Bride Corpse, and one time that I leaned forward she gave me a little peck on the cheek. I returned a kiss on her head. After the same thing three times, I looked at her, and we kissed, it went from a small kiss on the lips to a full blown french kiss.


And we were like that for like the next three hours!



Best part was next day in the morning. When I lit up a smoke I pain in my lips and tongue! They had a very good excersice last night. All I could think was, WOW, that was amazing!


I had never kissed someone for so long, and we set new records like the next 3 times, up to 5 hours of kissing.

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My favorite kiss was me and my boyfriend's first one. We had been dating for like 3 months. (yes, we moved slow..) And he used to always stay til like 1:00 in the morning and we would watch movies.


When he was leaving, I walked him to the door and he went outside and turned around and just kissed me on the lips. And then left.


I know it's nothing amazing, but I will never forget that kiss. And I can still remember how happy I was. Just thinking about it brings back those feelings. Perhaps that's why it's my favorite?

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Happily, I'll be trying it soon GF is on the other side of the world now, but she is coming back soon!


lol considering you're 27 (I think that's what it just said lmfao), I don't think you have braces. When I was with him that night, I still had my braces. Lets just say by the end of the night when we finally fell asleep, the insides of my lips were REALLY hurting.

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I have two to decide from...because one girl couldn't really kiss all that well, but it was still somewhat interesting how it happened...so I'll tell both...one happened just the other night actually.


There was a girl, which whom I had-had sort of a friends w/ benefits type thing going, but...I still feel very strongly for her...I just know it can't really go further. But a long time ago we had stopped speaking, just due to our separate lives and mainly just to keep from the drama...well now summer's begun...so we started talking again for the first time in like 8 months. We'd seen each other a few times, and each time we'd hug in public etc...even get close to kissing, but never did it b/c we still weren't sure what the other was thinking. So...then the other night I got to see her and be with her alone...and we hugged for a few mins...then I swear I slowly...I mean like it's hard to describe, but I made her wait like 7 minutes or so right in front of her face, lightly touching my lips around hers, but never kissing her, just breathing slowly and feeling one another for the first time in so long...and then after all that time my lips touched hers...and it was so much better than I thought it would be...sorry I'm just a really romantic and slow kisser...I like to build a little suspense.


Sorry that got long, the other girl though, not as long, but still interesting. We had been flirting all night, it was obvious we liked one another, and we at an apartment(small party). And at one point we were outside alone near a balcony, and I'll tell you the truth I pretty much knew we were going to kiss at some point. But in order to get there...we were talking, and not facing one another perfectly(like we were side to side), so...she mentioned me going out on the OTHER side of the balcony, and straddling it hanging about 20 feet in the air( I could fall lol). And so...I did it...we were facing then, and we kissed for the first time. (too bad tho...it only went downhill with her from there, thought it was cool way to kiss though...me *risking* my life haha)

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Mine was amazing. I'd avoided her as much as I could because she was so fine and I was sort of...a mess. I often took her to lunch since we worked together and I always made excuses to keep my distance. I was totally gaga, but never even touched her. This went on for a month or two, until we finally sat on her couch. It was unbelievable to hold her and feel her warmth and taste her sweetness. I was just in heaven and couldn't believe it was true. I'll never forget it, but the mechanics of it all seem unimportant.

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I forgot how much I love kissing, I usually don't... but when I'm with a guy I love and truly respect every hair follicle on my body tingles, every molecule within me entranced, such a truly intoxicating transaction, exchanging minds through breath as bodies melt.

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in high school i used to take my girlfriends to the movies a lot where we would make out. i remember two dates in particular that stand out, and i don't know which was better.


one involved finding that my gf had somehow opened her pants up 'accidentally', and that night ended up in some serious groping and kissing action that went on for probably an hour. i remember that i had to wipe my hand on the wall afterwards. we were watching/not watching "For The Love of Benji", haha.


the other time i took a very beautiful and shy Indian girl named Jyoti to the same theater and in the middle of the movie, without a word, our heads very slowly came together until our lips met. i can still feel her trembling in my arms.


the stuff of dreams...

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My best kiss was my first french kiss. Like Dako, my lady was finer than hourglass sand so I took caution is touching her to quickly...so much caution that touching her never crossed my mind. It all changed when I was walking her to her door, and she turned around and stared into my eyes. I never kissed a girl before so I just stared back in the fear of doing something wrong. We stood there for 5 minutes, moonlight glistening in her eyes, until I gave in, swallowed my pride and fears, and touched lips. Then she slipped her tongue into my mouth and the rest is history.

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My favourite kiss was with my current boyfriend. We'd met two nights before and had had an awkward kiss then. We had been cooking for friends on an outside grill and they had all gone inside and we stayed there to "look after the food."


Some friends of the little sister of our friend were a bit high and so came over to exchange weird conversation. While this happened, I slowing wound my way round him, running my hands up his chest. The friends finally got the message and I looked up at my boyfriend (who hadn't asked me out by this stage) for ages before he brought his head down to kiss me gently at first but then harder and slipped his tongue in my mouth. Afterwards he held me to his chest and asked me if I was smiling, cos he sure was.


Still smiling

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One was when I was 16. It was my 2nd kiss. I was at a park with a whole bunch of friends and we were all drinking. All of a sudden it started raining really heavily and storming. We all started running to get back to one of my friends houses. I was running with this guy I liked and all of a sudden we turned to each other and kissed. It was so passionate. He was a fantastic kisser! At that moment, the sun started coming through the clouds but it was still pouring rain. It was amazing.

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There are two or three kisses that really stand out to me.


One, was with an ex boyfriend at camp last summer. He was a little slow on the uptake, but when he did kiss me it was great, since I'd been dying for it to happen. One in particular was on our last day together before we went to opposite sides of the country. We were sitting on the lawn outside, it was late at night, and we just kissed and laid together on the grass with our arms around each other.


Next was with my current boyfriend, at least I think he is. /;


A couple weeks ago, we'd just started kissing: We were driving in my car, we stopped at these Sourdough Trails, which he said was one of his favorite places here. It had been raining and was pretty windy and cold, but we still got out and started walking... he put his arm around me, and then it got colder... we held hands and ran farther inside the forest so there was more protection from the wind. The sky was all white and pretty and bright... it was still raining, although it had slowed down a little. He told me he'd wanted to ask me out for a long time but couldn't get up the nerve. Then he kissed me, softly, and we just held each other there for awhile.


On the fourth of July, my friend and I snuck out to meet his friend. We made out for about two hours, and then we ended up fooling around a little in his car... but the way he touched me that night, like he really cared... when he'd tilt up my face with his hand, or kiss my neck and my forehead and temple... I'd never felt a guy care like that before.


Then again, that's what I thought. Now it's almost three days since he's called, and I haven't seen him since we went to a movie on the 6th... I'm so lost, my heart hurts a little. And maybe I just wanted to think he cared, maybe I started hoping too soon.

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Mine would have to be with my ex.. And it sounds cheesy I know..


But were were on our way to the beach, and it was like around midnight, we had just finished a nice dinner on the river, and we were headed to sit on the beach alone and just hang out.. and when we got there, it was really windy, and the moon was really bright.. A hurricane was out in the Atlantic and had the waves crashing hard, and the wind blowing alot..


We walked up to the beach and stood there looking over the water and she started to shiver, so I pulled her in tight. We didnt sit, but just stood there looking into each others faces. And here's the part I love the most..


We looked at each other, like it was going to be any normal couples kiss of over a year together, but instead.. It was awkward. She turned her head a little to the side, and kept her eyes open, and we moved so close to one another that I still remember to this day, we breathed one breath together and I slowly put my lips on her and kept my eyes open a little. but didn't kiss her, I grabbed the side of her face in my hand, and as the wind blew accross us, we slowly closed our eyes and we shared one of the slowest, deepest, most heartfelt, earth shattering kisses I've ever experienced.. We pulled away and I had chill bumps on me, and as I turned to look out at the Atlantic, the breeze picked up and the rain came in, and I couldn't move. My heart was racing so bad, and she started to tear up, and we just stood there in the rain and I rubbed her back.. I have no idea to this day why we got sopping wet on the beach that night, and had a hour drive home.


There was a hurricane coming into a little piece of "heaven" that night.

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It felt like heaven. It was absolutely perfect. I was already in love with my fiance when we had our first kiss (we moved REALLY slow b/c of distance) and I could have died right then because of how amazing it felt. I'm absolutely convinced as far as kissing goes, love is what matters not skill.

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This is going to sound crazy, but it was a few months after I left my husband. I had always enjoyed kissing and he never liked to kiss. (To be honest, he was pretty bad at it anyway.) I hadn't kissed a man other than my ex in over 7 years! I met this guy and we really clicked. The first time we kissed it was amazing! We kissed for hours. Short and sweet, deep and passionate. It was like I had been in the desert for years and this was my first taste of water. I still see this guy once in a while and each time we kiss it's still amazing! I think just finding someone who enjoys kissing as much as I do makes it so good.

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hmm this is a good topic...



i must say i am shocked, but my truly best kiss occurred not while in love, not in a moment of passion, hell, not even with a guy i knew. it was simply a meaningless kiss between two perfect strangers on a night i can barely even remember.

i was 15, and stoned to all hell. i was hanging out with a big group of people sitting outside, just chatting. i was making useless chatter with some guy i had just met, we flirted a bit and i was sitting next to him.. there were tons of other people there, and im usually really shy when im arond a bunch of people, and would never normally just kiss someone.. but this was different.. it was like we were the only two peole there.. all i could here was his voice.. his eyes put me in a trance.. at one point he asked me if i smoked, i told him i was stoned at the moment, to which he replied, look at me.. i looked into his eyes.. and he looked into mine.. he said, i could probably kiss you right now and smiled. i just stared into his eyes, as if i was being sucked in. i smiled, then it just happened, like to oppositely charged magnets, our lips locked and i was engaged in the mosty amazing kiss i have ever felt in my life. i dont even know what it was... perfect technique? maybe, instant connection? maybe, just young and high? maybe. but whatever it was, it sent my whole body for a loop, i was tingley all over and an amazing rush just took me over. it was absolutely undescribeable. it only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.. and then it was over, i was back to earth with a crash with a happy sort of nostalgia and a lingering tingle all over. the rest of the night is sort of a blur, the kiss was like a great neon sign over a dull lifeless city. nothing more happened with us, but i saw him a few times after that, maybe i just imagined it, but every time since then that we had locked gazes, i just felt that tingle all over, as if it had just happened again..



i guess i got a bit carried away with that! oh well, it is definitely not the typical love-of-your-life best kiss story.. but i will never forget it.

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