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Breaking up hurts like the hell it is, but time really does heal you.

Being civil can salvage something from the ashes.


Today I talked with my ex about an upcoming surgery. She's having a brain tumor removed in a very delicate procedure in 3 weeks. We joked and chatted about our lives in the 9 months we've been split. Both of us are busy with work and personal growth. We covered lots of ground.

I told her I love her, and she said the same. It's genuine.

We still call each other sweetie or dear, and enjoy talking about the things we still share. I feel lucky to have such a fine ex-wife.


Sometimes life deviates from the standard script.

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It's encouraging to know that even after a break up two people can still maintain a genuine friendship and be there for one another in tough times. I wish your ex-wife to get through this difficult time in her life with flying colors.


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Dako, My ex-H occasionally e-mails me wanting to get back together. Would you ever get back together with your ex-wife? I don't want to with mine, and frankly wish he would move on, even though it's so difficult. It makes it hard for me to move on when he can't and is always asking me to get back together. We are civil, but if I talked like you do to your ex, he'd be begging me EVERYDAY to get come back. Just wondered if you would ever reconcile with yours. If it would be a good idea.

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I've had other relationships end, and I've always wished my ex well. I can't do that this time around. I'm not strong enough yet to look past his betrayal. And when I finally am capable, I don't think I would want someone with his character as my friend.

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What I try to remember(and I'm trying to create a belief system to help me through this), is sometimes some people can do the most reprehensible things in the world to you and thier following happiness or gratifacation afterward looks like they "got away with it".


Unfortuneately, what they did is not against the law to abandon someone you love and it could happen at any time. They won't apologize for it. They won't take your pain away. And they definitely will not suffer for it. The only thing you can do is say that the got away with breaking your heart. It's unfortuneate, but I don't think I"ll even see my ex again regardless. Let's just say it's the last horrible thing they'll even do to us.

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