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So busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm very angry right now, so ok I'm gonna posted this as accurate as possible. Three days away I was as usual writing here, talking to a friend who's 30. Well I'm pretty much a computer, esp. Enotalone freak. Well then at around 12 or so, I flash and cyber on cam with this guy. As usual, the same argument with parents, typical BS.


Well around 10 mins later after I got offline, I get the same nasty messages as last time. Only it's a lot worst cuz it's from this guy saying his Thomas's (my ex) friend and that they all saw it all, they even exagerated that I was playing around (I wasn't, I only flash). What made it more worst is they then talked in spanish and damn my folks hear every single word and say we were putting them all over the internet and selling the video for $5.


Ok, I couldn't really lie about that part about cybering, so imagine that, I had to tell them, total embarrassment. And it's no surprise their "in so shocking reaction", that's what I expected and that's the way how they both react, mom crying and crying in disbelieve and dad in disappointment and crush. Ok so I should have past as another name and not really show myself, but I don't really see what the hell is wrong or "dirty" about masturbating or cybering/flashing, it's not like I'm gonna go sleep around, hells nope. They were even considering kicking me out of the house, esp. dad and not really paying for my college class. Then I was force by mom to make this so called "apology", cuz dad wasn't talking to me for hours.


According to mom, she say he considered me a "decent girl", kinda like a princess, innocent type", until that thing (which it's quite normal, geeez). Mom was freaking out the most called me a "future * * * *". Ok, it got to the point I asked "Ok, so if I was a guy doing this online thingy, you would praise it right", the response was "NO", that they would still have reacted the same.


Ok, so at this point since I'm still nto working, pretty much have no choice, but to go by damn rules. My cam was taken out off course, now I won't be able to write here all day like before (now I'm using my campus' comp), curfew until 11 p.m. now, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, then some more BS. Besides that horrible prank they made, what the heck do I have to be sorry about about seeing porn or cybering. They're now thinking I'm a sexual freak and that I'm corrupted. To make me more angry, mom must be thinking that I'm gonna be a true * * * * someday. Grrrrrrrrr, I'm angry right now, no fair. So what if I got sex drives, does that make me a * * * * or pervert?? I don't think so, I'm a virgin. Yes I'm mad about that prank, but I do remember that when I was flashing my face didn't show up, so I dunno, I'm mad.


Seriously besides the phone calls, would any of you people have totally flip/freak out like they did out if your child was cybering or talking dirty the playful way or even playing with themselves???

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Yes I would be very angry. Masturbation should be done alone! Hence the meaning of the word. Your reputation will suffer from this and whether you are a virgin or not, peoples perception of you is their reality, no matter what the truth really is. Your parents care about what people think of you and what they think of them, and doing this changes the way that people look at you. You have to realize this.

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Yea, indeed, Dad say I completely lost all trust. Mom say I even lost his respect too. But see, it's not like I'm screwing around. I'm sure that cybering thing is heard already and many of youths like me are doing it, joking aorund. But nope, I never masturabated in front of them, so that's a total lie, and I have no vibrator, that's a lie too. All I did was flash the top part, that's it, he did masturbate.

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I'm sorry, it must feel really embarrassing being caught by your parents.


No, you're not a pervert or dirty, there's nothing wrong with cybering or flashing if the other person consents.


Yes, indeed, I'm so piss at them right now. I'm more angry that mom force me to apologize to Dad else I was gonna be thrown out of the house and no more paying for my classes for me. I know I'm not a pervert nor dirty, but they think I am. Boy wish I won the lottery now or work, then I would leave already. Not even thinking of buying the porn magazine about the men there, not while I'm still living with them, worst I'm ban from masturbating too as well.

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Honestly, I would be upset as well. I think it always comes as a shock to parents when they find out that their child is exploring their sexuality. I imagine it is very embarrassing for everyone involved as it is usually a private matter. You are not a child anymore and what you do behind closed doors really is only your business.


Your parents among other things may be worried about your safety. I'm sure you are aware that there are predators out there on the internet. In the future you might want to be a bit more careful about who you share sexual experiences with whether physically or virtually. As you know now this guy wasn't trust worthy in the least...

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I don't think any parent wants to find out about their baby engaging in sexual behaviour of any type.


What matters now is that you earn back their trust and respect. (Yeah, I know it's galling...)


And stick to your guns about the parts that are lies. Don't take the rap for actions you haven't committed.




(I had a bf whose friend found out her daughter (14 yr old) had been having sex for money and gifts with her best friend over the net. Can you imagine what when down in that house....It can always be worse...)

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y did you tell them??

They didnt need to know.


Because someone else saying he's Thomas friends phone us and told every single freaking detail and that they all saw the cam. The only lie was that I never masturbated on cam nor have a vibrator, So mom was like "You what, etc." all mad and Dad was like "Is it true, look at me and tell me if that's true". So I had to tell as it is, which most of it was true.


If it wans't for that phone call, heck I wouldn't be telling. Now I don't have the cam anymore. Hate it, so old fashion traditional type parents believing it's dirty.

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I don't see how they could ban you from masturbating. That would be quite a feat if they were able to pull that off. And no you are not a pervert or anything, but you just need to understand that safety and perception are very real concerns on their part. Just be more discreet, and maybe masturbate away from the webcam for awhile.

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I don't see how they could ban you from masturbating.


I know right, I'll still do it anyways, off course I gotta be more discreet now. That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. As for masturbating on cam, that's a BS they were saying, I never did that, only show top part.

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You should have just lied to them and said it wasn't true.


That's what I say at the beginning but Mom didn't believe anything I was saying. She was like "Nope, stop lying, I know this is true". Then Dad was like "I'll only believe what you're saying, look at me", "Is it true". And mom kept insisting, so darn, I was so embarrass and more when I was told a freak with sexual problems, a pervert by mom.

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I know right, like they never had sex education class before. They say it would be the same reaction if I was a guy, so nope nothing would change. Besides I'm a newbie at this "talking dirty" (cybering thing)/flashing.


I don't understand what the heck did I had to apologize to dad, nope, I'm not really sorry about it, I have nothing to be sorry about.

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You know it was probably just a really shocking experience for them. It put it right into their face that their little girl was a sexual being. I can tell you I am not looking forward to the day I find out that my daughter is thinking or having sex. Hopefull I will never find that out. Immaculate conception is how I'm going to look at it. But I'm curious, you say you are new to this... why did you start doing it in the first place?

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But I'm curious, you say you are new to this... why did you start doing it in the first place?


Well it took place about somewhere b/w 3-4 weeks ago when I was going out with my friend and two other friends of her. We were all in a porn store (first time every) and I got arouse when I saw a porn magazine full of nakes men, it was cool. Did see the gallery here online full of men, pics of them. Then a week ago, was my first time ever talking talking and flashing. Three days ago was my second time and that's when this idiot phones us, telling every detail, even exaggerates and lies about the masturbation part.

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I think your parents are probably wondering why you would do this also. But I don't think I'd tell them that you were in a porn store. I'm sure things will blow over pretty soon, and eventually you'll maybe even get a little more privacy out of this once the initial shock wears off. They definitely won't want to walk in on something in the future once they start to let this blow over. Feel free to pm me if you need anymore help. Good luck.

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Seriously besides the phone calls, would any of you people have totally flip/freak out like they did out if your child was cybering or talking dirty the playful way or even playing with themselves???

when my daughter turned 18, i stopped taking parental responsibility for her sexuality and let her do her thing. however, if i heard that she flashes on a webcam, i might remind her that people record such things and if she doesn't want it ALL OVER the Internet then she shouldn't do it online, especially if the people at the other end know who she is.
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I am confused.. .so your ex's friend called your parents to tell them everything? OR this friend told you, that your parents knew so you confessed everything to them????


Well I thought it was a friend I was talking to. But when I got offline, he indentify himself was my ex's friend and that they all saw the cam and that they played a prank on me, that the'll put that over the internet. He phone and told it all and my parents heard anything.

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how do you know they WON'T put it all over the Internet?


I don't know for sure if they're gonna put that pic of me flashing my top part or not. If they do, it won't show my face. Then again I dunno, they can also put when I was talking to them and not flashing, showing myself. And these phone calls being annoying so quite a while, ever since I dumped Thomas (now my ex) like almost a month ago.

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