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Likes and Dislikes about being in a relationship!

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Pros: great sex, someone to tell silly things to , growth that comes from having a sounding board, fun, inspiration, sense of power ( that I can attract a great guy)

Cons: irritation, feeling powerless ( becuase I'm so in love but can't seem to make everything great all the time) anger, jealousy, pain


Maybe being a couple should be appricated when it's happening and then being single can be appricated when it's happening.

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Pro: There's always someone else around.....


Con: ....who is very likely to eat the last oreo.


LOL, I love this one!




Pro You have someone to share the highs and lows of life with, to love, laugh and cry with, to pursue both individual and joint dreams and goals with.


Con You have twice the laundry to do.




When it's the right partner at least, this is my take. In the wrong relationship, with the wrong person, there are a lot more cons, and not nearly enough pros (which indicates it's time to consider whether it really is right for you anyway).

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