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Undecided about who to go for..

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I would like to see what you all think about this one. I'm torn between two guys (who are currently both my friends with the potential to become boyfriend). I click better with Guy A (in terms of personality and conversation) and am also more attracted to him than Guy B. So personally I would go for Guy A (if the world were perfect that is). But when it comes down to it, Guy B cares about me much more than A does, and already treats me like I'm the center of his world even though we're not really dating yet. Besides, Guy B has always been there for me, and my friends too, since the very beginning. To top it off, Guy B seems to be much more of a relationship material, and has all the qualities that I think are necessary to make a relationship work long-term. I could definitely imagine myself falling for Guy B if I were to open my heart to him, even though right now I'm into Guy A more. Anyway, figure I should say some things about Guy A as well. He is sometimes irresponsible and undependable; he has also been getting into trouble off and on at school lately. Also, one more thing, though A cares about me, it doesn't seem that he has the capacity to be completely selfless & could never be there for me unconditionally the way B already has. That's all I have guys, would appreciate hearing what you all think. Should I go with Guy A or B?

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Looks like this is the topic of the day!




Like I told the other poster, go for Guy C.


If you're having a hard time trying to decide, it probably means that neither are right for you. Go out and meet a guy that you are more sure about dating. If you have to ask a bunch of strangers about which one to choose, it probably means that you're not interested in either enough.


good luck

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I've been in this kind of situation before. Like you, I emphasized the negative qualities of Guy A. However, I only did this because I wanted someone to tell me that I should go after Guy B. I wanted someone to tell me not to go after Guy A, because I knew that Guy A was the one I really wanted to be with. But I knew it was probably a bad idea to be with Guy A, for the reasons you listed.


So, I agree that you should go after Guy C. Even if there is no Guy C right now. Because it really sounds like that you only want to be with Guy B because he's perfect "relationship material."


Ask yourself this question: Do you actually like Guy B, or do you just really like the idea of a perfect relationship?

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