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What would it be like to forever remain young and never aged???

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If you had read the novel called "The Portrait of Dorian Grey", you know what I mean. On the novel, he starts out as an innocent and naive 20 year-old man. Then he sold himself to the devil to remain forever young and never aged.


Hypothetically speaking, I wonder what it would be like to always be young for eternity and never aged, never have wrinkles.

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These are things that you might want on short term, you know keep looking young , lusting and wild sex, while having lots of money. When you become older your 'taste' usually becomes more refined to see the true values of life. Namely health,happyness,your family all those non-materialistical and more spiritual things.


I can tell you what happens tho.


Everyone ages around you, but you stay the same. Then your loved ones start to die, one by one, and you are left all alone. In this pure and desperate lonelyness you would give it all up, and beg God that he may take your soul away from here,and die.

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I remember a quote from a vampire novel (guilty pleasure ) that said something about so many people wishing for immortality who can't even fill one rainy afternoon.


Nice to think about, loses something in the application.


Besides, you stay the same but all the world would change around you. I think it would get very boring and very lonely very fast.


But if I was offered, I'd probably still take it.

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I think it would be great!

I'd love to be young forever without any physical aging.


What age to start at?

Well, 14 was horrible...21 always high...25 was painful...35 I was stressed out...I can't decide where to stay.


I'll stick with what it is, wrinkles and all.

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I don't know if I could watch all my friends and all the people I have ever known die. To see my children get old and die. To know that I will always see everyone I care about pass on yet I'm still here as fresh and young as the first day. I think I'd be lonely.


Good question though. Food for thought.

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Hell I would love every minute of it. Immortality is a much sought after concept. I would take that any day over extreme wealth.


I never have watched that many TV shows, but my favorite from back in the day was definitely "Highlander". I love the concept for so many reasons. I mean think about it. You wouldn't have to read history for the last few hundred years. You were there! How cool would it be to have been alive several hundred years ago and still be around today. So much time to learn and evolve mentally.


I for one would be up for the challenge. I don't get bored easily. Life is endlessly entertaining.

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Tricky question.


I'd be happy with my current age. I would do just the same. I could vow to die at the time of prolonged boredom.


But what about my family?


Ailec, wrinkles are inevitable just like wisdom teeth and unextractable. Do not fear, your growing minds beauty will more than compensate.

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I admit to a guilty pleasure of reading Anne Rice novels. Do you remember in Interview for a Vampire?...she remained a child of body forever, but she evolved...that was so poignant for me.

She craved to develop into a full woman. She wanted her body to age.


I think it would be the same for me. As much as I love my body at this age - I want to become a full woman. Hopefully, an old woman. There is a certain pleasure in entering new stages of bodily development.


There are lots of elements to it. How to relate to people if they see you as young: but you are truly old? So much distance and loneliness in that.


Human life ain't so bad. Mechanical reality is unfeeling and harsh: but thems the breaks.

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I mean why would anyone want to stay young forever.


Because the thought of never aging and knowing history already, would make it exciting. Yea it would be sad my family dying one by one whiel I remind young, but come to think of it I would be thinking more than my actual age, since lots of years would have since passed.

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Because the thought of never aging and knowing history already, would make it exciting. Yea it would be sad my family dying one by one whiel I remind young, but come to think of it I would be thinking more than my actual age, since lots of years would have since passed.


Have you ever seen the movie "Braveheart" with Mel Gibson? If you have, remember the speach he gave before the warriors went to battle? If you don't/haven't seen it, it goes something like this:


"Warrior: We go home! And we live! The rest: Yeah! Mel Gibson/William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live... at least for a while. And lying there in your beds, many years from now - wouldn't you want one chance, just one chance?! To tell those bastards that they may take our lives and our country, but they'll never take - OUR FREEDOM!"


Same thing here in the way that with the years, most likely you'll regret making that choice.


Don't know why I got reminded of just this speach in this movie... just was.




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It would be a living Hell........seeing the people you love all die off..your children grow old and die........everybody you would ever love or will love gone....Hell on earth.....


Winnie the Pooh said it best when he said that if Christopher Robin were to live to be 100, that Pooh would wish to live to 100 minus a day so that they would not be separated in life or death for not even one day.....

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