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Where can she be!!??

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Feeling very lonely, and very frustrated here. Ok, I have scaled 1000 dark towers with huge firebreathing dragons inside them in search of my "damsel in distress" who I would wisk off her feet into a fairy tale romance, each time only to discover one of two things: The girl was already eaten by the firebreathing dragon, or she had decided to start dating the evil wizard who imprisoned her there because she thinks he is cute. Seriously, are there not any classy woman out there any more? Where do all of you hide at? are there no women anymore who wish to have a night in shining armor? .....I am pretty much just ranting because I am so tired of this never ending search.

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Your chances might be better off to have as successful relationship if you stop looking for a damsel in distress and look for someone whom can be your partner - an equal in the journey of life.


Damsels come with problems that definitely will break a relationship. That being said those whom look for someone to rescue also have some issues. Why do you believe that you must find a "damsel in distress"?


There are many "classy women" whom are also fully capable of being in control of their own lives, choices and are responsible for themselves. Yet still would like a partner in their lives. These are the women that will be much healthier partners in a relationship. And I would bet the chances of finding something long lasting are much higher here, than they are with the "damsel in distress".

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Dude, the girls you're looking for are all around you. What you need to do is improve your technique in talking to them. Go to these sites and get some ideas:

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Get out in the field, post your results, get feedback. The info is out there to help you change your life, but you have to be the one to take the first step. Sure beats sitting around and complaining, don't you think?

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rofl, wow. In making this post I was trying to vent a little frustration, yet entertain myself a little bit to try and feel better, and get feedback and advice from other people. I did not intend or think anyone would take it as literal as the posts above!! Lol, I do not live in a movie or a video game, and I can not stand dungeons and dragons, and I definitely do not live my life based on any of those things, it was simply something to be a little creative with while asking a serious question. I do meet lots of girls, simply have not found a keeper yet. I am really just wondering how other people handle themselves while waiting. I work out and try to keep active as best I can, what do other people do?


EDIT: oh and as for looking for a "damsel in distress", that is just a saying, just someone nice is all i want.

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Don't worry, I understand. I'm a bit of the fantasy nut myself. Where are you looking for women? It might be good to try find ones who enjoy your own fantasy enjoyment. It is my belief that you find the right people when you go to places you enjoy and are relaxed. If you're not relaxed in say a bar, then you won't find the person who is right for you.


Have you tried a dating site?

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I am sure there are plenty of classy ladies out there with whom you can find a connection. You should just stop and take a moment and breathe, relax, and see what is around you. You said you meet a lot of girls, maybe you have already met her and you just haven't realized it yet. Maybe she is the shy girl in the back just waiting for someone to take notice? All I am saying is just relax, it will all happen soon enough.


Take care



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Why necessarly do you wanna look for "damsels in distress"?? Those are the clingy and helpless girls who can't never do anything for themselves and have to rely on the guy for mainly the whole time. Come to think of it, that would be classify as one of the turn-off for most guys. No one would be satisfy to be with a co-dependent person, it would be like you're having a parasite on your body feeding off on you. RayKay is right baout it, damsels in distress come with many problems and are generally suffering from a low self-esteem thinking that they can do any better and believing they're second class. Time has change, we can take actions just as guys.

I also agree with the last posters, the more you keep looking the worst it'll get. For now you should focus more on yourself, your life and stop the constant looking for a while, time will come.

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