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Why do some women pretend

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Why do some woman pretend to like you?


Like one time I was playing a game over the internet with a friend. Then out of no where he tells me his sister thinks im hot. And then when I see her again she makes fun of me infront of her friends . Then a week later I was out getting some food with my friend, and his sister was there too and I see her staring at me with this dreamy look on her face...


I guess it has alot to do with sarcasm and stuff... but why/when do (some) woman pretend to like a guy ?

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Its hard to say but I will say that immaturity plays a role in her not being able to admit that she actually likes a guy or just her saying stuff to a guy just because. The sad thing is that it is just a part of life, dont take people so seriously instead let their actions speak louder than their words.

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I agree with ladybug that it's probably a defense mechanism. She probably does like you and told her brother she thinks you are hot because she knew that it would get back to you. She probably made fun of you in front of her friends to downplay her attraction to you and maybe to make you question if she thinks you are hot. Sounds pretty immature and like part of a game that most people play.


If you are attracted to her, then why don't you ask her out?

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Why do some woman pretend to like you?


Like one time I was playing a game over the internet with a friend. Then out of no where he tells me his sister thinks im hot. And then when I see her again she makes fun of me infront of her friends . Then a week later I was out getting some food with my friend, and his sister was there too and I see her staring at me with this dreamy look on her face...


I guess it has alot to do with sarcasm and stuff... but why/when do (some) woman pretend to like a guy ?


Dreamy look on her face? Trust me, you could not read her mind, you have no idea what that meant, and most likely it was nothing.

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Who said she was pretending when she was looking at him? I was questioning whether or not it was in his head. There is no way for him to know what she was thinking, and I see misconceptions on here all of the time from guys who make assumptions on what is going through a girls mind. My point is that he shouldn't base any of his conclusions on something so intangible.

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Why do some woman pretend to like you?


Like one time I was playing a game over the internet with a friend. Then out of no where he tells me his sister thinks im hot. And then when I see her again she makes fun of me infront of her friends . Then a week later I was out getting some food with my friend, and his sister was there too and I see her staring at me with this dreamy look on her face...


I guess it has alot to do with sarcasm and stuff... but why/when do (some) woman pretend to like a guy ?


Maybe....just maybe she wants to see how you can take a joke or whatever...but honestly...IMHO...it sounds like this girl needs to grow up.[-( ](*,)

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