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My Guy Is Hungry,How Do You Satisfy Your Sexual Cravings?

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Even though intercourse is not the same as masturbation, masturbation still feels damn good...LOL.


Not to sound crude but maybe you should try getting nice and relaxed(like take a shower or something), watch a video, and pleasure yourself. If you can't find a willing participant make the most of what you have.


That is the reason people masterbate.


Or you could find out who is the promiscuous individual in your area. But make sure to use protection.

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What is it exactly that you want aggie? Are you wanting whatever kind of sex you can get, regardless if it is with another person or sex with yourself .?


I am not sure if you are asking how to " get off " the most satisfying way on your own, or how to get a woman to have sex with you .


You never cease to amuse me with your threads.

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How do I let a woman know I want to have sex with her in a polite nonperverted manner?


Doesn't that come natural on relations, first you find a comfortable and private place (a motel or your house) where it's just the two of you, then goes the kissing, necking, and I guess you would then have to sit up and start both undressing her ot you. If she wants to, she'll go on, if not, she'll tell you she's not ready.


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How do I let a woman know I want to have sex with her in a polite nonperverted manner?




"Excuse me miss, I would like to have sex with you in a polite, non-perverted manner."




seriously, there's no way to say that without sounding like a perv.


why don't you join an adult/sex friend type of dating site?

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If you are that desperate for sex, and you really have no willing prospects, there is always prostitution. Obviously this is illegal in most states (parts of Nevada excluded), but you can also drive down to TJ and find a ready and willing prostitute. However I'm not sure where you live, and more importantly this endeavor could be dangerous on several different levels, so my best advice to you would be to stick to the safest sex out there, masturbation.

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