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How many hours of sleep do you get each night (on average)?

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How many hours of sleep do you get each night (on average)?


I tend to get 8-9 hours of sleep in during the school year. During the summer I probably get around 9 or 10. Years ago I used to stay up until late into the night, like 2am, crash, and then wake up at maybe 2:00 in the afternoon and start the cycle all over again everyday. Yikes, so much time missed by just sleeping.


How about you?

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Although i feel tired when i wake up, i function optimally with 7.5 hours of sleep. When i wake up with no alarm it's normally first around 7.5 hours after going to bed, if i stay in bed and try to go back to sleep its for around an hour, then an hour after that.


Anymore, i get in bed around 2am and wake up around 10am

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I get about 4 hours a night. I can function on nothing for a few days I usually go to bed about 2am and get up around 6am. ...

I wanna be 25 again


Now I must sleep latest after being up for 24 hours.


... And I sleep better after having a coffee.


btw, have you tried to swallow a whole bottle? Let me know howyou feel when/if you wake up. Mr. Twisted HAha

You are soooo sweeeet.

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wow, i couldn't stay asleep for 10 straight hours if i swallowed a bottle of Xanax.


after much experimentation, all of it involuntary, i've found that i need 4.5 to be able to function in the morning. i usually get around 5 or 6.


but i hibernate for three months every winter.


j/k--we don't have winter here in L.A.!

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i will admit that i occasionally chewed up one of my ex's Xanaxes (?) to get to sleep quickly when it was 2 AM and i had to get up for work at 6. and yes, once i did try to take a whole bottle of them, but the cap was too wide for my esophagus and i had to pry it back out with salad tongs. true story.

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i will admit that i occasionally chewed up one of my ex's Xanaxes (?) to get to sleep quickly when it was 2 AM and i had to get up for work at 6. and yes, once i did try to take a whole bottle of them, but the cap was too wide for my esophagus and i had to pry it back out with salad tongs. true story.

(warning label on bottle) Remove the cap before insertion!!! Man, ppl need to start paying attention to details more.

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I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to sleep. I have had insomnia on and off for a number of years. Don't really think of it as a problem these days, but was terrible in my late teens. I have a mega metabolism, active body (i jiggle all the time), and the doctor ended up telling me to do so much exercise I exhausted my body to get me to sleep.


Nowdays if I get wired, or thinking about something, or an idea, I can't get to sleep. THe only time I took sleeping pills was when my ex dumped me... the brain went into overload trying to "analyse" things... Mmmmm Sleeping pills. But left me a zombie during the day.

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i need atleast 6 or i will be cranky all day long. if i drink well i sleep alot longer but the longer i sleep my head hurts its weird. i use to only like get 3 hours sleep if i was lucky when i had depression well i still do but im getting alot better.


and at one stage in my life all i did pretty much was eat and sleep that was a diff part of my depression. but if made me feel like crap so i would just go back to sleep

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Not much, haha. It's 5 AM, just finished a 10 hour shift at my first job, leaving in 20 minutes to pull a 8 hour shift at my next job, get home at noon, crash till about 8 at night, go out with friends, crash at 4, sleep for about 16 hours, go out again, crash at 4, sleep for ~14, get up, go to work, start the week all over again. During the work week I get about a day and it's not nearly enough...

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I need 8-9 hours of sleep to wake up feeling good. I exercise every morning, and by the time night comes I'm usually a little sore and tired and can fall asleep instantly.


I've found exercise improves my quality of sleep overall.


Anything less than 7 hours- and I'm very unhappy and unproductive for the rest of the day.




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I usually get between 6-7 most of the time. I get up pretty early (5 am or 6 am) to go running or go to gym, most days of the week before work (or soon school!). While I COULD go to bed earlier, it's difficult to hit the sack really anytime before 10 for me, so it's usually between 10 pm and 11 pm that I actually get to bed.


It seems to be enough most of the time, though I may get more like 8-9 on the weekend nights to make up for it a bit, especially after a pretty active week. After a big race on the weekend, I tend to get to bed even earlier the Sunday night to be a bit more refreshed Monday.

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