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Hello everyone,

So heres the story: I'm a bit confused by my ex-boyfriend. We broke up a while ago and I still talk to him on occasion. He wrote me a letter which I will describe momentarily. I am completely over him, but I dotn know if he still has feelings about me.(I think he must still have some because of this letter, but I'm not sure) He gave this letter to my close friend (they are also very close) and let her read it. Then he told her to deliver it to me while we were on vacation together. I'm not mad at my friend at all, we are great friends, I just don't know what to think. Please help me figure out what my ex was trying to do by writing this letter.


Dear DarkPretear,

Hi. I have a feelign that i won't have a chance to see you this summer, so I decided tp write you a letter. First off, I want to congradulate you on surviving freshman year, and I hope you find your next year more enjoyable. Secondly, I want to wish you a good summer. I know that you will e very busy, but when the summer is over you will be glad that you were able to do so much and not just stay at home. So anyway, I thought I would recall some of the most memorable moments of this past year.

Thsi year has been a unique one fro me, and I'm sure for you as well. I remember how I met you at your recital last year, and how you felt weird because you didn't know who I was, or what I was doing at your house. I also, remember the first trumpet sectional where I met Jane (DarkPretear friend) and how you broke your elbow. I considered you to be lucky because you didn't have to lug around your mellophone during band camp, but I guess I would rather do that than break an arm. During the first month or so of school, I didn't really know much about you. I saw how you got a scholarship to bandcamp, so i knew you were a good musician. That made me respect you more than most freshmen. I didn;t really get to now you until Pep-band started. I hung out with you and jane and I had so much fun. That was by far teh highlight of my year. I will also remember all the fun we had skating together. This year was also the first time I missed school and nto only a day, but a whole week at a time. I was basically dead and exausted from being so sick. I remember how sad I was when I couldn't spend V-Day with you. You called later on that day and I was so happy that I didn't even feel sick anymore.

Over April vacation You were living at jane's(I sort of was too) I could tell you were sick of me by the eend of the week, but I decided to come any way. I saw the play you were in the first three nights and each succesive night, you got increasingly annoyed when you saw me there. That surprised me because you didnt' seem to mind that your other friends went, but theres nothing I can do about that. The next two weeks were crazy because of my AP Chem exam . After the test was over I was extremely happy until that Friday. After that Friday , I was extremely unhappy but what can I say.(friday was the day i broke up with him) Fro the next week or so we didnt' talk . Your b-day was a little later on in the week and i felt bad that I didn;t get you a present.

I 've been thinking about what to do over the summer. Im very sad that I wont be able to talk to or see any of my friends other over the whole summer, especially some of my closest ones. But atleast I have a ton of work to do to keep me occupied. Wow, is this letter really that long? Sorry for taking up your valuable time with something so petty, assuming you got to this point without skippping anything. I wish you the greatest of summers and as I always say" I fyou ever have time/ are really bored, please do call" Hearingyour voice atleast once will make my summer so much better.

With Deepest Affections,

John Smith

Someone please help me figure out what this means?

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(she broke up with him)



Ya this is his way of dancing around the issue, dropping little compliments and how you two met and to guage your reaction to see if theres any feelings on your end, if there isnt, this is going to be hard on him. I would not reply if you dont have any feelings, it would be easier for him to go NC even thought it would be you doing it since he hasnt found this site yet so he can finally move on

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Whether he really wants to get back together or not, he's clearly not over you. You don't say why you split but it seems like you were building up to it because you were annoyed that he came to your play. Certainly it seems that he focussed his whole life on you, which isn't so bad when you're married with kids and I guess you were the independent one and he was the clingy one.


You could write back and say that you enjoyed the good times together but you just weren't cut out to be together long term and that the best thing he can do is move on with his life, instead of reminscing anout the past.

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